2, More Magdalenian Words, a late Magdalenian calendar, many compounds, and a
vision of the Paleolithic sky / © 2006-08 Franz Gnaedinger, fgn(a),
fg(a), / provisional version in freestyle English (last
update March 2008)
lascaux01.htm / lascaux02.htm / lascaux03.htm
/ lascaux04.htm / lascaux05.htm
/ menhir6n.GIF / menhir6o.GIF
/ pas2.JPG / menhir6e.JPG / menhjr89.JPG / hind1.JPG / hind2.JPG / cer.JPG / torque.GIF / gen.GIF // lascaux01.htm // menhir6f.JPG
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Let me begin with my definition of language
from 1974/75:
Language is the means of getting help, support
and understanding from those we depend upon in one way or another ––– and every
means of getting help, support and understanding may be called language, on
whatever level of life it occurs …
Language, then, is a basic feature of life, and
so I assume that language evolves the same way as living beings do. Human
evolution occurs mainly outside the body, in culture, and so the language we
use goes beyond body language, yet the mechanisms of evolution in human
language are the same. I follow the evolutionary model proposed by Nils Eldrege
and Stephen Jay Gould on the basis of earlier authors: a new species arises in
a relatively short period of time (punctuation of the equilibrium) and can then
persist basically unchanged for eons (stasis). A newly discovered mechanism of
evolution is hybridization, turning the tree of life (
Homo erectus may have communicated via humming
(a speculation of mine). Imagine a group of hunters marching in a line, from
left to right:
Hunter H looks backward; if all is well he
hums. G looks to the left side; if all is well, and if H behind him hums, he
hums too. F looks to the right side; if all is well, and if G behind him hums,
he hums too. E looks again to the left side; if all is well, and if F behind
him hums, he hums too. And so on. Finally, the humming reaches the chief hunter
A who leads the men and looks forward, and so he knows that all is well behind
him and on the sides … Neanderthals assumedly had high, melodic voices. Homo
sapiens sapiens of the Blombos cave, South Africa, Middle Stone Age, 75,000
years ago, may have used words of one and two letters, for example: KA --- sky,
beyond, what is out of our reach, also inside rock, in a well, or deep inside ourselves,
accessible to a shaman in a trance / KU --- woman / AA --- water / AN ---
hunger / ED --- eat … CroMagnons may have used words of two and three letters
or phonemes: CA --- sky / AC --- an expanse of land with water / GYN --- woman
/ PAD --- activity of feet, to go, pad along, pad pad pad pad … (onomatopoeic)
/ PAS --- everywhere (in a plain), here, south and north of me, east and west
of me, all in all five places … One Holly identified a domino five in the
Brunel chamber of the Chauvet cave, some 30,000 years old, with my hypothetical
PAS for everywhere in a plain. The additional dot may be read as CA for sky:
PAS CA --- everywhere (pas) in the sky (ca):
May the supreme ruler of the Lower Rhone Valley (depicted as bison-man on the
stalactite in the center of the rear hall of the same cave) be born again (by
the Venus on the same stalactite) among the stars of the Summer Triangle in the
Milky Way, and may he roam the sky in his next life as he roams the earth in
this life … pas1.JPG / menhir6n.GIF/ menhir6o.GIF
In the late winter and early spring of 2005 I
reconstructed an amazing lunisolar calendar from symbols in the Lascaux cave,
felt a need for a matching language, found none in literature, went for one
myself, inspired by the work of Richard Fester, and reconstructed some 400
words of an Ice Age language in a rather intuitive and playful way. Soon there
were two laws emerging: inverse forms have related meanings, and further
permutations yield words around the same meme (a word coined by Richard
Dawkins) lascaux01.htm In the late winter and early
spring of 2006 I found two more laws: S-words are comparative forms of D-words,
and important words can have lateral associations. Using my four laws I mined
about 400 more words of the language I call Magdalenian. This language would
have been spoken in all parts of Ice Age Europe, as far as Willensdorf in
1) inverse forms have related meanings
2) permutations yield words around the
same meme
3) S-words are comparative forms of
4) important words can have lateral
Letters, especially vowels, have to be read in
the Roman way. There are a couple of special sounds:
humming M given as Mm
L-click given as )
lick given as -:
emphatic S given as Ss
emphatic P given as Pp
Produce the L-click ) as
follows: move the tip of the tongue along the palate, and let the tongue smack
into its wet bed. Produce the lip lick
-: as follows: touch both lips
with the tip of the tongue. Pronounce letters in the Roman way, Ph as a soft F,
Ch as English Kh.
My way of following sound changes along the
arrow of time: I pronounce a word or a compound silently, without giving voice
(not even whispering) over and over again, and observe what happens …
Follow the permutation groups and compounds,
more or less in the order as I found them:
MmSO, ODM OSMm --- camp and body
DOM --- a Magdalenian camp; ancient Greek domos
for house, building, flat, chamber, hall of men, household, father’s house,
layers (of stones and bricks)
SOMm --- a Magdalenian man or woman or child, a
Magdalenian tribe; ancient Greek soma for body, life, person, human being,
individual, main point, the whole, community
MOD --- a part of a camp; Latin
modulus, English module
MmOS --- offspring; ancient Greek moskhos for
sprout, rod, offspring, calf, young bull, boy, girl
DMO --- maintaining a camp on the material
level, activities in the various parts of a camp; ancient Greek themo for I
effect, cause, bring about
SMmO --- maintaining a camp on the human level,
to have joy, celebrate, sing and dance, kiss and love; ancient Greek asmos for
song, asmenos for pleased, joyful, joyous, cheerful
OMD --- multitude, many people;
ancient Greek homados for noise, bustle, multitude
OMmS --- among equals, among people one belongs
to and likes, consider also the biblical “to recognize someone” for to fall in
love and make love; ancient Greek homoios for equal
MDO --- to administer a camp; ancient Greek
medo for I think, care, administer, rule, medon for adviser, ruler
MmSO --- animated, lively, living, having a
soul; ancient Greek empsychos for animated, having a soul (en- and em- for
inside, within, as derivatives of the very ancient humming Mm marking
presence). In 2005 I gave OC for eye, especially the right eye, Latin oculus,
and AY for the left eye. OC AY would have been an affirmation, a way of saying
yes by looking firmly into someone’s eyes. English yes and eyes go along,
especially in old forms, and so do French oui and oeuil, while Occitanian oc
for yes goes matches OC for eye. Also English I and eye go along, especially in
old forms, and so do French je and yeux. English got three was of saying ego:
I, me, myself. French has two ways: je and moi. English me myself and French
moi preserve the humming Mm of Magdalenian and denote the inside – me living in
the house, so to say – , while English I and French je look out a window,
greeting a passerby, or stand in a door, inviting a guest …
ODM --- odor coming from a camp fire or a
cooking pit; ancient Greek odmae for odor, fragrance
OSMm --- fragrance of a person, a
lover; ancient Greek osmae for odor, fragrance
DAI, comparative form SAI, lateral associations
NAI KAI LAI RAI PAI ZAI MAI TAI PhAI KhAI, and their permutations, all in all
72 words around the meme of leading a good life
DAI --- protected area; ancient Greek tegos for
roof, ceiling, hall, chamber, tektonikos for builder, architect, technae for
art, science (…), Daidalos was the first Cretan/Greek architect, German Dach
for roof, French dais for canopy. DAI may have been represented by rectangles
or “signes tectiformes” (Michel Lorblanchet) in caves
SAI --- life, existence, to live and be;
ancient Greek zoae for life, German sein for to be, Sein for existence, Latin
essere for to be (ex-essere, coming from a body, body from body, life from
life). SAI may have been represented by lines and areas of dots on cave walls.
Red dots on the plastered walls of Neolithic houses in
IAD --- healer, medicine; ancient
Greek iataer for medicine, iatreuo for I am a doctor
IAS --- healing, salvation; ancient
Greek iasos for healing
IDA --- glad, for example when a cure helps;
female given name Ida from a Germanic word meaning happy
ISA --- free, healed from an illness, made
whole again, functioning, being like the other members of a tribe, equal;
ancient Greek is for sinew, muscle, nerve, strength, power, isazo for I make
equal, isagoria for the equal right of speech, equal rights in general, civil
freedom, isos for equal, fair, right (…)
ADI --- noble, wealthy; female given
ASI --- honor, dignity; ancient
Greek axia for dignity, reputation
DIA --- through, seeing behind appearances,
finding the hidden cause of a syndrome; ancient Greek dia, diagnosis
SIA --- to be well and in good health; ancient
Greek zaeo for I live, am still alive, lead a life, am able to live, am neither
weak nor feeble, have my strength, live on, flourish; ancient Greek sialon for
spittle (see the entry sai)
AID --- origin, reason, to help by finding the
cause of an illness; ancient Greek aitia for origin, reason, English etiology
for the study of the causes of diseases, French aider for to help
AIS --- fate; ancient Greek aisa for
NAI --- to find a good place for a camp;
ancient Greek naio for I dwell, live, settle
IAN --- to mark the place of the entrance of a
future camp; the Roman god Janus personified an entrance, door, archway
INA --- there, let us build a camp over there
…; ancient Greek inae for there, where
ANI --- spirit of a place, souls of people who
camped there before; Latin animus for soul
NIA --- exclamation: let us build a camp here,
it is a good place …; ancient Greek nae for yes, verily, nae Die for “by Zeus”
AIN --- to praise the place of a new camp;
ancient Greek aineo for I praise, extol, recommend, ainae for praise, esteem,
KAI --- to bild a good camp; ancient Greek
kairos for right measure, good proportion, favorable place, right moment in time,
good opportunity (…), kainos for new (a new camp, then), kai for I kindle, burn
down (burning down bushes in order to get more living space), kaino for I kill
(snakes and other animals one doesn’t want in a camp, lions and bears in a
cave), kaireos for well chained (surrounded and protected by interlinked
branches of thorn bushes, brambles for one), kaynmai for to excel (in making a
good camp), consider also DOM for camp, and the compound KAI DOM, abbreviations
k-om and ka-m, wherefrom ancient Greek komae for village, and the village name
of Cham on Lake Zug in Switzerland
IAK --- to be pleased about a good camp;
ancient Greek iakkhazo for I cheer, exult, jubilate
IKA --- plenty of everything needed for a good
camp; ancient Greek hikanos for plenty, sufficient
AKI --- to lead the building of a camp; ancient
Greek aigineo for I lead, guide, bring, bring by
KIA --- exclamation: makes my heart jump of joy
…; ancient Greek kea for heart
AIK --- shining; ancient Greek aeglaeis for
LAI --- materials for building a camp, stones,
pebbles, clay, poles, branches, twigs, bark, grass, reed, hides, water; ancient
Greek lainos for made of stone, laix for pebble, laisaeon for a shield made of
pebbles, leiphos for cloth (hides in Magdalenian times), lainos for neck
(giving special attention to the narrow and weak zone of the entrance), leia
for prey, especially cattle, leimon for meadow, pasture (where grass and reed
can be gathered), laitma for depth, especially of the sea (water), leibo for I
let flow, pour (…, water into ditches and cooking pits)
IAL --- works involving the above materials,
sending out people to gather them, stretching hides over poles, depositing
various materials on the site of the camp; ancient Greek iallo for I send out,
stretch out, throw, throw at
ILA --- laying out walls and digging ditches
for protection; ancient Greek elayno for I trace a wall or a ditch
ALI --- a fence of intertwined thorn branches,
protecting a camp; ancient Greek alysis for chain, protection
LIA --- to make a camp safe, very safe; ancient
Greek lian for very, completely
AIL --- protection; ancient Greek eilar for
protection, eileo for I close up (…), eilyma for cover, eilyo for I cover
RAI --- final works of camp building, to remove
sharp edges and corners of rock, to smooth a clay floor with water, to cover a
floor with bark, twigs, hay, reed, hides, to rest (when the hard work is done);
ancient Greek rhaistaen for hammer, rhaino for I sprinkle, strew, asperse,
rhaizo for I rest
IAR --- to consecrate a camp, perhaps the
entrance, and other special parts of a camp; ancient Greek hieros for holy,
IRA --- pleased; ancient Greek aera for
ARI --- good, perfect; ancient Greek ari- of
about this meaning, possible origin of Aryan
RIA --- exclamation: makes my blood flow, makes
me feel alive …; ancient Greek rheo for I flow (see also reo)
AIR --- to raise the arms in joy; ancient Greek
airo for I raise
PAI --- zone of recreation and regeneration;
ancient Greek paizo for I play, joke, enjoy, dance, sing, paidia for game,
joke, entertainment, pais for child, paidmo for I teach, educate, paian for
rescuer, savior, healer, English boy
IAP --- to throw pebbles and sticks at a
target, learning how to hunt by playing such games (in the case of boys),
regaining forces by playing such games (in the case of injured and recovering
hunters), ancient Greek iapto for I throw, send, sling, hit (…)
IPA --- to hit a target from near and below;
ancient Greek hypo (many meanings)
API --- to hit a target from above and farther
away; ancient Greek apo (many meanings)
PIA --- vigor; ancient Greek bia for force,
power, strength (…)
AIP --- quick; ancient Greek aiphnidos for
suddenly, aipsa for quick, immediately
ZAI --- zone of food; ancient Greek zeidoros
for spending food, zeira for mantel (here the hide used for laying out a
cooking pit, filled with water, food and hot stones from the fire)
IAZ --- to cook herbs for medical purposes;
ancient Greek iataer for medicine, iasos for healing
IZA --- to sit around a fire or a cooking pit;
ancient Greek izo for I sit, I seat
AZI --- heat and ashes from a fire; ancient
Greek aza for heat, dirt, azo for I dry
ZIA --- to cook a meal; ancient Greek zeo for I
boil (…)
AIZ --- to share a meal, or one’s share of a
meal; ancient Greek aisa for share (…)
MAI --- zone of women; ancient Greek maimao for
