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On my way to Atlantis
At the begin of times the world was a large
island called AD LAS, toward AD mountain LAS, wherefrom Atlantis. The island
softly rose to the mountain KAL LAS in the center, mountain LAS of the cave or
Underworld KAL, wherefrom Hellas. Inside the mountain was a big and beautiful cave KAL KOS,
‘heavenly’ vault KOS of the cave or Underworld KAL, decorated with beautiful
reliefs made of various metals, KAL KOS accounting for Greek chalkos ‘ore,
copper, bronze, metal’. Another name of that big and beautifully decorated cave
was GRA KOS, ‘heavenly’ vault KOS of the decorated cave GRA, wherefrom Graikoi
Greeks. The cave was inhabited by titans who belonged to the brazen race and
personified metals, among them KAL EN, she inside EN the cave of Underworld
KAL, wherefrom Helen, beautiful Helen of the white arms, Homeric symbol of tin,
and Hellenoi Hellenes, another name of the Greeks (who, my claim, originated in
the region between the Arals Sea and the Alai mountains and cast the first
bronze, alloy of copper and tin, some 5,500 year ago, and whose bards would
have invented the myth I am trying to reconstruct here in my new Magdalenian
chapter, a myth concerning the begin of the Bronze Age, while the Homeric epics
Iliad and Odyssey tell about its end and aftermath). On top of the mountain KAL
LAS resided AAR RAA NOS, mind NOS of the one composed of air AAR and light RAA,
wherefrom Ouranos, also AAR RAA CA, the one composed of air and light in the
sky CA, also AAR RAA ) or AAR RAA L, the one composed of air and light who has
the say ) or L, wherefrom Aral (Sea) and Ural (mountain). A proud river sprang
from the top of KAL LAS and flowed three times around the mountain until
reaching the sea surrounding the island AD LAS Atlantis, personified by AC EON
NOS, mind NOS of the shore EON land AC, wherefrom Oceanos ocean, while the
river was called AD DA, toward AD from DA, flowing toward the sea while coming
from the mountain. The river was personified by PAD AD DA PAS TON, he who goes
PAD toward AD coming from DA and makes himself heard TON wherever he gets,
everywhere PAS, known to us in the form of Poseidon. The river banks were
personified by AD DA NAI, to find a good place to build a camp NAI on the river
that flows toward the sea coming from the mountain, known to us in the form of
Athaenae Athene, while NAI AD DA accounts for the Najades. AAR RAA NOS let it
rain, and the fertile soil made the titans emerge, the first people, the brazen
race of early days.
AAR RAA NOS Ouranos residing on top of the
mountain KAL LAS shone his light RAA and thus made the day. The sun horse was
not yet born. But there was the moon bull, emerging from one of the eastern
clefts in the rock, not in the mountain KAL LAS but beyond the river ocean.
Those clefts were called GAR while the first three days in the life of the
young moon were called GEN, combined GAR GEN, name of the two immortal guards
who watched the clefts beyond the river ocean, those in the east, where the
moon bull emerged from, and those in the west, wherein he disappeared in order
to traverse the Underworld. We know those guards in the form of Gorgons. A
further Gorgon, this time a mortal one, guarded a cleft in the mountain KAL
LAS, realm of the divine hind CER -: I -: or CER LIL, belonging to the female
zone MAI, the sacred cleft where the first animals emerged from the rock. The
Gorgon of this cleft was called MAI DhAG, the able one DhAG of the female zone
MAI, wherefrom Medusa, originally a beautiful girl. Now it came to pass that
MAI DhAG Medusa was seduced by the glittering water on a warm spring afternoon,
so she abandoned her duty, strolled over to the river and took a bath. PAD AD
DA PAS TON Poseidon caught a glimpse of the lovely maiden, and washed over her
in form of a wave. MAI DhAG Medusa turned into a boulder, blocking the river
and making the water flood the fields in hundreds of rivulets, like so many
snakes. PIR SAI, fire PIR life SAI, known to us in the form of Perseus, helper
of the ancient goddess PIR GID, fire PIR giver GID, touched the big boulder
with his fire sword, whereupon the rock turned back into a woman, however, her
head was severed, the hairs were a nest of snakes, and the blood spurting out
of her neck turned into the first horse PAC AS, horse PAC upward AS, wherefrom
Pegasos Pegasus, the winged horse, and into the giant Chrysaor, personification
of the gold people found in river beds (more than today)..PAC AS Pegasus
multiplied himself into a variety of horses, first of all the sun horse of
spring, CA BEL IAS, sky CA warm BEL healing IAS, wherefrom AFelios Helios; then
also the windhorses of AAR RAA AS, upward AS toward the one composed of air AAR
and light RAA, known to us in the form of Iris, rainbow messenger between earth
and sky; the common horses on earth; and the water horses of Poseidon, father
of Pegasus.
AAR RAA NOS Ouranos residing on top of the
mountain KAL LAS was responsible for the daylight (not yet recognized as
indirect sunlight), for the weather, and for time. AAR RAA accounting for Latin
aura ‘breeze, air, daylight’, Rumantg aura ‘weather’, and English aura
‘nimbus’, Greek hora ‘time span, season, spring, harvest, climate, year,
daytime, day, hour, moment, age, youth’, Latin hora ‘hour, time span, season’,
and English hour. Dawn was called AAR RAA ORE, the beautiful one ORE belonging
to and protected by the one composed of air AAR and light RAA personified in
the Roman goddess of dawn Aurora, personification of the eastern horizon and of
the east in general. AAR RAA NOS Ouranos was followed by his son CRE NOS,
ruling CRE mind NOS, wherefrom Kronos or Cronos, god of time, consider our
chronometer. CRE NOS Kronos Cronos was followed by his son TYR, he who
overcomes in the double sense of rule and give, also TYR CA, overcomer TYR in
the sky CA, and TYR PAS, overcomer TYR everywhere PAS, naming the god of
weather and time afflicting everybody. The followers of TYR called themselves
TYR CA MAN, we who carry out the will of the overcomer TYR in the sky CA with
our right hand MAN. Variations of TYR and the compounds involving TYR are found
in the region of the Aral Sea: Turan, Turkmenistan, Darvaza, Amudarja, Turtkul,
Zanadarja, Syrdarja, Trans-Turan, Turkestan, Turksib. Darja means river,
overcomer of a plain, as it were. (We have a river called Thur in the canton of
Zurich in Switzerland, while the Roman name of Zurich was Turicum, and the
still older name might have been TYR AC, designating both the river that
overcomes the land AC, and the people who overcome an expanse of land with
water AC, the land including the river of many arms that dominated the plain
for a very long time, the people overcoming the overcomer, so to say, learning
to cope with the river that ruled life in the plain but also provided water and
fish aplenty, five thousand years ago when the first dwellers settled in the
area of Zurich.) TYR became emphatic Middle Helladic Sseyr, Doric Sseus, and
Homeric Zeus. TYR CA is also present in Turk, Turkey, Turkish. TYR PAS became
Latin tempus ‘time’, tempestas ‘weather, storm’, and tempus ‘temple of the
forehead’, the latter equating the
clouded sky with the clouded brow of the weather god, German umwölkte Stirn,
literally clouded forehead. The god was present in time and weather, reaching
everybody everywhere, overcomer TYR everywhere PAS. Latin tempus ‘time’ would
be a polished form of TYR PAS, the impossible -YRP- turned into -emp-. German
Zeit for time would be a similar development as TYR Sseyr Sseus Zeus. And
finally TYR PLO as name of a shrine of the god surrounded by a fence made in
the wickerwork technique PLO would have become Latin templum, -YRP- again
polished to -emp-, TYR PLO templum, TYR PAS tempus.
CER -: I -: or CER LIL, divine hind who called
animals into life, was an emanation of the ancient goddess BIR GID the fur
giver and became Hera, the wife of TYR Sseyr Sseus Zeus. Her name survives in
English herd, series, and in German Herde, Serie. -: I -: has many derivatives,
among them lip (the divine hind of Altamira licked moon bulls into life, thus
creating time, lunations, period of 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 … days or
nights), German Leben English life, German Liebe English love, Latin libido,
Ugaritic dd ‘beloved’, Phoenician Dido ‘loved one’, perhaps Ukrainian lyalka
‘doll’, then the flower lily and the female given name Lily, and a locally
famous word from the Swiss canton of Fribourg used for calling a cow, ljoba,
from Celtic loba, a call serving to hold a herd together, so we are back to CER
-: I -: *kerdeh herd. Hera was connected to cows by the Homeric epithet
cow-eyed Hera. She ruled the female zone MAI, the secret cleft GAR in the rock
of the mountain KAL LAS wherefrom the first animals emerged, guarded by MAI
DhAG Medusa. When this one abandoned the cleft on a fateful day in spring, one
of the titans, a member of the brazen first race, approached the cleft and slew
a variety of animals emerging from the rock. Why and what for? He planned to
create a new race of people that resemble the gods. He formed them of clay,
inserted seeds of life he had found in the fertile soil, and now added
properties he took from the animals that he slew when they left the sacred
cleft in the rock of the mountain KAL LAS, inserting these properties and
abilities into his clay people. Now they had the shape of humans and a seed of
life each, but lacked a soul. AD DA NAI Athaenae Athene was pleased by the
lovely new creatures and blew a soul into them, so they came fully to life. The
first humans were made. Now the titan who had shaped them was called PRO MAI
DhAG, the word PRO meaning to beat in forward direction, MAI DhAG refers to the
sacred zone of the cleft guarded and then abandoned by the able one DhAG of the
female zone MAI. The name PRO MAI DhAG is known to us in the form of
PRO MAI DhAG Prometheus formed his clay people,
the first human beings, at a well protected place DAI in a secret cave KAL he
used for a new
Deukalion and Pyrrha worshiped the gods and
goddesses, however, their children and children’s children did not, rebelled
against Poseidon, and, what is more, incited the titans to rebel against Zeus,
whereupon Zeus left the mountain KAL LAS in the middle of the island AD LAS
Atlantis, and the earth-shaker Poseidon shook up the island, made the mountain
topple and much of the island sink, drowning all titans and all humans apart
from the first ones, the couple Deukalion and Pyrrha. Remains of the former
mountain KAL LAS are now seen everywhere in the world, and remains of the
island KAL LAS are present in the continents, while the former beautiful hall
KAL in the first mountain LAS, with all the shining and glittering reliefs
along the walls and on the vault, was crashed, and is now present in ore leads
and veins and pockets inside mountains, hard to get at, requiring the labor of
mining in order to extract. Only the life of Deukalion and Pyrrha was spared.
They had more children and children’s children who spread all over the new face
of the world. One tribe settled in the
Conclusion: Atlantis would have been a mythical
Eberhard Zangger identified
TYR became an almost omnipresent god, most
often the weather god whose longest name or title was ShA PAD TYR AS CA, ruler
ShA who goes ahead and leads the way PAD (activity of feet) and overcomes in
the double sense of rule and give TYR up above AS (upward) in the sky CA,
wherefrom ShA PAD TYR Jupitter Jupiter Jovis Giove, DhAG PAD TYR Dis Pater,
byname of Zeus, TYR emphatic Middle Helladic Sseyr Doric Sseus Homeric Zeus,
DhAG Dios, alternative name of Zeus, as for Sseyr consider also the Serri bull
of the Hittite weather god, ShA CA Jahwe, rider of clouds from Mount Seir (!)
in the Negev, TYR Syria Tyros, TYR CA Turk Turkey Turkish, TYR CA MAN we who
carry out the will of the overcomer TYR in the sky CA with our right hand MAN
(the most fervent believers in the god accounting for the old Turkish
augmentative –men), ShA PAD Shiva and TYR CA Durga, an emanation of Shiva’s
wife, and finally the full name or title ShA PAD TYR AS CA is preserved in the
name of the village Giubiasco on a bend of the river Ticino in southern
Switzerland where the lovely Italian landscape of the Lago Maggiore abruptly
goes over into the grim landscape of the Swiss Alps, where people heading for
the mountains implored good weather from the god, while those returning from
the mountains thanked for the good weather and the luck they had … The male
overcomer TYR was preceded by a female one, AD DA MAI TYR, the overcomer TYR
guarding the female zone of the camp MAI, watching the coming to AD and fro DA,
a name or title accounting for Daemaetaer Demeter, personal union of the three
ancient goddesses: the fire giver PIR GID and fur giver BIR GID and fertility
giver BRI GID. A daughter of Demeter in the form of Elaia was Nyx, from
Magdalenian NYG meaning night, a goddess mentioned on the Elaia disc: … Come,
Noble Late Night, always born again by the goddess! (Derk Ohlenroth). Nyx was
the daughter of the goddess and had daughters in the Moirae who spun, measured
and cut the thread of life (and were feared by everybody including Zeus, their
Roman equivalents the Fatae ‘fates’ by Jupiter). ‘Daughter’ may com from DhAG
TYR, able DhAG overcomer TYR, the night coming over the day. Nyx had an alter
ego in Aphrodite, Nyx Aphrodite, goddess of love, also an overcomer, her name
indicating the fertilitiy giver BRI GID, a-bri-gid-e a-fro-dit-e Aphrodite, and
providing an explanation for Latin Africa, suggesting
The emblem of Atlantis may have been a rosette
of eight petals and a small circle in the center, the cicle indicating TYR
Sseyr Sseus Zeus in the center, and the petals North and South, East and West,
Underworld and Sky, Past and Future, declaring Zeus the Lord of the Universe.
The flower appears in the center of the
Bronze allowed to manufacture bridles, and bridles
made it possible to tame horses. Magdalenian PAC means horse. PAS means
everywhere (in a plain), here, south and north of me, east and west of me. PAS
PAC would then mean: a horse PAC to get everywhere PAS and may account for PIE
“ekwos ‘horse’, while inverse PAS PAC might account for Sanskrit asva ‘horse’,
the first P omitted, the second P softened to v, the final C again omitted. PAC
may also account for wagon German Wagen, horse and wagon being an item, and for
German Weg English way, the horse trampling a way into the meadow and soil.
German Wiese ‘meadow’ may stem from PAS, and Weide ‘pasture’ from PAD for the
activity of feet, the comparative PAS for everywhere in a plain present in the
English form pasture. English wheel goes back to the organization of an early
town or polis, from Magdalenian POL meaning fortified settlement, inverse LOP
for the protecting fence or wall, CO for the right eye, inverse OC for an
attentive mind, together CO OC LOP meaning: to watch out over the fence or wall
LOP with open eyes OC and an attentive mind CO. This compound has a derivative
in Cyclops, the most famous one being Polyphem, the ‘much talked about’ Cyclops
representing Troy whose acropolis was surrounded by a cyclopic wall, guards
standing on the wall and looking out over the land, with open eyes CO, and in
the center ruled the king, the master mind CO. The visual symbol is present in
the shield of the soldiers on the
TYR Sseyr Sseus Zeus was the father of Apollo,
his mother was Laetho, second only to Hera, and his twin sister Artemis. Apollo
was the master archer, Magdalenian RYT meaning spear thrower, archer, consider
Greek rhytaer ‘archer, protector’, RYT and TYR being inverse forms. Also his twin
sister Artemis, emanation of the ancient fur giver BIR GID, was an archer.
Apollo was the god of light, later identified with Phoebus Apollo, sun god on
his wagon. Laetho and her twin children stood on the mountain Kynthos, from GYN
DhAG, able DhAG woman GYN, personifying the eastern hills and mountains where
the sun rises from, giving birth to the sun in the form of Phoebus Apollo.
Hekatos Apollo, the far shooting Apollo, was the master archer and patron of
bowmen. He was also the god of wisdom and prophecy, of music and poetry, and of
healing, Aesculap his son. He also sent disease and quick, non-violent death.