I desire very much, maia for little mother, midwife, Latin Maja or Majja for
the goddess of the earth
IAM --- pleasure, comfort, relief and healing a
hunter finds in the female zone of the camp; ancient Greek iama for remedy,
MIA --- a girl or a young woman reaching sexual
maturity; ancient Greek miaio for to color, tinge, dye, stain (…, here
referring to the menstruation blood), Latin Mia for one of the three graces
AIM --- (menstruation) blood; ancient Greek
haima for blood, sex, life, force (…)
IMA --- love; ancient Greek himeiro for I long,
desire, wish, himeiros for lovely, charming, sweet, longing, touching, himeiros
for longing, desire, love, charm
AMI --- friend, lover; Latin amicus amica
TAI --- clothes made of stripes of hides;
ancient Greek tainia for ribbon, tainioo for I adorn with ribbons
IAT --- stripes of fine leather used for
winding around a wound; ancient Greek iataer for doctor, medicine
TIA --- headgear of a ruler; ancient Greek
AIT --- to ask a ruler for one’s share in
hides; ancient Greek aiteo for I ask, request, aitia for share
ITA --- young animals providing fine leather,
became the word for calf in later pastoral communities; ita a word root for
young, Latin vita for life
ATI --- grown up animals, providing hides, fur
and leather, became a word for bull in later pastoral communities; Etruscan
athi for bull
ITA LIA --- calf safe, very safe, land where
the calves were safely protected, well guarded, thriving and multiplying,
Italia was originally the southern part of the “boot,” famed as land of the
many calves. Vitulus for calf may be a later overforming of ita
PhAI --- beauty of a well built camp, the
shining hides of the tents and huts greeting returning hunters from afar,
welcoming them home; ancient Greek phaino for I shine
IAPh --- to enjoy life in the camp; feeling
safe, sleeping in peace; ancient Greek iauo for I spend the night, sleep, rest,
PhIA --- drinking a bowl of berry wine before
going to bed; ancient Greek phiala for drinking bowl
AIPh --- spending the night in a camp; ancient
Greek euphronae for night, euphronaio for I enjoy, euphrosynae for serenity,
pleasure, joy
IPhA --- to wake up in the morning, refreshed,
one’s powers restored; ancient Greek iphi for powerful, with strength, ipthimos
for strong, full of power, fit, brave
APhI --- to leave a camp in the morning;
ancient Greek aphesis for sending off, start (…), aphexis for going away (…)
ChAI --- fine weather, sunshine; ancient Greek
chairo for I enjoy, chairon for glad, with pleasure, healthy
IACh --- thunderstorm; ancient Greek iacho for
I shout, roar, call loudly, make loud sounds, patter, pelt, rage, also iachazo
for I jubilate
IChA --- getting dry; ancient Greek ichano for
I dry up
AChI --- swelling water; a creek or river
filled with rain, a swelling mountain river rushing down a gorge; ancient Greek
agineo for I lead, accompany, bring, bring by, age for let us go, move on,
Latin agilis for mobile, agile, quick (…)
ChIA --- rain; ancient Greek cheo for I pour
AICh --- to enjoy good weather, sunshine, but
also rain in a dry period; ancient Greek euios for cheering, shouting (of joy),
exult, Latin ajo (pronounced aijo) for “I say yes”
relations, give and take
DIG --- finger; Latin digitus for finger
SIG --- a sign drawn with a finger; Latin
signum for sign, signal, ancient Greek sigae for silent (visual signs being
silent words or messages)
GID --- give and get; ancient Greek kaedeia for
kin, giza for treasure room
GIS --- a gesture, a sign given with a part of
the body, a finger, the face; Latin gestus for gesture, English kiss
DGI --- all ten fingers of both hands, plenty;
ancient Greek deka for ten
SGI --- kinship; ancient Greek sygenneia for
kinship (syn-word a later overforming?)
IGD --- plead; ancient Greek iketeia for plead
IGS --- being able to grant a plead, having plenty,
being magnanimous; ancient Greek hikanos for plenty, portly, able (…), eikosi
for twenty
GDI --- neighbor; ancient Greek geitniao for I
am a neighbor
GSI --- brother, sister; ancient Greek kasis
for brother, sister, gaetheo for I am pleased
IDG --- intelligent, sensible, clever, prudent;
ancient Greek idya with the same range of meanings
ISG --- strong, powerful, healthy, wealthy, to
be someone, being able and capable; ancient Greek ischyos with the same range
of meanings
ADL ASL --- landscape, human and divine zones, clicking L given as )
LAD or )AD --- hill, slope; ancient Greek
lophos for hill, English ladder
LAS or )AS --- mountain; ancient Greek laas for
stone, rock, cliff
DAL or DA) --- valley; German Tal English dale
and valley
SAL or SA) --- water in a valley, swamp, pond,
river, lake, sea; ancient Greek salos for swaying, especially of the sea
DLA or D)A --- flat river bank; ancient Greek
SLA or S)A --- shine and glitter of water;
ancient Greek selas for shine, light, ray, spark
ALD or A)D --- steep river bank, high from
below, deep from above, a wide view over the river valley from above; ancient
Greek aldaesco for I grow, Latin altus for high, deep, wide (…)
ALS or A)S --- sun, sky, moon, stars, shining
from above; ancient Greek alaes for the sun at noon
LDA or )DA --- deep water; ancient Greek laitma
for deep (depth of the sea)
LSA or )SA --- river in the Underworld, along
which the sun horse and moon bull traverse the earth; ancient Greek Lethae for
the river in the Hades
ADL or AD) --- hidden; ancient Greek adaela for
ASL or AS) --- invisible; ancient Greek
aizaelos for invisible
Two words from 2006: AD --- toward / inverse DA
--- away from
AD LAS --- toward (ad) mountain range (las),
Eurasian steppes oriented toward the Caucasian mountain range, origin of Atlas
ADP ASP --- everywhere in a plain and in space
PAD --- activity of feet, to go, go unhindered,
pad along, pad pad pad pad … (onomatopoeic); ancient Greek batos for passable,
pateo for I go, step, tread, trample, patos for footstep, path, podilon for
sole, sandal, shoe, boot, paeza for foot, Latin pes pedes for foot feet, Padus
for the river Po, the one who goes, then, perhaps an attribute of the river
god, Padova Padua a town on the river, perhaps built around a former sanctuary
of the river god, patens for open, not blocked, pate-fecio for I make accessible,
pater for father, perhaps the one who goes, goes hunting, fishing, leads the
way, owns the land and marks his presence (I remember having read of a law that
granted a father the land he could walk around from dawn to dusk), patria for
fatherland would then mean the land where the father goes, impetrabilis for
easily accessible, impetus for quick pace, élan (…), French patte for paw,
English paddock for an enclosure where animals pad around, paddle an artificial
paw to pad along a waterway
PAS --- everywhere (in a plain): here, south
and north of me, east and west of me, all in all five places; ancient Greek pas
pan for all, every, pente penta- for five, written as domino five in the caves
of Chauvet (Holly) and Pech Merle pas1.JPG / pas2.JPG
DAP --- manual activity, also needed for to get
along, moving branches out of the way, holding a tree for security when
climbing over an obstacle or sliding down a steep slope; tap, to tap, French
tapper for to knock, beat, rap, tap, Taape for hand in my medieval language
SAP ---everywhere (in space): here, south and
north of me, east and west of me, under and above me, all in all seven places;
origin of the number seven in many languages (more below, compound sap pia)
APD --- flat ground, easily passable; ancient
Greek apedos for level, flat (a-word a later overforming?)
APS --- hide of a tent, covering the poles,
ceiling of a cave, heavenly vault, reached by vapor, humid air, fog and clouds,
water dripping from the hide of a tent, from the ceiling of a cave, from the
sky; ancient Greek apsis for vault
DPA --- floor, land; ancient Greek dapedon for
floor, ground, earth
SPA --- height, vertical dimension, climbing
rope, where vapor raises to, where rain comes from; ancient Greek sparton for
rope, asparago for I am aroused, asparagos for asparagus, spa in España, Spain,
may refer to the heavenly pillars of the Pyrenean mountain range seen from the
PDA --- being hindered and hold up, yet going
on; ancient Greek pedao for I slow, hold up, whereas petannymi for to spread
PSA --- being hold up, yet going on, getting
around obstacles in the way / water draining away, for example spreading in
sand, finding a way through sand; ancient Greek psammos for sand
ADP --- being hold up, not going on anymore;
ancient Greek adiabatos for impassable (a-dia-pad, a later overforming?)
ASP --- being hold up, really hold up,
impenetrable even for water; ancient Greek aspis for shield
PAS CA --- everywhere (in a plain) sky (ca),
may the worthy ruler be born again among the stars and roam the sky in his next
life as he roams the earth in this life …
pas1.JPG / pas2.JPG
PAS CA would survive in ancient Greek paskha, Russian Paskha, French
Pâque, resurrection and ascension to heaven, while the inverse form PAS AC for
everywhere (pas) on earth (ac), knowing no obstacles, finding a way to overcome
every hindrance, would survive in French/English passage, and in Pessach, the
Jewish festival celebrating the Exodus from Egypt.
SAP PIA --- everywhere (sap) vigor (pia),
getting everywhere in vigor, wandering about the world, getting everywhere,
seeing and experiencing everything there is, becoming world wise, acquiring
wisdom; Latin sapiens for wise, sapientia for world wisdom, ancient Greek
sophia for wisdom
Two words from 2005: AD --- toward; inverse DA
--- away from. Now together with the comparative forms from 2006: AD --- toward
/ AS ---upward / DA --- away from / SA --- downward
AD LAS --- toward (ad) mountain range (las),
Eurasian steppes oriented toward the Caucasian mountain range, more generally
all of Eurasia oriented toward the very long barrier from the Cordilleras and
Pyrenees in the west via the Alps and the Caucasus and the Iranian mountains to
the Himalayas in the east, origin of Atlas Atlantis …
RAA --- light; Latin radiare for to
shine (see also ryt), English ray, radiant, Egyptian sun god Ra (supreme god
appearing in the sun)
AAR --- air (inhaling, onomatopoeic)
ARA --- space, filled with air, medium of
light, also area
SA RAA --- downward light, she who stands in
the sun beam, the chosen one, also the one protected from above; the Hebrew
name Sarah means princess, while Sanskrit sara means firm, strong
ABA, AMA --- father, mother
-: I -:
(lip lick, produce the sound given as
-: by touching both lips with the
tip of the tongue), derivatives LIL LIB BIB DD … --- forms of desire; ancient
Greek lilaeomai for to desire, libido, Latin bibi for I drank (thirst being a
powerful desire), Ugaritic DD for loved, beloved (Cyrus H. Gordon), Minoan Dadu
for loved by (Walther Hinz), Phoenician Dido for the loved one, consider also
Leila in the famous love story of the great Persian poet Hafis
A word from 2005: BRA for the right arm. ABA
BRA --- the Lord’s right arm; the abbreviated form Abra may be the origin of
Abram in the Bible: he who carries out the Lord’s will
The name of David seems to be a problem of
Hebrew philology. We may read it as DA PAD --- away from (da) activity of feet
(pad), delivered from the paw of the lion, delivered from the paw of the bear,
delivered from the hand of Goliath … The name of Dalilah or Delilah can be
explained in a similar way: DA LIL --- delivered from (da) her desire (lil),
satisfied; Delilah wanted to find out the secret of Samson, he fooled her three
times, then she found out, her desire was quenched. Hebrew meaning of Delilah:
she who longs for. – The name of Daniel poses more problems. Have a look at the
following permutation group concerning a lion:
LEI IEL, EIL LIE, ILE ELI --- attack of a lion,
pronounce the words with a clicking L given as )
)EI --- attacking lion; ancient
Greek leo and lis for lion, leianno leaino for I crush, bruise, destroy
IE) --- to shout and yell when one sees a lion,
throwing stones and spears at a lion, still yelling, onomatopoeic; ancient
Greek iaelo for to send, throw, throw at, iakho for to shout
EI) --- to hide from a lion; ancient
Greek eilyo for to cover up, creep, cower, crouch (…)
)IE --- to escape from a lion;
ancient Greek liazyomai for to escape
I)E --- to be spared by a lion;
ancient Greek ilaemi for to have merci
E)I --- to rest, and thank for
having been spared; ancient Greek elynio for to rest, give up
) then E)I then ELI may have been
used as epithet of the one who can avert a lion, namely the Lord who delivered
David from the paw of the lion, also from the paw of the bear and from the hand
of Goliath. The Hebrew name Daniel may then be read as DA (n) IEL --- freed
from (da) having to yell (iel), having no reason to yell, being spared and
saved. The Hebrew name means God is my judge – the Lord judged Daniel, found
him worthy, and saved him from both Antioch’s men and the lions in the den …
AChI )EI --- swelling river (achi) attacking
lion (lei), possible origin of Achilleus
NTO NSO, OTN OSN --- sound and knowledge (here, for once, the S-words are
comparative forms of T-words)
TON --- thunder, sound, voice (of a
ruler, shaman, coming from a powerful or divine source); ancient Greek tonos
for rope, chord, tone, tension, meter of a verse, Latin tono for I thunder,
make a very loud sound, speak with a booming voice, sing (of God), tonat for it
thunders, Tonans for Jupiter and Saturn as thunder gods, Jupiter Tonans,
tonitrus for thunder clap, French tonnère German Donner for thunder, German Ton
for sound, English tone
SON --- living being (of a high
rank?); ancient Greek zoon for living being, German Sohn English son
NOT --- knowledge, to acquire
knowledge via the senses, by making
experiences, to observe, learn and know; Latin nosco novi notum with
about the same range of meanings
NOS --- mind, soul, feeling, heart;
ancient Greek noos for mind, reason, ratio, spirit, insight, way of thinking,
heart, feeling, opinion, wish, intention, will
ONT --- reality, the world as it is,
knowing the world in all aspects (consider the Celtic Salmon of Knowledge of
many colors); ancient Greek ontos for really, actually, indeed, wherefrom
ONS --- benefit from opinions that
are based on reality; ancient Greek onaesis for benefit, help, luck, blessing
TNO --- pondering reality, thinking,
giving advice; ancient Greek danos for advice, thought
SNO --- to care for each other,
finding solutions in a common effort; ancient Greek synoia for care, synnomos
for friend, husband, synodos for gatherings where problems are discussed,
pondered, and solved (syn-words a later overforming?)
NTO --- false, ignoring reality;
ancient Greek nothos for fake, not genuine
NSO --- insane, denying reality,
also denying a beyond, a reality transcending our knowledge; ancient Greek
nosos for insanity
OTN --- ear, listening to people who
know, also, metaphorically, to a divine voice or inspiration; ancient Greek
otion for ear
OSN --- request, prayer, asking a
ruler, a shaman, a divine being, in the sense of: ‘we heed your words, now we
are in trouble, please help us’; ancient Greek osiae for divine law, Oisin
(Osheen) Ossian was the son of Fion Finn who ate the Salmon of Knowledge –
“much larger than a common salmon and, on its shining skin, all all the colors
of the rainbow seemed to dance and swirl” (Ian Zaczek) – and was asked to save
Tara from the goblin Aillen, Hebrew Hosanna Hosh(i)-ann-ah ”save we pray”
The Hebrew name Nathan means God gave. The
original meaning could have been: NOT TON --- he who knows (not) and makes
himself heard (ton), the one who speaks out of a divine inspiration, out of a
knowledge God gave him …
Now it’s time for a story in Magdalenian. A
young professor of Paleo-linguistics goes on a time travel to Lascaux, arrives
there in the spring of 14,681 BC, meets a lovely young woman, takes a few
lessons in Magdalenian, then meets her parents and addresses them as follows:
OC means eye and I (ego), LIC means light and
luck, OC LIC means I see light, I am pleased. MA OC means my darling, my eye,
apple of my eye; OC LIC MA OC means I love you. Humming Mm means I, me. TA
means your. The other words are explained above. Imperatives or wishing forms
are given by doublings. What he says is then: ‘I am pleased to meet you, father
of Sarah, I am pleased to meet you, mother of Sarah, (toward Sarah): I love
you. I am a teacher. I desire your daughter. Give her to me, father of Sarah, bless
us, mother of Sarah, be it so, be it so.’
In 2005 I gave CA LUN for the moon bull;
ancient Greek selenae Latin luna for moon. The inverse of LUN, namely NUL,
reminds of German Null for zero, nul, Latin nihil for nothing, evoking the
empty moon, German Leermond. In 2005 I gave CA LAB, sky cold, for the winter
sun horse, CA BEL, sky warm, for the spring sun horse, and CA BAL, sky hot, for
the summer sun horse. Hear them running:
More later. Now for the permutations of BAL or
BA) and of BEL:
BAL LAB, ALB BLA; ABL LBA --- sun horse,
clicking L
BA) --- hot; from a word field given by Richard
Fester, consider for example that Baal was originally a volcano god
)AB --- cold; Lapland (?), ice water stream
A)B --- summer dawn, Latin alba for white,
Albania seen from southern Italy the land where the sun rises
B)A --- winter dusk; black
AB) --- rising midsummer sun; ancient Greek
ablaes for new (…), ablabaes for intact, not injured (…), here the fresh
morning sun horse of midsummer
)BA --- setting midwinter sun; ancient Greek
labae for weak spot, here the sun horse hit on a weak spot, sinking and falling
(physical phenomena understood in hunting terms)
LEB BEL, ELB BLE, EBL LBE --- female principle,
lip lick
-:EB or LEB --- female, woman; German Leben for
life, leben for to live, Liebe for love, lieben for to love, Leib for body
BE-: or BEL --- pretty, warm,
lovely, French belle
E-:B or ELB --- hind-woman; ancient Greek
elphae for hind, the divine hind licking animals into life. The giant hind in
the Altamira cave licks the horns of a small bison under her head and neck. The
head of another hind in the same cave is drawn on a ledge, before it a vertical
crack in the wall, whose lower part serves as a perfect tongue – we may assume
that she will lick a bison out of the crack (animals in caves of Europe and
southern Africa are often depicted as if coming out of a crack or a niche, or
disappearing into them). Photographs by Michel Lorblanchet: hind1.JPG / hind2.JPG
B-:E or BLE --- offspring; the animals licked
into life by the divine hind, onomatopoeic, ancient Greek blaechae German
blöken English bleat
EB-: or EBL --- the moon bull licked into life
by the divine hind in the Altamira cave, climbing the sky, shining; ancient
Greek epilampos for to light up, dawn
-:BE or LBE --- the tongue with which the
divine hind licks animals into life; Latin labia for tongue
Hinds in the Altamira cave, large hind licking
a small bison into life, head of a hind drawn on a ledge, her tongue given by
the lower part of a vertical crack in the wall
CER REC, CRE ERC, RCE ECR --- shamans, both men
and women
CER --- stag, shaman and shamaness, megaceros,
arch shaman and arch shamaness; ancient Greek keras for horn, the Celtic god
Cernunnos, Lord of the animals, wore stag antlers, shamans in Siberia are known
to have been wearing stag antlers when performing a ceremony (another possible
REC --- activities of a shaman;
ancient Greek rhezo for I do, make
CRE --- to rule; ancient Greek kreion
for ruler
ERC --- precinct of a shaman;
ancient Greek herkos for hedge (…)
RCE --- root; ancient Greek rhizo
for root
ECR --- source, spring, well;
ancient Greek ekreo for I flow out (ek-word a later overforming?)
CER --- constellation of the divine stag,
summer constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpio seen as antlers, in the
rotunda of the Lascaux cave the stags between the pair of opposing bulls: menhir6e.JPG
/ cer.JPG The divine stag ensures the journey
of the sun and moon across the sky and through the cavern of the Underworld, he
protects the entrance and the exit of the Underworld by means of fires that
become visible in an evening red or a morning red, he also ensures the passage
of a worthy ruler to the heavenly abode of the Summer Triangle Atair (alpha
Aquilae), Deneb (alpha Cygni), Vega (alpha Lyrae).
CER --- constellation of the divine hind-woman,
winter constellation of Orion, the sides of the figure are formed by the horns
of a pair of opposing ibices, midwinter according to Marie E.P. Koenig: menhjr89.JPG
/ cer.JPG The divine hind licks animals out of
cracks in the rock, see the beautiful large hind in the Altamira cave licking
the horns of a small bison under her head and neck, and the head of another
hind drawn on a ledge of the same cave, in front of the head a vertical crack
in the wall, the lower part of the crack forming a perfect tongue … The many
bisons in the Altamira cave are moons, or rather lunations, providing the
Magdalenians with time: may there be many bulls, many moon bulls, many moons,
many lunations, periods of 30 29 30 29 30 … days or nights, plenty of time for
our people …
The divine hind-woman may have given birth to a
shaman, SA CER --- downward (sa) from the divine hind-woman (cer), wherefrom
Latin sacer for sacred. A worthy shaman may have been given a second life in
the constellation of Sagittarius and Scorpio as the antler of CER, this would
have been CER AS --- upward (as) to the divine stag (cer), wherefrom ancient
Greek hieros for sacred. A shaman had many tasks, for example to teach aspiring
rulers, to advice rulers, and to oppose bad rulers. The latter was a heroic
task, and so CER AS could also have become ancient Greek heros for hero.
The Summer Triangle was the heavenly abode of a
worthy ruler, Sagittarius and Scorpio may have been the heavenly abode of a
worthy shaman, Orion the heavenly abode of a worthy shamaness. Aldebaran was
the young moon bull waiting to go on his heavenly journey, Sirius may have been
the place of young shamans and shamanesses, ready for their life on earth.
Cernunnos on the silver cauldron of Gundestrup
wears a stag antler and a torque, with his right hand he holds another torque,
and with his left hand a snake whose head, decorated with the antlers of a ram,
is close to his ear, while the body of the animal performs a loop. The stag
symbolizes the shaman, the hind the shamaness (the megaceros of old as arch
shaman and arch shamaness, for example in the cave of Cougnac), while the
torque may symbolize the trajectory of the sun. Serpent and ram may have been
emanations of the divine stag as protector of the sun horse. Relying on serpere
as origin of serpens, Latin for snake, I propose the following words for the
times of the day:
CER PER --- snake protecting the sun
horse in the later morning; ancient Greek pera for beyond, serpere as origin of
Latin serpens for serpent, snake
CER REP --- snake protecting the sun
horse in the afternoon; ancient Greek repo for I bow, incline, Latin reptilis
for reptile
CER PRE --- snake protecting the
rising sun horse of the early morning; ancient Greek prepo for I shine, appear,
come forth
CER ERP --- snake protecting the sun
horse in the evening; ancient Greek herpo for I creep, sneak, herpeton for a
creeping animal
CER RPE --- snake protecting the sun
horse in the zenith, high on the sky at noon; ancient Greek ripae for cast,
throw, swing, flight (…), ripae ophthalmou for a moment in time
CER EPR --- snake protecting the sun
horse in the center of the Underworld, where it needs most help and protection,
night, midnight; ancient Greek eparkeia for help, oparkeo for I suffice, remain
in force, protect, help, assist (…), Latin servo for I protect
CER PRE --- early morning, 4 o’clock
on June 21
CER PER --- later morning, 8 o’clock
on June 21
CER RPE --- mid-day;
CER REP ---afternoon, 16 o’clock on
June 21
CER ERP --- evening, 20 o’clock on
June 21
CER EPR --- midnight, 24 / 0 o’clock
The meeting ends of the torque will
then symbolize
Underworld; in honor of Richard Fester
KAL --- cavity, cave, the Underworld
traversed by the sun horse and moon bull, as womb of the Goddess the source of
life and regeneration; ancient Greek koilon for cavity (…), German Höhle for
cave, English hill (many caves are found in hills), Latin calor for warmth and
heat (consider the warmth in a deep mine), ancient Greek kallos for beautiful
(caves are beautiful), Celtic kald and German Quelle for well, spring, Richard
Fester mentions the village name of Kallbrunn as evidence for his word Kall:
well-fountain, German Hülle for cover, verhüllen for to conceal (hidden caves),
English hall German Halle (spacious caves), English call, German Hall for
sound, hallen for to sound, resound (a resounding cave)
LAK --- water in the depth of the
Underworld; ancient Greek lakkos for hole, ditch, pond, Latin lacus English
lake and loch, German Loch for hole, mentioned by Richard Fester as inverse
form of Kall
KLA --- sound the sun horse and moon
bull make when traversing the Underworld; ancient Greek klaggae for sound,
singing, noise (…), German Klang for sound, Klappern for the sound hooves make
ALK --- protection of the sun horse
and moon bull in the Underworld, provided by the divine snake; ancient Greek
alkos for protection
AKL --- brightness and splendor of
the Underworld when traversed and lit up by the sun and moon; ancient Greek
aglaia for shine, splendor, beauty, brightness
LKA --- light of the midsummer sun
horse and of the full moon; ancient Greek lykaegenaes for born out of light
(byname of Apollo), lyka-baes for year (consider also lic, a word from 2005)
How did the positive Underworld KAL
turn into he negative hell, German Hölle? The reason may have been the labor of
mining metals. Ancient Greek chalkos for ore may well be a form of KAL. Richard
Fester mentions names such as Celtic and Gallia and considers them descendants
of his Kall word. The Celts mined metals on a large scale. Why did Julius
Caesar conquer Gallia? One of the reasons was the Celtic gold.