His original name could have been AD POL IAN, wherefrom Hittite Appaliuna Greek
Apollon Roman Apollo Etruscan Aplu, the original name meaning toward AD
fortified settlement POL to mark the future place of the entrance of a new
Apollo would have been the god of the spreading
civilization, worshiped by the people of the Linear Ware Culture, seven
thousand years ago, the people who built longhouses along the river
DAI as number would have named more or less ten
people under the same roof. Latin December goes back to Magdalenian DEC for to
behave decently, namely in the tenth month of the Late Magdalenian calendar,
when the hunters returned to the winter camp and had to behave in the narrow
space of a tent or hut. A further word indicating ten is DIG meaning finger,
present in Latin digitus, and, with an infix, in English finger German Finger.
An interesting word for finger is PIE *polik(o)s ‘finger ‘thumb’, Latin pellex
‘thumb’ Russian palec ‘finger, toe’. I recognize POL meaning fortified
settlement, and LIC meaning light and luck, perhaps indicating fire pillars (a
pillar and on top a flame) in the form of ‘thumbs’ illuminating early towns,
Greek polis itself being a possible derivative of POL LIC, then meaning city of
lights, consider Paris, ville de lumières, French ville ‘town’ a derivative of
POL, and New York, city of lights. The many lights could have accounted for
Greek poly- ‘many’, while English many is a derivative of MAN for the right
hand, many people many hands, many hands many people (pars pro toto for a human
The mother of Apollo was Laetho, Roman Latona,
in her name LAD for hill, a word also present in Latium, land of hills, and the
first village of Rome was founded on the Palatinus, wherein we may find POL LAD
INA, fortified settlement POL on a hill LAD, there, let us found a new camp
over there INA, together: let us found a new camp and then a fortified
settlement over there, on that hill. LAD INA would then also account for Latin,
naming the people who settled on hills, and then their language. I derive the
name of Rome from REO MAN, we who carry out the will of the goddess REO Rhea
with our right hand MAN. Rhea was the wife of Cronos, among her children was
one Aventicus, whom she had from Heracles, a god worshiped in the form of
Hercle by the Etruscans, master town builders, and in the hills of Latium flows
a river by the name of Avens, joining the Tiber and reaching Rome, where we
find a hill named Aventicus next to the Mons Palatinus. Rhea must have played a
role in the life of the Romans. Athens is named for AD DA NAI Athene, to find a
good place for a camp NAI on a river that flows toward AD the sea while coming
from DA the mountains, or along a trading route going toward AD one place while
coming from DA another place. Athene and Apollo were antagonists in the Trojan
war, Apollo on the side of Troy, apparently proud of the good place he had
chosen for the town.
place names
Indo-European homeland, civilization of REO Rhea Rheia)
1) The
sky god of the Göbekli Tepe was AAR RAA NOS, mind NOS of the one composed of
air AAR and light RAA, visualized by a big limestone ring that shows a framed glimpse
of the sky in round form, with two small hollows for the ears, making the
intention of a head and face unmistakable (although the ring has been
photographed slightly from the side), a head consisting of nothing but air and
light ouranos.JPG AAR RAA NOS became Greek
Ouranos, Sanskrit Varuna, and Egyptian Ra – the supreme god appearing in the
solar disc, spending his daylight RAA. The variation AAR RAA CA, the one
composed of air and light in the sky CA, became Harappan muruku, Tamil Murukan,
and Egyptian Horus, while AAR RAA AC, the one composed of air and light on
earth AC, became Horakhty, Horus on the horizon (moon and sun rising and
setting). AAR RAA NOS accounts for the names of many valleys, for example Val
d'Aran, while Arundel combines AAR RAA NOS with DAL for dale, valley, German
Tal. A valley is a hollow between hills and mountains, filled with air and
light. In the Valais, southwestern Switzerland, we have the Val d'Hérens
leading to the mountain peak Dent d'Hérens next to the famous Matterhorn, a
side valley being the Val d'Arollo, perhaps from AAR RAA ) or AAR RAA L, the one composed of air and
light has the say ) or L, while a longer side valley of the Val
d'Hérens, forking off further down, is called Val d'Hérémence, perhaps from AAR
RAA MAN, those who carry out the will of the heavenly Lord composed of air and
light with their right hand MAN. The followers of the sky god on the Göbekli
Tepe called themselves NOS AAR RAA, they who follow the mind NOS of the one
composed of air and light, namely AAR RAA NOS for whom Harran / Haran was
named, an important place in the Bible, some forty kilometers south of the
Göbekli Tepe, AAR-RAA-NOS AAR-RAA-N hARRAN. Propably the most frequent pictogram
on the Göbekli Tepe is the snake that has to do with water – snakes heading
skyward symbolizing prayers for rain and the smoke of sacrificial fires
imploring rain, while snakes heading downward symbolize falling rain rewarding
the prayers and sacrificial fires. The early farmers of that region on the
margin of the
Pillars were erected in honor of AAR RAA NOS, on the Göbekli Tepe and
elsewhere. Jacob on his way to Harran sleeps in the wilderness of Judea, sees
the Lord on top of a heavenly ladder – high up in the air AAR, surrounded by an
aureole of light RAA – and in the morning erects a pillar in honor of the
heavenly Lord (Genesis 28). AAR RAA NOS Ouranos had a son by the name of CRE
NOS Chronos Cronus, ruling CRE mind NOS, and this one had a friend (and
possible alter ego) in ShA PAD Japhet (Hebrew) Japetos (Greek), the ruler ShA
goes ahead and leads the way PAD (activity of feet). CRE NOS and ShA PAD
wandered all the way to the Aegaean shore of Anatolia in the west, and to the Pamir
in the east, roof of the world, where they resided on the two highest mountain
peaks of Tadjikistan, close to each other, Chronos governing the heavenly
cycles, thus becoming the god of time (his name surviving in our chronometer).
Now the worshippers of CRE NOS overturned the pillars of AAR RAA NOS, and this
was remembered as castration of Ouranos in Greek mythology. Chronos married
Rhea, from REO meaning to flow, river. Chronos and Rhea had a son by the name
of Zeus, originally TYR, the one who overcomes in the double sense of rule and
give, TYR became Middle Helladic Sseyr (Phaistos Disc, Derk Ohlenroth),
emphatic Sseyr became Doric Sseus, and Sseus Homeric Zeus. (Japhet had a son by
the name of Tiras, Genesis 10:2, which makes me assume that Japhet might have
been an alter ego of Chronos). The byname of Zeus was Diós, from DhAG meaning
able, good in the sense of able. His emblematic animal was the eagle, German
Adler but also
wL-Kwos PIE *wlkwos ‘wolf’
Ly-Kos Greek lykos ‘wolf’
Lu-pus Latin lupus ‘wolf’
Tocharian B walkwe ‘wolf’
wiL-KAs Lithuanian wilkas ‘wolf’
voL-K Russian volk ‘wolf’
wui-K Albanian uik ‘wolf’
vAhr-KA Avestan vahrka ‘wolf’
vr-KA Sanskrit vrka ‘wolf’
English wolf
so dogs, tamed wolfs, might once
have guarded the precious metals gained from mines, from caves, from the
Underworld KAL. The first wolves were tamed 15,000 years ago, and might have
guarded flint mines. KAL is present in the names of mining people, Hellenoi,
Gallii, keltoi Celts, Helvetii. The Underworld KAL had once been a beautiful
place, Greek kallos 'beautiful', but became a hell with the labor of mining.
The historical Zeus might have come from the Hindukush, pivot of
3) The
historical TYR Sseyr Sseus Zeus, Tiras in the Bible, he who overcomes in the
double sense of rule and give, would have come from the AD DA KOS Hindukush,
watershed of rivers that flow toward AD the sea while coming from DA the
mountains, resting place of the heavenly vault KOS, and would have lived in the
Early Bronze Age, some 5,500 years ago. The historical Hades would represent
the miners of copper and tin in the mines of the Alai Mountains and
Tadjikistan, while the historical Poseidon would represent the riders who
connected the mountains with the Aral Sea, covering a distance of some one
thousand kilometers, galopping along the Amu-Darya, each group of riders
responsible for the section from one to the next station on the river banks.