durations of six lunar phases gen.GIF
GEN --- 3 days or nights of the young moon; ancient
Greek genae for birth (…) time (…), Latin genus for birth, origin, gena for
cheek (the arc of the new moon resembling the one of a cheek), eye, eye socket
(consider the lunar aspect of the Egyptian Horus eye)
NGE --- 6 days or nights of the waxing moon;
ancient Greek nikae for victory, Latin Nicaeus for Jupiter granting victory,
consider Zeus as young, strong and victorious bull
GNE --- 9 days or nights of the full moon LUN;
ancient Greek ganao for I shine, am resplendent, make a magnificient show
EGN --- 6 days or nights of the waning moon;
Latin egenus for I am in need, poor (something missing)
NEG --- sickle of the old moon, 3 days or
nights; ancient Greek nekros for dead, nekroo for I kill, take away strength
and life, Latin negare for to say no, deny
ENG --- 2 or 3 days of the empty moon NUL
The moon bull running along with the red horse
in the rotunda of the Lascaux cave represents the full moon, before his head a
sign of nine elements: menhir6e.JPG The opposing bulls have a sign of 3
strokes (sickle of the young moon and sickle of the old moon represented in one
animal), then of 4 plus 2 = 6 dots on the body (waning moon), then of 4 plus 2
= 6 dots and above the animal (waxing moon, higher than the bull of the waning
ORI IRO, RIO OIR, IOR ROI --- the young moon
bull GEN raising from the horizon, like a swallow from a nest, climbing the sky
like a bird (a thin sickle resembling the wings of a bird), following a
trajectory that evokes a rainbow, joy of traveling across the sky and the
heavenly pastures, also the joy of finding the very thin sickle of the young
moon in the night sky, a difficult task for early astronomers
ORI --- horizon, the place where the
young moon bull GEN begins his heavenly journey; ancient Greek horizon, oreinos
for mountainous, horeion for region, land, border
RIO ---mountain top;
ancient Greek rhino for mountain top
IRO --- to rise, the young moon bull
GEN rising from the horizon like a swallow from the nest, climbing the sky,
following a trajectory resembling a rainbow; Latin ire for to go, hirunda
(French hirondelle) for swallow, iris for rainbow
OIR --- place where the
moon bull starts; ancient Greek moira for allotted land, fate
IOR --- exclamation of joy,
hurray; ancient Greek iou
ROI --- imaginary sound the young
moon bull makes while climbing the sky; ancient Greek rhoizeo for I rust, hiss,
whiz, whistle
fanning wind, turning smoke
PIR --- fire; ancient Greek
pyr for fire, Pyr- in Pyrenees may refer to the sun above the mountain range
seen from the
RIP --- fan, wind fanning a
fire; ancient Greek ripazo for I fan
IRP --- creeping smoke;
ancient Greek herpein for to creep
PRI --- turning smoke;
ancient Greek peri for round about
RPI --- descending smoke;
ancient Greek rhepo for I bow, sink down (…)
IPR --- ascending smoke;
ancient Greek hyper for beyond
PIR AC --- fire (pir) expanse of
land with water (ac), land under the fiery sun, a landscape in summer; possible
origin of Old German peracht for bright, English bright being the same word,
German Pracht for splendor
NUL AC --- empty moon (nul) expanse
of land with water (ac), land under an empty moon, darkest night in earlier
times when there was no light pollution; possible origin of German Nacht
English night, in analogy to PIR AC peracht Pracht and bright
The Magdalenians were hunters. We
are now coming to words of hunting.
club, handle of a club, four ways to handle a club
ROP --- club; ancient Greek
ropalon for a club
POR --- handle of a club;
ancient Greek porpax for handle of a shield
PRO --- to raise a club and
beat a target in front; ancient Greek pro
ORP --- to swing a club sideward
(branching off from the main direction); ancient Greek orpaex for twig, branch
OPR --- to swing a club in
every which direction; ancient Greek opaer ospaer for whatever
RPO --- to let a club sink;
ancient Greek repo for I sink (as in the case of smoke above)
MUC --- bull / PAC --- horse
/ PEC --- game, boar, ibex / PIC --- bird ?
--- hunting horses
PAC --- horse
CAP --- a group of horse
hunters; Latin capere for to capture, also Latin habere German haben English to
have, also Latin caput for head (counting a group of animals by the number of
APC --- to deroute a herd of horses
and drive them into an enclosure, or over a cliff; several Greek words of the
form ap(o)-k-, for example apokrino for I separate, apokino for I move away
(a-word a later overforming?)
CPA --- to beat horses;
ancient Greek kopae for beating, slaughter (…)
ACP --- infatigable;
ancient Greek akopos for infatigable (a-word a later overforming?)
PCA --- to end a horse
hunt; Latin pacatus for quieted, peaceful
The last word would be the
origin of Latin pax for peace – ending the melee of a horse hunt. The
Magdalenians have been hunters, they needed the animals they killed, and
honored them by placing them on the sky, the bull as moon, the horse as sun, a
pair of opposing ibices as symbol of midwinter (Marie E.P. König).
ADM ASM, MDA MSA --- how a group of Magdalenian hunters can overcome a big and
strong animal such as a bison
DAM --- hunting a bison, how a group
of Magdalenian hunters overcomes a bull; ancient Greek damazo for I overcome
SAM --- to cooperate, work together;
Sanskrit sam for together, ancient Greek syn- sym-, German zusammen for
MAD --- to learn how to hunt a bison
in a common effort, as a group; ancient Greek mathaema for learning, teaching,
experience, lesson, science, art
MAS --- 1) chief bull hunter, the
one who commands a hunting expedition, leads the first and all deciding blow by
attacking a week spot, making the poor beast raving mad and going blind of
rage, whereupon the other hunters attack it from all sides, 2) chief bull
hunter as teacher of the young hunters, wearing a bull mask and hides, the boys
attack him with toy spears and lances, whereupon he behaves in the way a bull
would; Latin mas for man, little man, perhaps in relation to the big animal
(see the huge bull and small hunter before him in the cave of Gabillou),
masculinus for virile
DMA --- knowledge of the body and behaving
of a bison; ancient Greek demos for the way a body is built
SMA --- to command a bison hunt,
giving signals, leading a group of hunters, being the one who applies the first
and all deciding blow; ancient Greek saemaino for I give a signal, perhaps also
English small, German schmal for narrow, lanky (consider the small chief hunter
alone in front of the big animal)
AMD --- lacking the knowledge of a
chief hunter, not really knowing where and how to apply the first blow, being
in the group of lesser hunters; ancient Greek amathaes for ignorant (a-word a
later overforming?)
AMS --- to overcome a bison in a
common effort, attacking the bull from all sides when the first blow has been
applied by the chief hunter MAS; ancient Greek amothei hamothei for out of
everywhere, out of all directions
ADM --- fearless; ancient Greek
adeimatos for fearless
ASM --- so very fearless that one
can even sing, or, the other way round, singing in order to overcome one’s
fear; ancient Greek asmae for song
MDA --- to consider everything
concerning a bison hunt; ancient Greek medo for I think, care for, think out,
give orders, command, rule
MSA --- being led by intuition and
inspiration; ancient Greek Mousa for muse; consider that Odysseus who tackled
the stronghold of Troy had been assisted by his muse Athena
--- hunting a cave bear
ARC --- cave bear Ursus spelaeus;
ancient Greek arktos Latin ursus for bear
CRA --- strength, power and skills
needed to hunt a cave bear, rewarded by a successful hunt, and by the privilege
of raising a cranium filled with bear blood in order to sacrifice the soul of
the bear and thus establish a link with the beyond, imploring strength, power
and skills from above; ancient Greek krateo for I am strong, powerful, I
overcome (…), German Kraft for strength, power, English craft for skill, Greek
krataer English crater, the Ainu of Hokkaido believe that the soul of a
ritually sacrificed bear establishes a link with the beyond
CAR --- head of a bear, deposited at
a cult place, for example in a cave; ancient Greek kar for head
RAC --- fur of a bear; ancient Greek
rhagos for rug, carpet, cover, English rug
RCA --- ritual sacrifice, raising a cranium
filled with bear blood; ancient Greek rhezo for I sacrifice
ACR --- depositing a bear head on
top of a stone pillar; ancient Greek akros for top, akrothonion for depositing
a donation on top
TYR --- he who overcomes / inverse RYT --- to throw a
spear or lance (full permutation group later)
ARC TYR --- he who overcomes (tyr) a
cave bear (arc); surviving in Arthur, who slew a dragon (bones and skulls of
the long extinct cave bear were regarded as remains of dragons)
) --- the power (cra) of the lion
man (clicking l) who overcomes a cave bear and has the privilege to raise the
bucranium filled with blood, wherefrom grail, German Gral
work on hides
TOM --- stone knive; ancient Greek
tomae for cut
MOT --- to cut and clean a hide with
a stone knive; Latin moto for I move back and forth
OTM --- hide, so named for the
specific smell of leather and fur; ancient Greek odmae osmae for smell
MTO --- to knead wet hides in order
to make them soft; ancient Greek matto masso for I knead, English massage
OMT --- hides as raw material for
making clothes, belts, baldrics, covers, tent walls, and so on; ancient Greek
omos for raw, crude, fresh (…), omotaes for roughness
TMO --- treasurer of hides; ancient
Greek tamaias for treasurer
ChAR --- poles for making tents and
huts and a fence around a camp, some poles may have been decorated with
figurines carved from wood; ancient Greek charax for pole, palisade, charis for
grace, Charis one of the graces
RACh --- intertwined thorn branches
used for a fence, filling the spaces between the poles; ancient Greek rachos
for thorn shrub, hedge
ChRA --- to ward off (purpose of a
fence); ancient Greek chraismeo for I ward off, hold off (…)
ARCh --- being strong enough to ward
off animals; ancient Greek arkeo for I ward off, help, am strong enough
RChA --- small openings in the fence
where people could pass, closed by night; ancient Greek rox rogos for opening,
crack, crevice, fissure
AChR --- area inside the fence, area
of the camp; ancient Greek agros for field, land, estate (while ac for an
expanse of land with water was the land around the camp)
KDO KSO, ODK OSK --- a tent or hut
KOD --- tent or hut, poles stuck in
the ground, bound together at the top, covered with hides; Sanskrit khada and
kuti for hut, kota or kotta for fortress, kotara for cave, Middle English cod
coth couth for hut, German Kate Kathe for hut, Irish cod for head (casing of
the mind), English head and hat and hut, Irish codal for hide, skin, codlida
for made of hides, cota for coat, raincoat (a mini-tent), Sanskrit coda for
jacket, Indo-European k(u)ot- and Hebrew kot for spiky (poles of a tent before
they are covered with hides). Consider also French château for castle
KOS --- heavenly tent or vault;
ancient Greek kosmos for arrangement, way or style of building, order, decorum,
regularity, status (quo), world, world order, space, cosmos, Earth, humanity,
everybody, ornament, praise, fame, honor, Latin costa for rib (the ribs form
the cage of the lungs, of breath, identified with wind, spirit and soul in
Hebrew, ancient Greek and Latin), English castle
DOK --- poles used for building a
tent or a hut; ancient Greek dokos for rafter
SOK --- strong; ancient Greek sokos
for strong
OKD --- ground plan of a tent or
hut, a polygon defined by the poles; ancient Greek okta for eight, wherefrom
octagon, perhaps a common ground plan
OKS --- circumference and size of a tent
or hut, amount of materials used; ancient Greek ogkos for mass, great number,
weight, periphery (…) pride
DKO --- walls and roof of a tent or
hut; ancient Greek teichos for wall, tegos for roof (see also dai)
SKO --- surrounding area of a tent
or hut; ancient Greek saekos for enclosure, stable, sacred area or district,
KDO --- the large tent of a ruler or
a shaman; ancient Greek kydos for fame, being great, honor, glory, pride,
ornament, success, prosperity
KSO --- ornaments decorating such a
tent or hut; ancient Greek kissos for ivy, giving an idea of how a decorated
hut or tent may have looked like
ODK --- those inhabiting a large
tent or hut, a ruler, a shaman; ancient Greek
hodaegos for the one showing the
way, leader (ruler), teacher (shaman)
OSK --- the art of building a large
tent or hut; ancient Greek askeo for I work upon carefully and artistically, I
produce, manufacture, decorate, furnish, exercise, practice, endeavor
A drawing in the cave Cosquer near
Marseilles, 27 000 BP, shows a rectangle in perspective with triangles that may
be two rows of tents, while another drawing in the same cave may be the map of
a camp near the confluence of two rivers.