Zeus punished Prometheus for having stolen the fire of the sun, chained him to
a rock in the Caucasus, and made an eagle feed on his liver, taking out a daily
portion that grew back in the night. Prometheus would represent the inventive minds
who managed to fuel the melting ovens and generate a much greater heat than
ever before. Zeus confined their power, and asked for tributes. What about the
Caucasus? There is a village called Alexandreia on the Caucasus on a map of the
region in around 300 AD, so the historical Prometheus could have lived in that
sector of the Pamir. The historical Zeus would have reinstalled AAR RAA NOS,
naming the Aral Sea for this god, AAR RAA )
or AAR RAA L, the one composed of air AAR and light RAA has the say ) or
L. We find the god also on the other side of the AD DA KOS Hindukush, namely in
Harappa, a polished form of AAR RAA AD DA, the heavenly Lord composed of air
AAR and light RAA presides over the city on a river that flows toward AD the
sea while coming from DA the mountains, AD DA being a generic formula for a
river, also for a trading route. Bronze, alloy of copper and tin, is harder
than copper, also than copper with an addition of antimon. Bronze allowed to
cast bridles, bridles made it possible to tame horses, and riding horses
allowed the new civilization and their language – a specific dialect of Late
Magdalenian, or Proto-Indo-European – to spread quickly in all directions. The
first homeland of the Indo-Europeans would have been the banks of the Amu-Darya
and the Lowland of Turan, their second homeland the Uralic steppes, and their
third homeland the Pontic steppes.
4) The
name of AAR RAA NOS had spread widely, and so did the name of TYR Sseyr Sseus
Zeus. We find him in ShA PAD TYR Jupitter Jupiter Jovis Giove, the ruler ShA
goes ahead PAD and overcomes in the double sense of rule and give TYR. Jupiter
was also called Dis Pater, from DhAG PAD TYR, DhAG meaning able, good in the
sense of able, also present in TYR DhAG Zeus Diós. TYR CA Turk-, the overcomer
TYR in the sky CA. On the Indian subcontinent we have ShA PAD Shiva and TYR CA
Durga, one of the emanations of Shiva's wife.
5) Many
rivers were named for TYR, many more for REO Rhea, mother of TYR Sseyr Sseus
Zeus, while the
6) Rhea
had an alter ego in the Gallo-Roman goddess Epona, from the same AC PAS
accounting for Latin equus 'horse' – on the back of this animal you get
everywhere PAS on earth AC … Epona rode a horse in lady fashion, seated
sideways, accompanied by a bird, a fowl, and a dog, reminding of the emblematic
animals of Zeus, an eagle, of Poseidon, a horse, and of Hades, a dog. Poseidon
was originally the river god, so his horse can represent a river, and the same
for the horse of Epona; as alter ego of REO Rhea she is the mother of Zeus and
Poseidon and Hades. The center of the Epona cult in Gallia was Alesia, on the
wide plateau of the low but steep-walled Mont Auxois at the base of Mont Réa
(!). Rhea, as goddess of life and flowing time and streaming water, filling the
world with her fecund presence, was invoked by signs carved in rock. Many of
them are lost, others are preserved, among them the amazing carvings in over
two-thousand quarztite cult caves in the
SIG-KAL SIG-KwALn SI-KwAn – Sequana
river of the goddess of the signs carved in
rock SIG worshipped in caves KAL, and this river, as any other river, springs
from the Underworld KAL, a word also accounting for German Quelle 'spring' and
English well – the ancient ones believed that wells and springs and ponds and
swamps and lakes are connected to the Underworld
KAL KwAL – Quelle well
The inverse form of SIG KAL, namely KAL SIG,
may be present in Alesia
KAL-SIG AL-e-SI AL-e-SI-a – Alesia
7) Paris
was named for the Celtic tribe of the Parisii. The Gallo-Roman name was
Lutetia, then Lutèce. Lutetia may come from LAD AD DA, the hill LAD on the
river that meanders toward AD the sea while coming from DA the low mountains in
the east. We know that hill as
8) The
Rhine was named for REO Rhea. On the upper Rhine are many rocks bearing signs,
most often cup marks. Wonderful carvings are found on the rocks of Carschenna
Domleschg, above Sils and Thusis on the
comparable to her son TYR DhAG who became Zeus
Diós. If so, we might expect signs carved in rock also on the upper course of
the Amu-Darya. Further cup-and-ring marks with radial lines are found in the
highland of Britain, and in other regions, perhaps all testifying to the
ancient goddess of Eurasia, REO Rhea, the goddess of life and flowing time and
streaming water, filling the world with her fecund presence.
9) The
lunisolar calendar of the Göbekli Tepe had a month of 30 days, a year of 12
months, plus 5 and occasionally 6 additional days, while 63 continuous periods
of 30 days are 1,890 days and correspond to 64 lunations or synodic months,
mistake less than one minute per lunation, or half a day in a lifetime. Also
the Egyptian month had 30 days. The eyes of the Horus falcon were moon and sun.
Seth destroyed the lunar eye. Wise Thoth healed it, adding up the numerical
equivalents of the six parts of the lunar eye, 1/2 plus 1/4 plus 1/8 plus 1/16
plus 1/32 plus 1/64 or simply '2 '4 '8 '16 '32 '64, The restored lunar eye was
called The Whole One. However, the numbers don't really add up to one. Why then
'the whole one'? Multiply the month of 30 days by the series of the Horus eye
'2 '4 '8 '16 '32 '64 and you obtain 29 '2 '32 days or 29 days 12 hours 45
minutes, practically a lunation of 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 2.9 seconds
(modern average value from 1989 AD). So 'the whole one' means one whole
lunation or synodic month, of the same numerical definition as in the lunisolar
calendar of the Göbekli Tepe, while the name of Thoth may go back to DhAG DhAG
meaning able able, good in the sense of able, which also accounts for the name
of the supreme Celtic god Dagda who was the good god in the sense of able god –
able physically while Thoth was able intellectually. His wife was Seshat, The
One Who Wrote First, 'she who is foremost in the house of books', the goddess
of writing and measuring and building and of the calendar. Seshat recorded the
regnal years and jubilees which were alloted to the king, but she certainly
also cared about the annual rise of the river Nile, warning the farmers if the
waters rose too slowly or quickly. The -hat of her name means house, reminding
of Magdalenian KOD for tent, hut, while the initial Ses(h)- might perhaps go
back to SIG for sign. We have then SIG KOD Seshat, house of signs, a perfect
match to 'the one who is foremost in the house of books'. Osiris was the
proto-dynastic personification of the Nile. His name might go back to ASI REO
meaning honor dignity ASI, to flow river REO, the venerable ASI river REO, the
Nile as majestic river.