DRE SRE, ERD ERS --- holding a council in a camp
RED --- speaker; ancient Greek
rhetor for speaker, German Rede for speech, Redner for speaker
RES --- speech, topic of a speech,
concern of the speaker; ancient Greek rhaesis for to speak, talk, word,
narration, Latin res with many meanings that cover the topics which may have
been discussed at a council
DER --- baldric worn by a speaker at
a council, made of leather; ancient Greek derma for skin, fur, leather, hose
SER --- necklace of a supreme ruler or
shaman, decorated with perforated shells or teeth of deer; ancient Greek seira
for rope, chain
EDR --- seat in the tent or hut
wherein a council was held, logs covered with the best hides and furs a tribe
could provide; ancient Greek hedra for seat, chair
ESR --- elevated seat for a supreme
ruler or an arch shaman or shamaness; ancient Greek thronos for throne
RDE --- protector of a tent or hut
wherein a council is being held; ancient Greek rhytaer for protector
RSE --- protectors of a camp wherein
a council is being held; ancient Greek rhyesi-polis for the protector of a town
DRE --- finding out what to do,
coming to a conclusion, issuing a resolution, making plans for taking action,
to plan an undertaking; ancient Greek drao for I do, act, accomplish, dromenon
for deed, undertaking, plan
SRE --- being decided about a
resolution, a plan, an undertaking; ancient Greek zoros for strong, powerful,
vigorous, nourishing
ERD --- to carry out a resolution, a
plan; ancient Greek erdo for I do, make, act (…)
ERS --- to carry out a resolution, a
plan, an undertaking in a fresh and decided manner; ancient Greek ersais for
fresh (…), arsaen for virile
Combine DRE for plan with IDA for
happy and you get DRE IDA for a happy plan, a good resolution - origin of druid?
in 2005 I gave MHAYN for the right hand, now I simplify the word to MAN
MAN --- hand, especially the right
hand, pars pro toto for a man; Latin manus for hand, English man, hand as
worker, German Mann for man
NAM --- name, someone worth being
named and remembered by a name; Latin nomen English name German Name
MNA --- virility; ancient Greek
menos for (a strong) desire, eagerness, will, purpose, intention, anger,
vitality, strength
ANM --- to carry out, effect, cause,
bring about; ancient Greek anymi anyo
with the same meanings, ANM was the name of the bad months in the Celtic
calendar - perhaps those requiring more effort?
AMN --- to sacrifice; ancient Greek
amnion for sacrificial bowl
NMA --- to make rules; ancient Greek
nomaion for custom, usus
NAM MAN --- right hand (man), pars
pro toto for a human being, someone worth being remembered (nam); nomen name
GYN --- woman; ancient Greek gynae
for woman, German Kind for child seems to be an extension of gyn, consider also
English kin, kinship
NYG --- night, time one spends with
a woman, when women have the say; ancient Greek nyx for night (Nyx was a
powerful goddess, alter ego of Gaia, her priestesses gave oracles), Latin niger
for black (color of the night), nectar for something sweet (a drink, a
NGY --- pretty and clean; ancient
Greek naegateos for clean, splendid, nakae for fleece (a fleece one wears for a
cloth, or a fleece one sleeps upon)
YGN --- hygiene; from Greek
YNG --- a pregnant woman; ancient
Greek enegkein for to bear, bring, aorist of phero for I bring, having brought,
a woman who has brought a child into the world, then, so gyn may have been a
woman in general, but especially a young mother
GNY --- child; ancient Greek
gnaesios for a legitimate child, genuine, true (consider also the saying of
truth being the child of time)
the young behave
COR --- young people; ancient Greek
korae for girl, virgin, young woman, daughter, doll, apple of the eye, koros
for young man, son, youthful, vigorous, Latin cor for heart, soul, feeling,
courage, reason, insight, individual, person, cor meum for my heart
ROC --- the way young people behave,
in puberty, when falling in love, when quarreling, when fighting over a woman
or a man; ancient Greek rochtheo for I rustle, roar, buzz, race, effervesce,
rogalos for torn apart (puberty), English ruction (unexplained until now),
ruckus, a rocking boulder, rock ‘n’ roll, the pulsating music of my youth …
CRO --- to beat, knock, a young
heart pounding, a quick pulse; ancient Greek krouo for I beat, push, knock,
krouros for source
ORC --- instinct, impulse, drive,
desire, passion, when the heart is beating fast, when young people blush, when
the sexual organs swell; ancient Greek orgao for I brim (over), swell, desire
vehemently, organon in the sense of organ
RCO --- being active, youthful and
passionate activities; ancient Greek rhezo for I do
OCR --- arousal, easily being
aroused, keen on; ancient Greek okrioeis for sharp (sharp in English also has
the meaning of keen and eager, scharf in German can also mean horny, juicy,
hot), okriaomai for getting angry, akros for pointed, sharp, uppermost,
supreme, excelling
in an abri
LIC --- light, luck; Latin lux for
light and felix for lucky, German Licht and Glück, English light and luck
CIL --- fire in a camp, used for
cooking, giving warm, and warding off animals such as cave bears and cave lions
and wolves, light given by fire, the lucky feeling of having a good fire
burning; Latin culina for kitchen, English kiln. In 2005 I mentioned French cil
for eyelash – one may think of an upshooting flame singeing an eyelash. If also
English kill should come from cil we may think of torches used as weapons:
poles of green wood whose sharpened ends were coated with birch pitch and set
on fire – an array of flaming spears would certainly have warded off any animal
CLI --- abri; ancient Greek klisia
for hut, tent, shelter, seat, group of guests, klitus for slope, hill, klino
for I bend, turn, ward off, lean on, sink down, sit or lie down at a table,
perf. to be situated, live, dwell, English cliff
ILC --- an abri lighted up by camp
fires; ancient Greek alaektor for shining
LCI --- site of an abri, land around
an abri; ancient Greek laxis for a lot of land
ICL --- to choose an abri for a
provisional camp; ancient Greek eklaesis for choice
GRA --- a cave with painted walls;
ancient Greek chaeronos for cave, German graben for to dig, Grab for tomb,
vault, ancient Greek graphein for drawing, painting, graphic
ARG --- walls and ceiling of a
decorated cave, shining up in the light of oil lamps, representing the sky;
ancient Greek argos for white, shimmering
RGA --- fissured, craggy, both for
the land as hunting ground and for the walls of a decorated cave as painting
ground; ancient Greek rogos for fissured, craggy
AGR --- to catch animals, both in
natura, when hunting them, and metaphorically, when drawing them; ancient Greek
agreo for I catch, capture
GAR --- opening, crack, crevice,
fissure in rock, where animals emerge from and disappear into, according to a
very old belief; ancient Greek charade for crevice, crack, gorge, river bed,
RAG --- shape of an animal,
especially the line of the back, according to André Leroi-Gourhan the first
line when an animal was drawn, making it appear as if by a miracle; ancient
Greek rachos for back, also used for hills and mountains, German ragen for to
loom, tower, Rücken for back, recht for right, Recht for law, reich for rich,
Sanskrit raj for king
NPhO --- to snow; ancient Greek
OPhN --- all of a sudden, first
snow, winter comes; ancient Greek aphno for all of a sudden, surprisingly
NOPh --- falling snow, snow storm,
plenty of snow; ancient Greek niphas for snow storm, blizzard, Latin novus for new,
the world appearing new when freshly covered in snow, novem for nine and
November the ninth month, when usually the first snow falls in Switzerland
(more later)
PhON --- not seeing each other in a
snow storm, calling for each other, staying close together in order not to get
lost, wolves howling, dangerous when starving, even for humans; ancient Greek
phonos with omega for sound, voice, call (people calling each other, wolves
howling), phonos with omicron for mass, lump (people staying close to each other),
phonos phonae with omicron for murder (wolves are remembered as murderous
animals in fairy tales)
PhNO --- torches on high poles
marking the winter camp, visible from afar, guiding hunters home; ancient Greek
phanos for torch
ONPh --- a shining torch by night,
shining snow by day in sunlight; ancient Greek aenops for shining, white
DCE SCE, EDC ESC --- giving shelter
CED --- to care for people, inviting
them; ancient Greek kednos for caring, reasonable, good, honorable, dear
CES --- belt worn by a high ranking
person, especially by the ruler of a tribe; ancient Greek kestos for belt
DEC --- being a decent person,
helping others when they are in need, a life savior; Latin decus for decency,
honor (…), consider also decorated for honored
SEC --- providing shelter in the
safety of a camp; ancient Greek saekos for enclosure, Latin securus for safe
CDE --- cooking pit, laid out with
leather, filled with water and food, warmed up with hot stones rolled in from a
fire; ancient Greek kedos for cauldron, kettle
CSE --- a wooden bowl filled with
food from the cooking pit, a spit with roasted meat from the fireplace; ancient
Greek kissybion for bowl, chysis for a heap (plenty of food, then)
EDC --- food, meat; ancient Greek
edesma for food, meat
ESC --- fireplace, people eating
round a warming fire; ancient Greek eschara for hearth, fireplace
DCE--- to welcome a guest; ancient
Greek deiknanomai for to welcome, deiknymi deiknyo for to greet, welcome
SCE --- inviting someone into the
safety of a camp; ancient Greek skepae for safety
ECD --- a stranger asking for
shelter; ancient Greek ektos for outside (here someone standing outside the
camp, a stranger asking for protection)
ECS --- to save someone; ancient
Greek eksozo for I save
My reconstruction of the lunisolar
calendar of Lascaux from 2005 led me to an experimental reconstruction of
Magdalenian. Then my linguistic work in 2006 led me to a late Magdalenian
IAS 1-36 (January 9 till February
13), coldest time of the year, when many get ill, hence IAS for healing
CED 1-37 (February 14 till March
22), a time when the provisions get scarce and people have to care for each
other, hence CED for to care. The spring equinox occurs by the end of this
period (March 21)
PhON 1-36 (March 23 till April 27),
spring comes, a lot of noise and bustle in the camp, hence PhON for noise
DKO --- 1-37 (April 28 till June 3),
time when one can leave the camp, hence DKO for the walls and roof of the tent
or hut one can leave by now, perhaps with a ceremony
PAS 1-36 (June 4 till July 9), time
when one roams the land, hence PAS for everywhere (in a plain). Midsummer
occurs in the middle of this period (June 21)
SAI 1-37 (July 10 till August 15),
warmest time of the year, lovely summer, hence SAI for life, existence (inverse
of IAS)
SAP 1-36 (August 16 till September
20), the world in more dimensions, hence SAP for all the places in the world,
here, south and north of me, east and west of me, under and above me (inverse
of PAS), origin of September
OKD 1-37 (September 21 – October
27), time for to build a new camp, or to renovate the old one, hence OKD for
the ground plan of a tent or hut (inverse of DKO), origin of October. The fall
equinox occurs at the begin of this period (September 23)
NOPh 1-36 (October 28 till December
2), time of the first snow, hence NOPh for to snow (inverse of PhON), origin of
DEC 1-37 (December 3 till January 8),
time one spends in the camp and has to behave, hence DEC for decent (inverse of
CED), origin of December. The midwinter solstice occurs in the middle of this
period (December 21)
A year has 365 regular days and
requires one leap day every fourth year, or two leap days every eighth year, as
the lunisolar calendar from Lascaux.
Upon entering the Lascaux cave one
saw a composite animal with the bearded head of a man, a pair of lances growing
as horns out of his front, with the forelegs and mottled hide of a feline, the
hind legs and hind body of a bison, and the belly of a pregnant mare: menhir6f.JPG This animal may have conveyed a message to an aspiring ruler: ‘Make a
wise use of your weapons (which is why the lances grow as horns out of the
front of the male head), be patient, quick and decided as a feline, strong as a
bull, and caring as a mother …’
CER means stag, GER may be a lateral
association for lance; SAP means everywhere in three dimensions (here, south
and north of me, east and west of me, under and above me), experienced, wise.