10) SIG
and derivatives appear in the Icelandic Volsunga Saga and the German
Nibelungenlied, Song of the Nifelungs, namely Vol-sung-a Sag-a Song Sig-mund
Sig-urd Sieg-fried. The goddess of the signs carved in rock SIG was also a
healer, testified to by many votif gifts deposited in the pond of the main
source of the river Seine, above Alesia, in a lonely valley west of Dijon. If
the goddess promised one a long and healthy life one could undergo any risk,
and hope to return victorious, German Sieg meaning victory. Now the original
Volsungs might have been the people of the Ile-de-France called KAL SIG, those
who worship the goddess of the signs carved in rock SIG in over two-thousand
quartzite caves KAL
voL-SunG – Volsungs
Their bards would have summarized the events of
the transition from the Stone Age to the Metal Age in their songs, in a story
of a cursed treasure guarded by a dragon, the dragon being a serpent, symbol of
a river, and the cursed treasure gold found in river beds, by then in larger
quantities than today (there are still gold washers on the Upper Rhine), gold
being the metal of metals, its possession causing envy and treason and fights
and murder. Sigurd Siegfried was made invulnerable by taking a bath in the
river, alas, a leaf covered a tiny spot of his body and left it vulnerable, so
he got killed. Now those cycles of bardic songs might have been picked up by
the Burgundiones who had left their home in northeast Germany in the fifth
century AD, crossed the Rhine and settled in central France, in the region
called Burgund in German, Bourgogne in French, which would have resulted in the
German Nibelungenlied, the Nifelungs being Burgunds, and the same songs could
have been picked up by the Vikings who attacked Paris in 945 AD, which would
have resulted in the Icelandic Volsunga Saga from the 13th century. Both the
older Volsunga Saga and the younger Nibelungenlied would have been adaptations
of a general motif to specific events, in the case of the Nibelungenlied the
Varius battle in the Teutoburger Wald (relying on an interpretation from a TV
11) The
Divine Hind CER -: I -: or CER LIL
(pronounce the sound given as -: by touching both lips with the tip of the
tongue) licked moon bulls into life, thus creating time, lunations or synodic
months, periods of 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 ... days. Her main
sanctuary is the wonderful Altamira cave in northern Spain, where she licks the
horns of a small bison under her hind1.JPG The goddess was also worshipped
as Hind Woman, appearing in the constellation of ORE EON Orion, on the
beautiful ORE bank or shore EON of the CA LAK, the heavenly CA river or lake
LAK we know in the form of galaxy or Milky Way. She is present ex negativo
between the pair of opposing ibices in the niche at the rear end of the axial
gallery of Lascaux, the opposing ibices being the symbol of midwinter according
to Marie E.P. König. The Hind Woman released moon bulls from Aldebaran in
Taurus. The Divine Hind or Hind Woman was also the goddess of vegetation, and
she granted a second life to the souls of worthy people in the beyond, along
the banks of the heavenly river CA LAK. The Divine Hind was worshipped in wide
parts of Eurasia, probably also in Uppland, Sweden, on the morainic hill
between Gästre and Härkeberga, the latter name from CER CA BIR RAG, stag or
hind CER sky CA, celestial hind CER CA, while BIR means fur, and RAG means to
tower, loom, German ragen, originally naming the line of head and back of an
animal in cave art, strongly evocative of the whole animal (Leroy-Gourhan), a
word of very many derivatives, among them Greek rachos 'back, mountain ridge',
Old English ryc and German Rücken 'back', German Bergrücken English mountain
ridge (also Latin rex and regina 'king and queen', Sanskrit raj 'king', English
regal and royal, English right, German Recht 'law', and so on). BIR RAG
accounts for German Berg 'mountain', seen as back of a furry animal, for
example a bear ... Later on the Paleolithic goddess of time and vegetation and
of a second life in the beyond was replaced by REO Rhea, goddess of life and
flowing time and streaming water, filling the world with her fecund presence,
worshipped with a double sanctuary, one on the river near Gästre, the other
with a rock bearing almost five-hundred cup marks at Härkeberga – in Uppland
have been counted 30,000 cup marks, and the rock at Härkeberga is the richest
of all cup marked stones perhaps in the entire northern world. Gästre would
originally have been called GES DAL REO AC CA, a long name that makes an
ingenious double use of REO AC CA and means: place of the boulders in the
valley DAL on the river REO belonging to the land AC under the sky CA, boulders
indicating or gesturing GIS the way to the other sanctuary of REO, daughter of
the earth AC (Gaia) and the sky CA (Ouranos) … Gästre was known as Gestharen
Gestereke kunxby Gestrene Gesthren Gestring Gestriken Gestrikebynn Gestringen
Gestringe Gästre while fifteen fields were called Gestilren, perhaps also
Gestilsren (?). GIS became Ges- Gäs-, DAL became tha(l) th(al) t(al) til, REO
became ren sren (?) rin (?) r re, AC CA became eke iken ike ingen inge ing g
(?), in other parts of Europe also -acum, -ac, -ikon, while kunxby might
indicate property of the king, and -bynn might be related to Old High German
biunt Middle High German biunde Swiss Bünte 'what winds around', naming a
fenced in area separated from the common land. The short form Gästre is
comparable to Embra for Edinburgh. REO Rhea had an alter ego in the Gallo-Roman
horse goddess Epona. Horses are being bred in the region of Gästre and
Härkeberga and Enköping (kunxby = king’s bynn, fenced in area used for breeding
the king’s horses?). The name of REO Rhea might account for English to run
German rennen, running horses. The distance between the hypothetical sanctuary
on the river near Gästre and the other at Härkeberga might have been covered on
horseback in summer, and on sleds drawn by reindeers in winter, REO Rhea this
time accounting for rein-deer German Ren.
Härkeberga is famous for the medieval church paintings by Albertus
Pictorius from 1480. Churches were often built on places of pagan worship. In
the Swiss Alps we have the famous of Zillis on the Upper Rhine, with wonderful
paintings in the cassettes of the wooden ceiling, from the second half of the
12th century. On the other side of the Upper Rhine is a Roman cult cave,
probably already used in pre-Roman times. The village next to Zillis, meanwhile
fusioned with Zillis, is called Ruschein, another reminder of REO Rhea. May the
church of Zillis have been built on the place of a former rock bearing signs?
among them cup-and-ring marks with radial crosses, the main sign of REO Rhea?
The Cretan Rheia was also worshipped on mountains. Zillis and Ruschein are at
the base of a steep mountain. Perhaps there was another sanctuary somewhere up
the slope? The name of Zillis might indicate as much – if it comes from SAL
LAS, watery ground of a valley SAL mountain LAS. Double sanctuaries in honor of
this goddess could then have been the rule, one on the river, the other on
land, on a hill or a mountain, connected by a procession way. From Zillis down
the Rhine you get into the dangerous ravine called Via Mala, Bad Way, then you
come to Thusis and Sils in the Domleschg, in the valley Nisellas, the cliffs
above Salatschas, and further up the rocks of Carschenna. Sils and Nisellas and
Salatschas might be further derivatives of SAL LAS. Again further down the
Rhine, opposite of Liechtenstein, is a village by the name of Salez, at the
base of the steep mountain range called Alpstein, Salez being another possible
derivative of SAL LAS, indicating a further possible double sanctuary of REO
Rhea, as we found one at GIS DAL REO AC CA Gestilren Gästre and CER CA BIR RAG
Härkeberga in Uppland, the richest archaeological region of Sweden.
Below the biggest cup-and-ring mark (nine rings around the hollow) with
a radial cross on a rock of Carschenna (slab II) appears an archer on a
horse reo06.JPG
Magdalenian RYT for spear thrower and archer, Greek rhytaer 'archer',
inverse of TYR for the one who overcomes in the double sense of rule and give.
An emphatic form of TYR became Middle Helladic Sseyr Doric Sseus Homeric Zeus,
an equally emphatic form of RYT may have become German Ross English horse,
while normal RYT may account for German Reiter English rider, German "Ross
und Reiter" being an item. Zeus was a son of Rhea, while the Gallo-Roman
horse goddess Epona would have been one of her guises, Epona and Greek hippos
and Latin equus coming from AC PAS, earth AC everywhere PAS – riding on the
back of this animal you get everywhere PAS on earth AC ... Rhea was identified
with Cybele, from CA BEL or longer CA BEL IAS meaning sky CA warm BEL healing
IAS, name of the sun horse of spring, the warm spring sun healing the ailments
of a long and harsh winter, wherefrom AFelios Helios, name of the Greek sun god
directing the sun wagon drawn by a quadriga of horses. CA BAL, sky hot, was the
name of the summer sun horse, wherefrom Spanish caballo 'horse', Latin cavallus
French cheval, while German Ritter for chevalier comes again from RYT for an
archer, now an archer riding a horse. CA LAB, sky cold, was the name of the
winter sun horse, wherefrom galopp and German Klepper English clopper. Hear
them run across the sky
CA LAB ...