LEI is an attacking lion, TAC may be a word for the way a lion behaves
(at-tack, inverse cat). MUC is a bull, a bison, CRA means strong. AMA may be the
word for mother, CED is the word for to care. Together we obtain a Magdalenian
version of that formula for an aspiring ruler:
Brigid, a powerful triple-goddess
BRI --- fertile, fertility,
pregnancy, pregnant women, source of life, a blessed land with plenty of wells
and a lush vegetation; ancient Greek bryo for to be full, grow and bloom, well,
English bride, also Britain as a green island (more later)
IRB --- herbs, especially herbs used
by a midwife to ease labor-pains, perhaps also herbs and mildly alcoholic
berries for disinfecting water, and herbs used for medical purposes in general;
Latin herba for herb
RBI --- labor pains, giving birth;
ancient Greek rhopae for turning point, crisis, decision (…), Latin rabies for
rabies, madness (etymology unclear, heavy labor-pains, then), rubidus for dark
red, brown red (color of blood)
IBR --- a newborn child; ancient
Greek habros for sumptuous, soft, delicate, fine, elegant, beautiful,
BIR --- fur wherein a newborn was
laid in order to keep it warm; ancient Greek byros English fur
RIB --- a crib or basket of
wickerwork, laid out with fur; ancient Greek rhipizo for wickerwork
Now we got words for the three
PIR GID --- fire (pir) giver (gid)
BIR GID --- fur (bir) giver (gid)
BRI GID --- fertility (bri) giver
young child
BOL --- a newborn child, a toddler;
ancient Greek bolos for cast, throw, German Wurf also means litter, brood,
perhaps also ancient Greek berphos for the young one, Hebrew wolod for child,
Russian molod for young, Arabic waladat for she has born, Latin mollis for
soft, tender, Arabic malida for he / it was soft, Bolae in my medieval dialect
means something round and soft, used as a pet name for a toddler, myn Bolae, my
sweet little chubby boy or girl …
LOB --- a newborn sleeping, deep
sleep of a child; ancient Greek lophaeo for I rest
OBL --- to increase the members of a
family, a tribe, a clan; ancient Greek ophello for I increase
LBO --- to anoint a newborn; ancient
Greek lipoo lipao for I shine of ointment
BLO --- to be born, to arrive;
ancient Greek blosko for I arrive (…)
OLB --- being happy about a newborn;
ancient Greek olbos for luck, blessing, salvation, wealth, power (this word
says how much children must have been valued)
POT TOP, TPO OTP, PTO OTP --- power,
lateral associations to PAD and PAS
POT --- ruler;
ancient Greek potnia for a female ruler, despotaes for ruler, despoina for lady
of the house (Despoina was a powerful goddess, her secret name was Nyx, alter
ego of Gaia), Latin potentia and potentas for power, English potency and power
TOP --- place and rank, where a
ruler lives, also his rank; ancient Greek topos for place, rank, English top
TPO --- appearance, composure and
splendor of a ruler; ancient Greek typos for appearance, form, shape (…)
OPT --- a ruler presenting himself,
herself; ancient Greek optasia for
appearance, optanomai for to let oneself be seen, Latin optimus for the
PTO --- a ruler spreading influence;
ancient Greek peitho for I persuade (…), patis for step, path, petomai for to
speed, hurry, fly – consider the bird as emblem of a ruler, birdman from
Lascaux, bird goddess, Horus falcon
OTP --- how a ruler paves the way;
ancient Greek odopoieo for I pave the way
bull moves
TOR --- noise and commotion as
caused by a bull; ancient Greek tauros for bull, and similar words in many
languages (Saul Levin)
ROT --- noises a bull makes; ancient
Greek rhotheo for I rustle, make noise, grumble, roar
TRO --- to run; ancient Greek
trocha(z)o for I run, German trotten
ORT --- straight on, as a bull runs;
ancient Greek orthos for straight
RTO --- the elegant way a bull moves
when running; ancient Greek orthos for straight on (…)
OTR--- swift, nimble; ancient Greek
otralos and otraeros for swift, brisk, quick, nimble
RDI RSI, IDR ISR --- how to cope with adversities and calamities
DIR --- to look out for signs of
adversities and calamities, to face them directly when they arise and occur,
although they cause fear, and to speak of them; Latin dirus for announcing
calamities, horrible, dirae for signs that announce harm and calamity, directus
for direct, perhaps English fear, French dire (pronounced dir) for to speak,
comparative form SIR --- to warn of
adversities and calamities, sometimes in vain (some people seem to be attracted
by danger and risk, while others don’t care, Cassandra warned the Trojans in
vain); the sirens, ancient Greek seiraen (singular) Latin Siren (singular)
lured many a sailor into doom, whereas our sirens warn of an imminent danger
inverse RID --- to laugh, to laugh a
danger away, or to encourage each other laughing; Latin ridere for to laugh
comparative form RIS --- to mock and
deride; Latin risus for laughter and laughing stock
IRD --- to be angry; Latin iratus
for I am angry
comparative form IRS --- to be very
angry; Latin irasco for I am angry
inverse DRI --- being helpless in
the case of calamities and adversities, getting hard, harsh, sad and bitter;
ancient Greek drimys for cutting, sharp, stinging, astringent, harsh, bitter
(…), Latin tristis for sad, afflicted, hurting, harsh, unfriendly, gloomy,
angry, horrible, dangerous, earnest, cold, hard
comparative form SRI --- wishing to
get rid of adversities and calamities, to eradicate their causes; Latin sario
for to weed out (etymology unclear says my dictionary)
RDI --- to cope in a rational way with
adversities and calamities; Latin ratio for reason, rationalis for rational
comparative form RSI --- to even out
emotions in order to find a reasonable solution and to cope in a rational way
with dangers, adversities, and calamities; Latin rasilis for smooth(ed)
inverse IDR --- to cope with
adversities and calamities on the basis of knowledge; ancient Greek idris for
knowing, experienced
comparative form ISR --- to invoke
divine knowledge and advice in order to cope with adversities and calamities; *isaros
for strong, sacred
EID EIS, DIE SIE, IDE ISE, EDI ESI, IED IES, DEI SEI --- appearances and reality
EID --- appearances, images; ancient
Greek eidos for appearances, idea, notion, concept, imagination, sort, kind,
essence, state
EIS --- reality behind all
appearances, ideas and notions, idea of all ideas; ancient Greek heis for one,
single, alone, only one, (also the only one?)
DIE --- daylight; Latin dies for day
SIE --- to see, feel, reason, be;
Latin siem sum for I am, “cogito ergo sum” (Descartes)
IDE --- idea; ancient Greek idea for
appearance, form, shape, sort, kind, essence, state
ISE --- equal, what different
appearances, notions, ideas and concepts have in common; ancient Greek isos for
EDI --- pleasure of looking at
appearances and images; ancient Greek hedonae for pleasure (hedonism)
ESI --- meditating; ancient Greek
haesychazo for I am quiet, still, have it peaceful (…)
IED --- following appearances,
notions and ideas; Indo-European iet for to strive, aspire
IES --- trying to find the basic
reality behind ever changing appearances; Indo-European ies for to boil,
bubble, well up, foam (Pokorny), appropriate when one considers the “steam”
produce in scientific discussions …
DEI --- logical order and sequence;
*dein-caps for by turns (Pokorny)
SEI --- basic reality behind all
appearances, notions, ideas, and concepts; Latin sei for sic, it is so
AC CA --- an expanse of land with
water (ac) sky (ca), possible name of Göbekli Tepe, southeast Anatolia, Urfa region,
north of the Syrian Harran plain, 11 600 – 9 500 BP, represented as a lying
H acca.GIF , the horizontal bars meaning earth
and sky, the small vertical bar symbolizing the exchanges between earth and
sky, prayers imploring rain and the smoke of sacrifices rising to the sky, rain
falling from the sky, irrigating fields and filling river beds … The Egyptians
mentioned a region in Syria they called aqa, Latin aqua for water,
Indo-European akka for the earth goddess (a stammered name according to
Pokorny, a meaningful name in my opinion). The goddess of Göbekli Tepe,
engraved on a bank in the lion (?) temple, shows a peculiar hairdo reminding
both of a mushroom and a rain cloud, while her macrolabiae allude to amniotic
water and thus evoke fertility, which the early farmers at the base of the
Karacadag east of Göbekli Tepe received in the form of rain for their fields
CER --- divine hind-woman; may have
become Hera
CER MAS --- divine stag (cer) master
(mas); may have become Hermaes, messenger of the gods, alter ego of Homer in
the Odyssey
CER PIR --- divine stag (cer) fire
(pir), divine stag protecting the wesern horizon where the evening sun sets,
and the eastern horizon where the morning sun rises; may have become Kerberos
who guarded the Underworld with fiery breath
CER AC CLE --- divine stag (cer)
expanse of land with water (ac) judge and protector (cle as lateral association
to cre for ruler); may have become Heraklaes
SHA CA UR --- ruler (sha) sky (ca)
color (ur); may have become Sseyr, Middle Helladic name of Zeus (Derk
Ohlenroth), and English sky. Sky, in Shakespeare’s time, meant cloud. Clouds,
one may say, rule the heavens. When I pondered this idea one day in 2005 I saw
a big cloud in the shape of the beautiful profile of a bearded Greek god pass
my window …
CA UR MAS DAG --- sky (ca) color
(ur) master (mas) four (dag), ruler of the four (corners of the) colored sky;
may have become the name of the supreme Persian god Ahura-Mazda
BRA MAN --- right arm (bra) right
hand (man); may have become Brahman who created the world by playing his lyra
SHA CA --- ruler (sha) sky (ca); may
have become Hebrew Jahve
ABA BRA --- father (aba) right arm
(bra); may have become Abram, the Lord’s right arm, he who carries out the
Lord’s will
SA RAA --- downward (sa) ray of
light (raa), she who stands in the sun light; may have become Sarah
AS RAA --- upward (as) ray of light
(raa); may have become Asherah, the Tree of Life whose branches, pointing
upward, represented heavenly abodes of deities
GHI SHA AC --- call of a bird (ghi)
ruler (sha) sky (ca), supreme ruler of the Guyenne, later of Upper Mesopotamia;
may survive in Isaac
SHA AC --- ruler (sha) expanse of
land with water (ac), a minor ruler; may have become Jacques Jack Ja’aqob Jacob,
also sagan for a ruler of the
AS RAA ) ---
upward (as) ray of light (raa) Lord (clicking L); may be the origin of Jacob’s
ladder, the Lord appearing on top of a sun ray, and would survive in Jacob’s
byname Israel
DA PAD --- away from (da) activity
of feet (pad); may have become David: delivered from the paw of the lion,
delivered from the paw of the bear, delivered from the hand of Goliath …
Consider the increasing size of lion, cave bear, and towering man in arms.
David may be an archetypical name, much as Arthur from ARC TYR (he who can take
it up with a cave bear).
Asia Minor may have been the place
where late Magdalenian met Afro-Asiatic, Magdalenian itself being an early
northern branch of Afro-Asiatic.
overcome (rule and give)
TYR --- he who overcomes; Sseyr
(Middle Helladic name of Zeus according to Derk Ohlenroth), Sseus (Doric),
theos, deus, Dis Pater, Tiwaz / Tir (Nordic god of justice and war), ancient
Greek tyrant (once positive)
RYT --- spear thrower; ancient Greek
rhytaer for archer, protector (the latter attesting for the once positive
aspect of tyrant), Latin radius radii (consider spears thrown and arrows shot
from one place into various directions), Latin rota for wheel (coverage of
arrows), German Rad, English rotation
RTY --- spear; ancient Greek radinos
for lean, delicate, agile, swift
YTR --- brave, courageous; ancient
Greek haetor for the inner, lungs, heart, liver, courage, mind, soul
YRT --- to survive a fight unharmed;
ancient Greek Artemaes for healthy, unhurt, uninjured. Artemis was the goddess
of hunting, shown with bow and arrows. She protected her maidens, so that
nothing could hurt them. She was also the goddess of women and childbirth. Her
“sweet arrows” meant an easy death for women – she couldn’t always grant an
easy birth, on the contrary, children and their mothers often died, but at
least she could ease their passing away. One may also think of Greek erotica,
pertaining to Eros, passionate, and of Cupido’s bow and arrows, weapons that
don’t really hurt
TRY --- triumph; ancient Greek
thryambos (in Rome, an Etruscan loan word). A successful hunt was certainly
rewarded with the love of some pretty Magdalenian maidens
PAD TYR --- activity of feet, he who
goes ahead and leads the way (pad), he who overcomes, he who rules and gives
(tyr); ancient Greek pataer Latin pater English father German Vater, he who
leads the way, overcoming obstacles and enemies and plights, he who overcomes
in the double sense of rule and give
TYR AC --- he who overcomes (tyr) an
expanse of land with water (ac), may simply refer to a ruler, or to a river
that floods (overcomes) a plain, or to humans who cope with a vast amount of
water and overcome the overcomer; possible origin of Turicum, my hometown of
REO ---river, to flow; ancient Greek
rheo for I flow, rivers Rhone and Rhine, goddess Rhea
OER --- wife, woman; ancient Greek
oar for wife
ROE --- to carry water, a river
having water (not just an empty river bed); ancient Greek rhoae for current,
EOR --- feast, celebration; ancient
Greek eortae for celebration, feast, pleasure
ERO --- love; ancient Greek eros
ORE --- beautiful; ancient Greek
oraios for beautiful, ripe
REO MAN --- river (reo) right hand
(man), pars pro toto for human being, people living on a river, river people;
possible origin of Romani, Roma, Romans,
CA NOS --- mind (nos) of the sky
(ca); possible origin of Chaos, god of the primeval universe
AAR RAA NOS --- mind (nos) of the one who is composed of air (aar) and light (raa); possible origin of Ouranos, consider the limestone rings at Göbekli Tepe that show a male face ex negativo – look through such a ring placed on a wall and you see the former ruler in the sky, now as a god … ouranos.JPG (photograph from: Klaus Schmidt, Sie bauten die ersten Tempel, C.H. Beck München 2006)
CA AC --- sky (ca) earth (ac);
possible origin of Gaia (the inverse form ac ca would account for the
Indo-European earth goddess akka)
CRE NOS --- ruling (cre) mind (nos);
possible origin of Cronos
REO --- to flow; possible origin of
TYR --- he who overcomes; possible
origin of Zeus, Middle Helladic Sseyr (Derk Ohlenroth)
CER --- divine stag, divine hind,
also shaman and shamaness; origin of Hera, the divine hind licked moon bulls
into life (
SA TYR NOS --- mind (nos) of the one
who overcomes in the double sense of rule and give (tyr) from above (sa);
Saturnus Saturn, ruler of a golden age (equivalent of Cronos)
APS --- hide of a tent or hut, where
vapors condensate and trickle and drop down from, as model of the heavenly
canopy where vapors condensate and fall down as rain; may have become Ops,
consort of Saturn
A comical and idyllic version of
Saturn and Ops may have been the satyrs and nymphs. The former lived on wooded
mountains, the latter near springs and wells. The satyrs lusted for the nymphs
and overcame them with carnal love (see the satyr and smiling maenad on a water
jar from Cerveteri, sixth century BC)
BEL --- warm; became Baal in Asia
Minor, Veltune in Etruria, in combination with TON --- sound, he who makes
himself heard, with about this meaning: the lively one who makes himself heard
via thunder, occurring mainly in the warm seasons
RAA --- light, ray; possible origin
of the Etruscan god Rath, perhaps in combination with RYT
PE --- near / EP --- far / PE LAS
--- near (pe) mountains (las), mountain people; possible origin of Pelasgians
and RAA SA NOS may all have been names for the Etruscans. An Etruscan
inscription in Greek letters from the agora of Athens gives TYRSANOS which may
be read as follows: obeying the mind (nos) of the one who overcomes in the
double sense of rule and give (tyr) from above (sa)
AAR RAA AC CA --- air (aar) light
(raa) ac (earth) sky (ca); possible origin of Hebrew ruach for spirit, with the
same range of meanings as Greek pneuma and Latin spiritus, namely wind, breath,
spirit …
NOS AAR RAA --- following the mind
(nos) of the one composed of air and light (Ouranos); possible origin of Noah
AAR RAA MAN --- right hand (man) of
Ouranos; possible origin of Armenians and
fortified dwellings
POL fortified dwelling; ancient
Greek polis for town, fortified dwelling, capital, German Bollwerk English
LOP --- hedge or wall around a
dwelling; ancient Greek lopos for rind, shell, husk, French enveloper English
envelope, to envelop
PLO --- walls made in the wattle and
daub technique; ancient Greek plokos for texture, wickerwork, tissue, fabric
OLP --- wealth and power
concentrated in a fortified dwelling; ancient Greek olbos for luck, blessing,
salvation, wealth, power
LPO --- the labyrinth of tents and
huts, and of the ways and lanes in between them; ancient Greek labyrinthos
OPL ---protectors of a fortified
dwelling; ancient Greek hoplitaes for soldier
POL PLO --- fortified dwelling (pol)
walls made in the wattle and daub technique (plo); Old Latin poplo Latin
populus Italian popolo French peuple English people, also Latin populus (long
o) French peuplier English poplar tree German Pappel, since poplar upshots and
twigs were used for posts while more flexible willow twigs were used for the
horizontal interlacing (whities) in the wattle and daub technique of building
POL DOK --- fortified dwelling (pol)
made of poles (dok), woodhenges of Middle Europe from 7 000 BP onward; (poldok
polk) folc folk Volk
POL LAD --- fortified dwelling (pol)
hill (lad); may be the origin of the Roman Palatin
POL LAS --- fortified dwelling (pol)
mountain (las); may be the origin of Pallas, Pallas Athene
CO OC LOP --- gathering information
(co, origin of Latin con- com-) provided by the guards who watch out (oc) over
the wall (lop); origin of Cyclops, symbol of a well guarded polis, consider the
round proto-towns of central Eurasia. The cyclopes in Homer’s Odyssey, one-eyed
giants living on mountains, symbolize Anatolian strongholds, the best known
Cyclops Polyphem being a symbol of Troy (Odysseus’s travels are dreams that
bring him back to Troy, again and again, however, to a Troy in disguise and
blended with other places and periods of time). CO OC LOP would also be the
origin of ancient Greek kyklos for circle, ring, eye, ring wall, city wall,
while the rump form co o- l-- may account for Proto-Indo-European *kwel
‘turn’ cyclops.GIF
CO OC NOS --- gathering information
(co) watching out (oc) in the mind (nos); possible origin of Latin cognosco,
while ancient Greek gnosis may come from the rump form -- -c nos
CO OC --- to look (oc) with an
active mind (co); might survive in German guck for look!
OC CO --- looking (oc) reasoning
(co); might be the origin of ancient Greek ego (with omega), Latin ego, while
the common form of saying I would have been the very ancient humming Mm (in
Australia open Nn) marking presence, surviving in French moi and English me
AD TOR OC CO --- toward (ad) bull in
motion (tor) eye (oc) mind, reason (co), a compound used for a bull fighter
facing the dangerous animal with an attentive mind, later used for the Minoan
bull leapers, and metaphorically for any situation where someone is meeting
fate or coping with a dreadful challenge; Mycenaean atoroqo Greek anthropos for
human being, also for woman and slave (there were also female bull leapers, and
the word may have been used for the Cretans in general, many of whom served as
slaves in later times, when Crete had been taken over by the Mycenaeans). The
word may also be present in Greek anaer andros, consider the first line of
Homer’s Odyssey: ‘Andra moi ennepe, Mousa, polytropon, whose mala polla’ – the
first word denotes the hero who will face terrible challenges, mala polla, many
bad things, but in the center of the line we find polytropon, he who traveled
widely, but also well versed (Douglas G. Kilday), so the very first line of the
epic gives us the briefest possible summary: a hero facing awful challenges,
but he will survive …
DhAG --- able; the supreme Celtic
god was called Dagda, the good god in the sense of the able god
GADh --- good; English good German
gut, also English god German Gott
AGDh --- noble; ancient Greek
agathos for good, noble, brave, valiant, apt, fit
DhGA --- honorable; ancient Greek
doxa for reputation, honor, fame, splendor, glory, majesty
ADhG --- of integrity; ancient Greek
aethicos English ethics ethical (good in the moral sense)
GDhA --- joyous; ancient Greek
gathosynae for joy
DhAG would also survive in dog, the
first domesticated animal, an able companion when it came to hunting and
guarding the camp, also in fox, consider the foxes on a pair of central pillars
at Göbekli Tepe, probably in their role of guiding the soul of a worthy
deceased through the labyrinth of the Underworld and back to light, also in
German Dachs for badger and in English dachshund. The followers of Zarathustra
believe that dogs can tell whether someone really died, or whether the soul
lingers on. In ancient Egypt the canid Anubis was the god of mummification,
also he playing a role in the journey of the soul through the dark back to
light …
shore, swim
ONE --- a raft on a river bank or
shore, where it gets loaded and unloaded; Latin onero for I load, fill
ENO --- a raft on a river or the
sea; Latin eno for I leave the shore
EON --- the river bank is near, also
land in sight; ancient Greek aeion for shore, coast, river bank
NOE --- no landing place in sight,
also no land in sight; Latin noemus for nullus, nothing
NEO --- to swim; ancient Greek neo
for I swim
OEN --- being alone on the water;
Old Latin oenus for unus, the only one, alone
BRI EON --- fertile (bri) shore
(eon; possible origin of Britanny and Britain, bri-t-eon Briton, analogous to
BRI GNE --- fertile (bri) nine days of the full moon (gne), paralleling the
womb of a pregnant woman with the form of the full moon, and the nine days with
the nine months of a pregnancy, a word combination surviving in the female
given name Britney. The second explanation of Britney would be BRI GNY ---
fertile (bri) with a child (gny)
AC EON NOS --- mind (nos) of the
shore (eon) land (ac); origin of Okeanos, whose stream encircled the world,
surviving in ocean
AC CA --- earth (ac) sky (ca); smoke
of a sacrificial fire ascending to the sky, imploring rain, and rain falling
down on earth, irrigating fields and meadows, filling river beds, perhaps the
original name of Göbekli Tepe, written as a lying H acca.GIF
– identical with the
Syrian province called aqa by the Egyptians? –, Latin aqua for water, akka for
the Indo-European earth goddess (Pokorny)
AD DA --- earth (ac) sky (ca) toward
(ad) away from (da); Latin aqua English water, perhaps also the river Addua /
Adda in Italy, flowing toward (ad) the confluence with the river Padus / Po
between Piacenza and Cremona, coming from (da) Lake Como, perhaps also German
Aue for a low meadow land run through by brooks, creeks and rivers (acca awa
aua aue), in Switzerland we have many small rivers called Aa (adda awa aa),
Avestan udaka for water may combine adda and acca, ancient Greek hydor may
ultimately come from adda, while a rump form may account for *da ‘flow’ (if so,
the original meaning of *da would have been: coming from, having a source)
AS SA --- upward (as) downward (sa);
vapor ascending to the sky and falling down as rain; German Wasser for water,
Latin sudor for sweat and any sort of humidity may be a polished rump form of
assa adda
SA AS --- downward (sa) upward (as)
might have become Latin sax for rock, and might survive in the original form in
the village name of Saas Grund (in the valley) and Saas Fee (above, on a steep
mountain slope) in the Swiss Alps
AC CA AS --- land (ac) sky (ca) in
upward direction (as), a figurative compound naming the sun horse (of Lascaux)
traversing the Underworld, then rising to the sky (horses of the Greek sun god
Helios), in later times Kurgan horses taking the soul of a dead hero to his
heavenly abode; *ekwos Latin equus Mycenaean i-qo Tarantine ikkos ancient Greek
hippos for horse
AC CA EON --- land (ac) sky (ca)
shore (eon); may have become Acheron, the stream that encircles the world in
the lower realms, dividing the living from the dead. Acheron would then have
been an equivalent of the stream of Oceanos, horizon of horizons, behind and
beyond which the sky begins
PAD AD DA, PAS TON --- activity of
feet (pad) going toward (ad) coming from (da), everywhere in a plain (pas)
sound (ton), he who follows rivers, getting everywhere and making himself heard;
Doric Poteidas ‘Lord of the Water’ (Michael Janda) Greek Poseidaon Poseidon,
originally the god of rivers, also the creator of the horse and shaker of the
PAC AS --- horse (pac, originally
the horse that was hunted and killed) upward (as); ancient Greek Pegasos, the
winged horse created by Poseidon from Medusa’s blood, while the inverse form AS
PAC may have become Old Indic as’vah for horse
SA AAR RAA AS --- downward (sa) air
(aar) light (raa) upward (as), a long figurative compound naming the Milky Way,
realm of air and light, moving downward and upward in the night sky, heavenly
abode of worthy rulers; Vedic saras for pond, waters, also heavenly river,
Milky Way, heavenly abode of worthy souls (Michael Witzel, Michael Janda)
SA AAR RAA AS, PAD --- she who walks
along (pad) the Milky Way (sa aar raa as); Old Indic Sarasvati, goddess of the
Milky Way, following the heavenly river, abode of worthy souls, while Poseidon
follows the rivers on earth, realm of the living
SA PAD AAR --- downward (sa) go
(pad) air (aar), what goes down from the air, namely rain; Vedic Savitar,
husband of Sarisvati
CA LAB --- sky (ca) cols (lab),
winter sun horse, descending horses at the rear end of the axial gallery of
Lascaux; to gallop, perhaps also German Klepper for an old and tired horse
CA BEL --- sky (ca) warm (bel),
spring sun horse, the lovely m “Chinese” horses in the axial gallery of
Lascaux; (cabel abel) abelios afelios ancient Greek haelios helios for sun,
(cabel cael sael) Latin sol for sun, (cabel cael sael sulya) Vedic surya for
sun, (cabel cael sael) Vedic Saule for the goddess of the sun
CA BAL --- sky (ca) hot (bal),
summer sun horse, red horse of the midsummer morning in the rotunda of Lascaux;
Latin caballus Spanish caballo French cheval for horse
CA ISA --- sky (ca) restored (isa, a
word belonging to the important permutation group of sai for life, existence),
dawn; European goddess of the Dawn *H2ausos (Michael Janda) who became Greek
CA ISA CA BAL --- full name of the
red sun horse of midsummer in the rotunda of Lascaux: restoring the sky by
rising, making it bright again
CA BEL IAS --- the spring sun horse
reviving nature; abelios afelios haelios helios, sol, surya, Saule (as
explained above)
SPA GADH --- height (spa) good (gadh),
a figurative compound denoting mediations between earth and sky, humans and
deities, especially imploring rain. privilege, duty and responsibility of a
shaman, for example at Göbekli Tepe, and if he or she was successful, clouds
appeared, promising rain, ‘height good’; ancient Greek sphoggos Attic spoggos
for a mushroom growing on a tree, wherefrom English sponge, Latin fungus for
mushroom, perhaps named for clouds that may have been seen as a sort of very
light and large sponges filled with water (the head of the goddess akka at
Göbekli Tepe, whose macrolabiae suggest amniotic fluids, colloquial waters,
probably a symbol of rain with the early farmers at the base of the Karacadag
east of Göbekli Tepe, has a peculiar hairdo reminding of both a mushroom and
rain cloud), also Latin fungere fungo and English function (originally a
shaman’s function of mediating between humans and deities, earth and sky)
REO GEN --- to flow, river (reo)
three days or nights of the young moon (gen), later used for anything that
comes into being (genesis), rain as origin of rivers; German Regen for rain
KA in the hypothetical language of
the dwellers of the Blombos cave, South Africa, Middle Stone Age, 75 000 BP,
would have meant: sky, beyond, what is out of the human reach, also within rock
(animals come forth from and disappear into rock, both in the rock art of
southern Africa and in the European cave art), within a well, and deep inside
ourselves, accessible to a shaman in a trance. KA would have been the origin of
CA for sky and KAL for the Underworld. KAL survives in many forms, in ancient
Greek kallos for beautiful, in chalkos for copper mined from the ground, in
Helen, a goddess of Dawn (Michael Janda), hence appearing from the Underworld
(once the sun horse leaving the earth), in Homer’s Odyssey a symbol of tin, in
the Bronze Age a precious metal that came from the Ore Mountains between Saxony
and Bohemia, and from Central Asia, in both cases bound to pass Troy, where the
dwellers of Ilium laid hands on it ... Helen of the white arms is a symbol of
tin, perhaps of tin ingots in the shape of arms, her glittering robes she made
herself are a symbol of the glittering tin ore cassiterite, her thread is a
symbol of tin wire, by then cut out of hammered sheets; her husband xanthos
Menelaos is a symbol of copper, the color xanthos covering all shades of copper
ore, yellow, brown, red; their daughter lovely Hermione who resembled golden
Aphrodite is a symbol of bronze, of a golden shine when freshly cast. Menelaos
had a slave-woman for a mistress, who symbolizes aurichalcit, a mineral mined
in the Troas, a natural alloy of copper and tin, tin in enslaved form, so to
say; their son, strong late come Megapenthes, is a symbol of brass, having
arrived late in the family of metals and being a stronger alloy than bronze.