CA BEL ...
CA BAL ...
Cybele got pregnant on the festival of the
spring equinox and gave birth to the Kouros, the Cretan Zeus, in the Idaean
cave on midwinter (my interpretation). REOs connection to the sun horse
confirms her function as goddess of time. (Measure out a rectangle in the wide
plain of Härkeberga, let the longer sides run from south to north and make them
measure three units, let the shorter sides run from east to west and make them
measure two units, mark the corners with boulders, and the four stones would
have provided sighting lines for the rising and setting sun on the equinoxes
and solstices. Uppland 3x2, Anglesay 1x1, Carnac 3x4. In a wide plain of
Northern Crete or Upper Mesopotamia you would have drawn a circle, marked
north, divided the circumference into 6 or 12 equal arcs using the radius,
marked the half dozen or dozen points with poles, and used them for sighting
lines indicating the rising and setting sun on the equinoxes and solstices.)
14) On
the rock at Backa near Brastad in Sweden appear many ships and horses (in one
case a horse above and a ship under a straight line, suggesting a visual
equation of ship and horse). One of the ships is combined with a ring-cross,
emblem of REO Rhea reo08.JPG A prophesy in the legend of
Jason and the Argonauts links the sea goddess of Libya with both a huge horse
of a golden mane and the ship Argo that is called a mother, testifying to an
early identification of streaming water, horse and ship via the goddess of
life. In Homer's Odyssey, sheep and goats can symbolize ships of various
nations gathering in the Trojan harbor of the Besik Bay (Polyphem's cave), oxen
freight ships on the Black Sea, and horses the swift Achaean ships. Odysseus
reaches pleasant Scherie riding a beam like a horse, and leaves it sleeping,
the ships starting like stallions. Eberhard Zangger identified pleasant Scherie
with an early Troy (and the hero's arrival there as a time travel). The name of
Scherie may then go back to ShA REO, Troy as ruler ShA presiding over the
strong and rapid waters REO of the Dardanelles or Hellespont. Horse-loving Troy
would name both the living horses grazing in the fertile plain called Troas,
and the metaphorical horses on the water, ships, perhaps with prows in the
shape of horses' necks and heads. In the Odyssey, horses are mentioned for the
first time in book 2 line 18, Ilion eis eupolon ebae koilaes naeuesin, 'Ilion
of the good horses' followed by the 'hollow ship' of Odysseus. And the Trojan
horse? was of course another ship ... A snake appears on the rock of Aspebeget
near Tannun, Bohuslän, Sweden. Snakes often symbolize flowing water. The famous
fayence figurines of the snake goddess from Knossos in Crete may represent
Rheia. In the Odyssey, REO Rhea Rheia is mentioned indirectly, in the name of
the harbor Rheithron (book 1 line 184) where Athene's ship anchors, revealing
early Athene as an emanation of REO Rhea, the more so as her name contains the
generic formula for streaming water, a flowing river, also a trading route: AD
DA NAI, a good place for a camp NAI on a river that flows toward AD the sea
while coming from DA the hills and mountains, or a good place for a camp on a
crossing of trading routes that run toward AD some places while coming from DA
other places. The form NAI AD DA would account for naiade, and perhaps also for
Neith, Egyptian equivalent of Athene. Prow and rear end of symmetrical ships in
Swedish rock carvings are sometimes rendered as raised hands, then imploring
the help of REO Rhea, the goddess of life worshipped in wide parts of Eurasia,
also the goddess who granted a second life in the beyond, on the banks of the
celestial river or lake CA LAK we know as galaxy or Milky Way. Along the shores
of Scandinavia, the dead were placed on rafts or in boats and buried on the
water – prow and rear end in form of raised hands would then implore the
goddess for a second life in the beyond for the soul of a dead person delivered
to her on a funeral raft or in a funeral boat.
Scandinavian water burials may have invoked the Paleolithic triple
goddess, namely the fire giver PIR GID and the fur giver BIR GID and the
fertility giver BRI GID. The raft or boat carrying the body was set on fire, so
we have the presence of PIR GID. Magdalenian BIR means fur, especially the fur
on which a newborn was placed, preferably a bear fur, the best fur, thick,
longhaired, soft and warm. Also a dead body was placed on fur, in the hope of a
second birth in the beyond, wherefrom bier German Bahre, so that also the fur
giver BIR GID was involved, and the fertility giver BRI GID would have granted
a worthy soul a second life along the celestial river or lake CA LAK we know as
galaxy or Milky Way ... The Divine Hind was an emanation of BIR GID, while her
successor REO was an emanation of BRI GID. Her emblematic ring-cross, a cross
inside a circle, may have had a double meaning we can now read: AC PAS Epona
hippos equus 'horse' and PAS CA Paskha Pasqua Pâques 'Easter'. AC means earth,
an expanse of land with water, while inverse CA means sky. PAS means everywhere
in a plain, here, south and north of me, east and west of me. Earth AC and sky
CA are present in the ring, symbolic circle of the horizon. PAS is present in
the cross, 'here' in the center and the other places in the four arms. AC PAS –
riding a horse you can get everywhere on earth ... PAS CA – may the soul of a
worthy dead be born again in the beyond and roam the sky in his next life as he
roamed the land in this life ...
16) If
the names of the Birch island Birca Birka Björko and Oak island Ekerö (ek
'oak', eker an old plural, ö 'island') go back to the Late Neolithic, they may
refer to the Divine Hind and Divine Stag in their guise of trees. The birch was
named with a word meaning bright, shine, also pure and virginal. On a deeper
level I recognize BIR meaning fur in the case of animals, and bark in the case
of trees. The bark of the birch tree was most important in the Stone Age,
serving many purposes, while birch pitch was used for fixing flint blades to
handles of stone, horn, bone, or wood. The Divine Hind was an emanation of the
fur giver BIR GID. She was the goddess of life and time, of animals and
vegetation, as Hind Woman appearing in Orion, worshipped by hunters, and
honored with arbors made of fir branches and twigs in winter, and, why not,
birch branches and twigs in summer. Her consort was the Divine Stag CER KOS,
helper of the fire giver PIR GID who resided in the Underworld KAL. The Divine
Stag guarded the western entrances to and eastern exits from the Underworld,
passed by the fiery sun horse and moon bull. KOD means tent, hut, and the
comparative form KOS means heavenly vault – the giant antlers of the Divine
Stag held up the sky, the heavenly canopy or vault. His sacred tree was the
oak, a majestic tree whose branches fork off in a similar way as the ends of a
stag antler, CER KOS Latin quercus 'oak' Gaulish érkos 'oak-forest'. REO Rhea
succeeded the Divine Hind. Her sacred tree or rather bush may have been the
hazel Corylis avellina, from Greek korhyon 'nut', containing REO in the form of
rhyo, also present in Lithuanian ruoshutys 'nut'. Several islands may have been
named for the birch and oak, also in later times, carrying on an old custom,
and finally two islands near Stockholm, perhaps newly emerging, or cut off from
the land, would have been named for the birch, Birca Birka Björkö, and for the
oak, Ekerö.
Where was Arinna? Arinna was the sacred town of the Hittite sun goddess,
in the neighborhood of Hattusas in Anatolia, a rather small town of one gate,
visited by the king and his people on the occasions of the spring and autumn
festivals, but unlike other towns it hasn't yet been located, so let us try to
find out more about Arinna via Paleo-linguistics. Arinna has been read as Town
of the Spring or Well, from ura 'spring, well', in toponyms also uri ari. When
the sun goddess settled on Arinna, she spread her gown over an apple tree next
to a well. I recognize in Arinna a form of the very ancient AAR RAA NOS, mind
NOS of the one composed of air AAR and light RAA, the sky god of the Göbekli
Tepe who had been implored for rain. Snakes are the most frequent animals on
pillars, those heading skyward representing prayers for rain, and the smoke of
sacrificial fires imploring rain, while snakes heading downward symbolize
falling rain rewarding the prayers and sacrificial fires, filling the riverbeds
and the subterranean passages of the karst landscape that make the springs and
wells overflow. Thus the ancient sky god would also have been the god of wells
and springs, before this role was taken over by his daughter REO. The Greek
version of the sky god was Ouranos, and the one of his daughter Rhea, Cretan
Rheia. The sun goddess of Arinna was called Wurushemu, a name I read as AAR RAA
ShA MmOS, offspring MmOS of the ruler ShA who is composed of air AAR and light
RAA, hence the daughter of the sky god AAR RAA NOS. She was identified with
Hebat or rather Hépatu, a name I read as CA PAD, sky CA activity of feet PAD,
she who wanders across the sky. Her hieroglyphic name contains a sign known as
horizon in ancient Egyt, a pair of round hills with a round valley in between;
above the valley of the Hittite sign hovers the solar disc (while resting smug
in the valley of the Egyptian hieroglyph). The Hittite sun goddess is standing
on a panther who places his paws on a pair of double mountains which are again
'horizons' but this time with rectangular tops and narrow vertical valleys.
From this we may glean more about the location of Arinna: a small town in a
rather flat basin between an eastern and a western pair of hills between which
the sun rose in spring and fall (eastern pair of hills) and set in spring and
fall (western pair of hills), attended by the king from Hattusas and his people
who traveled there in spring, perhaps around March 21, and in fall, perhaps
around September 22/23, which are the dates of the spring and autumn equinoxes.
This particular topography might perhaps help locate the sacred town of the
Hittite sun goddess, Arinna, town of the daughter of the ancient sky god AAR
RAA NOS, in a basin, with a well or spring, and a pair of hills in the east,
and another pair of hills in the west, not very far from Hattusas (perhaps
about fifteen or twenty kilometers).
First postscript. Intelligence a form of energy? / In 1963, at age
fourteen, I gained my first scientific insight: If I do a chore in a clever way
I save energy, so intelligence might perhaps be some equivalent of energy? In
the early 1970s I asked a professor of physics, he said no, the one being an
intensive category, the other an extensive one. The first confirmation came
from Eric J. Chaisson, Cosmic Evolution, The Rise of Complexity in Nature,
Harvard University Press 2001: "... for to us, information basically is a form of energy, whether flowing,
stored, or realized." Entropy dissolves the past into fragments; I restore
parts of the past by connecting fragments. Coping with entropy requires energy,
I do it with intelligence, so intelligence might be a form of energy? But I
still try in vain to formulate my early insight in terms of physics. Also in
1963 I posed questions regarding language – what is language? – and answered it
in 1974/75: Language is the means of getting help, support and understanding
from those we depend upon in one way or another, and every means of getting
help, support and understanding may be called language, on whatever level of
life it occurs ... I am tempted to call language the intelligence of life. Life
copes with entropy, doing so costs energy, this price can be paid in the form
of intelligence, and language in the basic sense might be life's intelligence.
Second postscript. Mother Berka, White Hind / The Divine Hind (Altamira
being her main sanctuary) licked moon bulls into life, thus creating time,
lunations or synodic months, periods of 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 29 30 ..
days. The goddess made all animals emerge from clefts and niches in the rock.
She was an emanation of the fur giver BIR GID, worshipped by hunters, appearing
as Hind Woman in Orion. She was also the goddess of vegetation, BIR meaning fur
in the case of animals, bark in the case of trees. In her honor arbors were
built, winter arbors made of fir branches and twigs, and summer arbors made of
birch branches and twigs. The goddess provided meat and fur and trees for the
humans to use, then she provided a second life for the hunted and killed
animals in the beyond (a symbol of which may be the animal bones stuck in walls
of a cave of the Comtes Bégouin in the Ardèche valley), and she gave a second
life to worthy humans on the beautiful bank ORE EON of the celestial river CA
LAK ... The goddess lived on in many forms. Here just two of her later
emanations. Norse mythology or folklore knows a Mother Berka
("Birch") who carried a bundle of birch twigs and rode a goat whose
flesh nourished hungry families while the bones served to restore the goat, a
reference to the Paleolithic goddess who made animals emerge from rock, the
mythological bone of the Earth. In Celtic mythology we find a gentle White Hind
guiding worthy people to the fairy land of the beyond, her color going along
with the white bark of the birch. PIE claims that the birch is named for a word
meaning bright, shine, gleam. The White Hind would have been a shining
appearance, but I rather assume that the aspect of bright and shine comes from
BIR RAG, the first word BIR meaning fur, Greek byrsa 'skin, fur', the second
word RAG having derivatives in Greek rachos 'back, mountain ridge', Old English
ryc 'back', in German ragen 'to tower, loom' and Rücken ‘back’ and Bergrücken
English mountain ridge – BIR RAG would then be a metaphor explaining a wooded
mountain ridge as the back of a furry animal, for example a bear. The aspect of
bright and shine would come from dawn, the brightening sky above the eastern
mountain ridge in the early morning, also from bright mountain tops in the
first and last sunshine of the day, when the valley below is still or already
in the dark, and also from snow capped mountain tops shining a brilliant white,
so very bright it hurts the eyes. If you ever spent winter holidays in the
Swiss Alps you know what I am speaking of ... The Birch island in Lake Mälaren
is called Björkö, the former name was Birka, and the still older Latin form
Birca. The original Norse form is not known, but it might well have been close
to the Latinized form, why not even BIR CA, the island honoring the Divine Hind
whose sacred summer tree, the birch, held up the sky? (Hungarian mythology has
a White Stag while the Tree of Life held up the tent of the sky.) The consort
of the Divine Hind was the Divine Stag, his sacred tree was the oak, and he may
have been worshipped on the Oak island Ekerö near the Birch island Björkö. The
Divine Hind and the Divine Stag may have been worshipped on the present islands
Björkö and Ekerö, or on a pair of neighboring islands of the past.
Third postscript. A Late Neolithic trading place? / Another etymology
explains Björkö as market place, which might ultimately also go back to the
goddess BIR CA, a trading place of fur, and of birch products made from bark
and sap and pitch, and of boats made from tree trunks or wooden frames with
mounted hides, barge and bark barque being further derivatives of BIR. Chicago,
literally Wild Onion, was built on the site of a former Indian market place;
New York had once been a Dutch fur trading place; Stockholm was an iron trading
place. Much earlier, an island in the wider area of Stockholm could have been a
marked place governed by the Divine Hind, emanation of BIR GID, worshipped as
BIR CA in the area of Stockholm, and as CER CA on top of the morainic hill
between GIS DAL REO AC CA Gestilren Gästre and CER CA BIR RAG Härkeberga.
Fourth postscript. Ring, ring-cross, wheel of time, Yin and Yang / AAR
RAA NOS Ouranos had a daughter by the name of REO Rhea who had a son by the
name of TYR emphatic Middle Helladic Sseyr Doric Sseus Homeric Zeus. The emblem
of AAR RAA NOS is a ring whose hollow consists of air and light (remember the
big limestone ring on the Göbekli Tepe ouranos.JPG ). One of the emblems of REO was the ring-cross, a circle around a
cross, phonetical values AC PAS and PAS CA in the meanings explained earlier.
Now the ring-cross might also be regarded as a wheel of four spokes
representing a year of the four seasons spring summer autumn winter, each
ninety days, while the center may account for five and occasionally six more
days. A wheel of a dozen spokes would correspond to the lunisolar calendar of
the Göbekli Tepe, where a year had 12 months of 30 days, plus 5 and sometimes 6
more days (three days of midsummer, two and occasionally three days of
midwinter), while 63 continuous periods of 30 days are 1,890 days and
correspond to 64 lunations or synodic months, mistake less than one minute per
lunation, or half a day in a lifetime. The phonetic value of such a wheel of
time could have been TYR PAS wherefrom Latin tempus 'time' and French temps
meaning both time and weather, overcomer TYR everywhere PAS, Zeus overcoming
everybody in the form of time and weather ... The wheel word comes from another
compound, CO OC LOP, attentive mind CO right eye OC enclosing fence or wall
LOP, in the center of a stronghold the ruler of the attentive mind, along the
'cyclopic' wall guards looking out, watching over the surrounding plain. A
recently deciphered version of the wheel word from the Val Camonica is hohlu
(Adolfo Zavaroni), it can easily be derived from this compound: CO-OC-LOP CO-OC-LO
hO-Oh-LO hohlu. The Magdalenian
culture spread from Northern Spain in the west to Lake Baikal in the east.
Around Lake Baikal and in Mongolia are found place names evoking KOD for tent,
hut. Magdalenian reasoning might also have influenced China. Chinese philosophy
knows the empty circle Wu that gave way to the complementary principles of Yin
and Yang, visualized as pair of drops in a circle, the drops indicating a fluid
concept. Each Yin has a Yang, each Yang a Yin, and each contains a trace of the
other. If the sky is Yang, the earth is Yin. If man is Yang, woman is Yin. But
these are relative categories, a woman can be Yang in many aspects, a man Yin
in many others. It is a deep concept we also find in western philosophy, for
example in the question about the free or bound will. Do we have a free will?
if so, we are responsible for our lives, and can become guilty. Or is our will
bound to a higher will? are our lives determined by a variety of biological,
psychological, economical and further laws? some of which we know, while others
may be discovered in the future? if so, we are not really responsible for our
deeds, and free of guilt. We can't understand the world as one, there are
always two perspectives we can't unite but neither can we give up one or the
other, both are needed, as they complement each other. Niels Bohr: "There
are two sorts of truth: trivialities, where the opposite is obviously
impossible, and deep truths, which are characterized by their opposite also
being a deep truth.“
Fifth postscript. PAD and PAS / Magdalenian PAD means activity of feet,
while the comparative form PAS means everywhere (in a plain), here, south and
north of me, east and west of me, all in all five places, wherefrom Greek pas
pan ‘all, every’ and pente penta- ‘five’. PAS can be represented by the sole of
a foot or a sandal, by pairs of feet, and by feet indicating a direction, while
PAS can be visualized as domino five, as cross, and as ring-cross. On a slab at
Hemsta, Boglösa socken, Sweden, are carvings of both ideograms, soles of feet
or shoes, alone, or as pairs, already close to a ring-cross, and actual
ring-crosses reo09.JPG
/ reo10.JPG / reo11.JPG
testifying to the common origin of PAD and PAS – walking gets one from
here to south or north or east or west … It’s very nice to see how one ideogram
morphs into the other, PAD into PAS, the ring-cross being the emblem of REO
Rhea, goddess of life whose fecund presence fills the world, AC PAS and PAS CA,
everywhere on earth and in the sky, and, as wheel-cross, the emblem of her son
TYR Sseyr Sseus Zeus, TYR PAS wherefrom Latin tempus ‘time’ and French temps
meaning both time and weather, the supreme god overcoming everybody everywhere in
time and weather … Hemsta Boglösa is near Enköping, some ten kilometers south
of Härkeberga, so the hyptothetical procession way could have been longer: from
the river near Gestilren Gästre to the sanctuary of the Divine Hind on top of
the morainic hill to Härkeberga to Hemsta Boglösa to a place on the bank or
shore of Lake Mälaren (or from Lake Mälaren to Gästre). – A more elaborate
version of the ring-cross, the bronze amulet from Hauterive-Champréveyres from
Western Switzerland, total height 5.6 centimeters reo12.JPG / reo13.JPG
Sixth postscript. Uppsala / The etymology of Latin insula ‘island’ is
not clear, says my dictionary, mentioning the ancient explanation *en salo
‘being in the sea’, Greek hae in hali ousa. Magdalenian LAD means hill, the
comparative form LAS means mountain; the inverse DAL means valley, dale German
Tal, and the comparative form SAL means watery ground of a valley. The original
compound of insula may have been EN SAL LAD, in EN the watery ground SAL a hill
LAD emerging from the surface of water. EN-SAL-LAD EN-SAL-LA
iN-Su-LA iNSuLA, also EN-SA-LAD iN-S-LAnD
i-S-LAnD iSLAnD (iegisland
accounting for Old English igland iland Middle English eyland). The Late
Neolithic form of Uppsala might have been AD SAL LAD, toward AD the watery
ground SAL of the many ermerging hills LAD rising over the wide surface of
water. Two of these islands would have been the Birch island and Oak island,
consecrated to the Divine Hind and the Divine Stag respectively. LAD with an
infixed nasal may account for land, landscape, an expanse of rolling hills, as
it were. English hill, as Latin collis ‘hill’ and Lithuanian kalas ‘mountain’
would go back to KAL for cave, Underworld, referring to the well know fact that
caves are often found in hills and mountains.
Seventh postscript. A glimpse of early Norse mythology / PAD meaning
activity of feet has many literal and metaphorical derivatives, among them
Latin pedes English feet, Latin vado ‘I go’ (in composita) and venire ‘to
come’, but also video ‘I see’, the act of seeing understood as rays of vision
going out from the eyes (while English see German sehen come from CO OC, with
an attentive mind CO right eye OC, German gucken kucken, imperative guck kuck).
PAD TON AS, he who goes PAD and makes himself heard TON up above AS, might
explain the chief Norse god *wodanaz *wodinaz Odin Wuotan Wotan as early
personification of wind – a gentle whispering wind associated with inspiration
(Hebrew ruach Greek pneuma Latin spiritus have each the meaning of breath and
wind and spirit, *wotis ‘god-inspired’) and knowledge (“the answer, my friend,
is blowing in the wind” Bob Dylan), a singing wind (the singing rocks outside of
Smyrna Izmir might have given rise to the legend of the sweetly singing Sirens,
deadly because they lured sailors into dangerous waters), a crying wind (“and
the wind cries Mary” Jimmy Hendrix), a wind fanning a fire (Germanic wat ‘to
fan into fire’), a howling and roaring wind (Odin as war god), a raging storm
(Wuot- Wot- akin to German Wut ‘rage’), and finally the dying wind, sighing in
a tree (Odin sacrificing himself). Old Norse áss, plural aesir, might come from
AS SA, upward AS downward SA, ascending descending, moving between earth and
sky. If Edda doesn’t come from Latin Credo Icelandic Kredda ‘creed’ we might
think of AD DA, toward AD from DA, generic name of rivers and trading routes.
Vanr Vanir Wane might be explained via PAS EOR, everywhere PAS feasts and
celebrations EOR, harvest festivals in honor of REO (perhaps involving poles
with flags on hills). PAS-EOR
PAn-ER vAn-R vAnR
vAniR vAeneR would also explain
the name of Lake Väner, while Götaland, especially Västergötland between Lake
Väner and Lake Vätter would have been the good arable land, from GADh meaning
good, also present in the name of the island Gotland (in the center of this
island a village called Roma, Italian Roma from REO MAN, place of those who
carry out the will of REO Rhea with their right hand MAN). REO as emanation of
the fertility giver BRI GID would survive in Norse Freya, goddess of love and
fertility, in her brother Frey or Freyr, god of peace, prosperity, and
marriage, and in Frigg, wife Odin’s. TYR may have become Thor Thorr, and, in
the form of TYR AS, overcomer TYR up above AS, *tiwaz Tyr (their genealogies
differing from the Greek one). Gullveig, the goddess guarding treasures, evokes
KAL meaning cave, Underworld, indicating precious ore found in mines. KAL is present
in the name of mining peoples like the Hellenoi Hellenes, keltoi Celts, Gallii,
Helvetii (the latter from KAL PAD, those who walk the Underworld, working in
mines). Beautiful Helen of the white arms in Homer’s Odyssey is a symbol of
tin; her husband xanthos Menelaos a symbol of copper, the color xanthos
covering all hues of copper ore, yellow, brown, red; and their daughter, lovely
Hermione resembling golden Aphrodite, a symbol of the copper-tin alloy bronze,
of a golden shine when freshly cast.
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