The Hellenes must have been miners in the origin, and the Celts, called Galli
by Caesar, were miners, their names going back to KAL. Also my ancestors
the Helvetii must have been miners. – What was the old word for miner? I
propose a compound:
DAP ARG --- activity of hand (dap)
walls and ceiling of a decorated cave, shining up in the light of a lamp (arg)
first used for paintings in a cave such as Lascaux, then also for natural
‘decorations’, namely veins and streaks and loads of precious materials such as
crystals, copper, cassiterite, silver and gold (the latter words perhaps also
derivatives of kal), the compound would then have meant: he who touches and
works on those materials, miner; German Zwerg English dwarf – the seven dwarfs
in the fairy tale of Snow White are miners, while the beautiful girl would have
been a symbol of tin (like Helen in Greece), the jealous queen a symbol of
copper, the most precious material for five millennia, and the poisoned apple a
symbol of arsenic also used in hardening copper. ARG for the walls and ceiling
of a cave shining up in the light of a lamp would also be present in *arg-gros
ancient Greek argos for shining white, and in Latin argentum for silver. GRA
for a painted cave may later have been used for a cave holding precious
materials and might perhaps account for ancient Greek chrysos ‘gold’. GAR for
an opening in rock may survive in Charon who led human souls into the realm of
shadows. KAL, originally a beautiful place, turned into a hell German Hölle
with the labor of mining, and with the wars the precious metals caused
(Helen/tin as cause of the Trojan War).
PIR EN --- fire (pir) within (en),
oven; English burn, German brennen, Persian birinj for copper
PIR ONS --- fire (pir) benefit
coming from opinions that are based on reality (ons), a benefit coming from
experiments with fire in ovens and various minerals; Venetian bronza for
burning coals (providing heat in a furnace), English bronze German Bronze
CAP PIR --- to capture, keep (cap,
originally hunting horses) fire (pir), keeping fire in an oven, allowing to
melt copper; Latin cuprum for copper, Cyprus the copper island, English copper
German Kupfer
Latin aes for money, copper, bronze
may go back to AIS for fate, as the possession or absence of money can decide
one’s fate, while pecunia refers to a Roman ingot decorated with a cow, the
older word may have been PAC for a horse, which was then transferred to cattle,
surviving in Italian vacca for cow.
BAL OMD --- hot (bal) multitude
(omd), a multitude of small ovens; (balomd) *bolumdos *bolumbdos Old Latin
plumbom Latin plumbum for lead, molten in many small ovens at an ancient Greek
site, (balomd b-lo-) German Blei, (balomd ba-d) Serbian vodit, (balomd ba-d
blad) Serbian vladiti for lead, (balomd –lomd) West Germanic *loudhom Old
Friesic lad Middle Dutch loot Old Irish luaide English lead, German Lot for
weight, plummet
PAD for the activity of feet and
comparative PAS for everywhere in a plain may each have a lateral association:
PID --- hollow in the ground wherein
water rests or moves, then also used for other liquids and materials, and for
other hollows; ancient Greek pithos for barrel, English pit, puddle, river bed,
bed in general, vat, German Bütte and Bottich, English pot, maybe also bowl as
a softened version of pot, French bidon for a container of liquids, also vide
for empty, English void (an empty vessel giving rise to the concept of
emptiness), also Fud for vulva, an old German word
PIS --- water in motion, bodies
moving in water, movement caused by water; ancient Greek pisos for a low meadow
land run through by brooks, creeks, rivers and streams (German Aue, famous the
Aue of the river Danube near Vienna), perhaps Pisa on the former mouthing of
the river Arno, Latin pisces for fish (perhaps from pis kos, bodies moving in
the watery cosmos), French piscine for swimming pool, English piss German Pisse
pissen, also used for rain, Swiss Bisi for the pee of a child. A nasal infix
yields pnis penis (more later). A labial inflix yield plis, wherefrom Latin
flux for flow, fluvius for river, German fliessen for to flow, Fluss for river,
Floss for raft, Latin pluvius for rain and French pleuver for to rain. Also
Latin pulsare English pulse. If fleece German Vlies and pelt German Pelz come
from pis, the hairs are equated with flowing water (an observation made by
Leonardo da Vinci).
PIS and derivatives are present in
many river names: Pisaurus and Sapis in Umbria, Pisoraca Pisuerga in northern
Spain, Vulpis above Niceae Nice, Plavis Piave mouthing into the laguna of
Venice, Danuvius Danube, Dra(v)us Drava and Savus Sava in Illyria, Telavius in
Dalmatia, Albis Elbe and Visurgis Weser in Germany, Vistula Wista in Poland,
Vézère in the Guyenne, Dubius Doubs in Burgundy and in the Swiss Jura.
Candidates in the greater Greek area: Kephisos Oropos Europos Messapos Asopos
Apsos Aipheios Enipeus Bias Beuos. Rivers in Switzerland: Vispa Rabiusa Illfis
La Vièze. The French name for the medieval water channels in the Valais in
southwestern Switzerland, hewn into rock and carved from tree trunks (once a
total length of 20,000 kilometers) is bisse plural bisses pronounced pis by the
locals. The compound PIS ARG for shining river may survive in Pisaurus and Pisoraca
Pisuerga, as rump form in Isaurus and Isara Isar Isère Oise. The compound SAP
PIS may have denoted the seven rivers that spring from the Pitinum Pisaurense
and the adjacent Pitinum Mergens in Umbria: 1) Arnus Arno, 2) Vitis, 3) Sapis,
4) the river mouthing at Ariminium, 5) Pisaurus, 6) the long side arm of
Metaurus, 7) Metaurus; if so, the river name Sapis would be the last reminder
of this union of seven springs, perhaps in the possession of a Neolithic
Umbrian mountain tribe. The compound PIS TOR for water in motion (pis) and the
way a bull moves (tor) may refer to churning water grinding stone to sand and
sand to mud, wherefrom Latin pistor for miller, baker, and the Etruscan village
of Pistoriae ‘Millersburg’ or ‘Bakerville’ on the trading route of cereals from
Felsina Bologna to the Etruscan territory. In the Swiss Alps we have several
so-called glacier mills, deep holes in rock, carved by ever revolving stones
driven by water … The compound PIS TYR NOS for the mind (nos) of the one who
overcomes in the double sense of rule and give (tyr) and is present in moving
water (pis) may denote the river god of the lower Danuvius Danube and survive
in ancient Greek Istros and in Latin Hister and Ister for the lower Danube. The
compound PIS NOS for water in motion (pis) and mind (nos) may survive in the
principal Hindu god Vishnu the Preserver who descended from heaven, whose main
incarnation is the love god Krishna, who provides a good harvest, and who
brings the life-giving rain, makes the monsoon arrive and thus preserves the
vegetation, life in northwest India in general. Polished forms of the same
compound may account for Sanskrit vanah meaning sexual desire, for Sanskrit
pasas Greek peos Latin penis, and for Latin Venus, once the Roman goddess of
gardens and spring, later identified with the sea-born Greek love goddess
Aphrodite. The compound PIS AC CA for water moving (pis) between earth (ac) and
sky (ca) may have become ancient Greek paegae for spring, origin, downpour,
stream, water. Thales of Miletus who allegedly believed water being the origin
of everything …
rock and light
PpAL --- rock, stone; ancient Greek
pella for stone (Mallory and Adams 2006), Etruscan Felsina for Bonona Bologna,
German Fels for rock (emphatic p replaced by final s)
LAPp --- shining stone, also stone
lamps (in use from 18 000 BP onward, normally a concave piece of limestone, but
also the wonderful lamp in the shape of a spoon from Lascaux, finely carved
from sandstone, marked with open chevrons); Latin lapis for stone, marble, gem,
pearl, tessera, PIE *lap for shine, ancient Greek lampos for torch, lamp,
light, sun (emphatic p replaced by additional m), English lamp German Lampe
PpLA --- flat land, large and wide;
ancient Greek platus for flat, large, wide, English flat German platt and flach
ALPp --- snow capped mountains,
shining mountain top; ancient Greek alpeis English Alps German Alpen, Celtic
alp for a high mountain
LPpA --- dark silhouette of a
mountain range, especially in the east, where the sun will rise; ancient Greek
lepas for bare rock, mountain
APpL --- sun rising over the eastern
mountain (range), first rays darting; personified in the sun god archer Phoibos
Apollon, Shining Apollon, Etruscan Aplu
ALP LPA --- high mountain, snow
capped (alp) dark eastern mountain range wherefrom the sun rises (lpa). The
contracted form alpa may account for alpha, the first letter of the alphabet.
Canaitic alp means ox, North Semitic eleph means again ox, hence alpha, and the
sign for this phoneme was the head of an ox, still visible in the uppercase
alpha Α (turn it around, the triangle stands for the
head while the legs become a pair of horns), and in the lowercase alpha α
(head from the side with a rudimentary pair of horns from above). The
first letter of the alphabet was named for an ox. How come? does this convey
the value of oxen for the early farmers? There might also be a second reason
suggested by the above compound, a reason rooted in a very ancient myth traces
of which may have survived in ancient Egypt. Hathor, alter ego of the sky
goddess Nut, assumed the shape of a cow and resided in the Western Mountain of
Thebes, which, seen from Karnak/Luxor, somewhat resembles a lying cow, with the
peak el-Qoru ‘horn’ evoking a cow’s horn. A double peak of the Ida mountain
range seen from Phaistos in southern central Crete reminds of the head and
horns of a bull – the Cretan Zeus who was worshipped in a cave of the Ida
mountain and could assume the shape of a bull? We may imagine that someone, a
long time ago, saw the sun rise from an eastern mountain in the shape of a cow
or a bull, and exclaimed: ‘My, it looks as if the sun rises from the horns of
the mountain cow, of the mountain bull …’, and this visual metaphor would have
survived in the solar disk between the horns of the Hathor cow and of the
sacred Apis bull of ancient Egypt, also, in abstract form, in the hieroglyphs
for east and for horizon.
The last letter of the Greek
alphabet is omega. The uppercase omega
Ω resembles the sun (round
form) rising above the horizon (broken line), while the lowercase omega ω
shows a rudimentary round form in a pair of arcs and resembles the upper
part of the Egyptian hieroglyph for east, evoking the solar disk between a pair
of horns. The Egyptian day had twelve hours, the Egyptian night had again
twelve hours. A whole day had 24 hours. The letters of the early Ionic alphabet
represented not only phonemes but also the numbers 1 till 24: alpha 1, beta 2,
gamma 3 … chi 22 psi 23 omega 24. If these numbers refer to the hours of the
day, and if the first letter alpha denotes an eastern mountain (range) in the
shape of a cow or a bull, wherefrom the sun rises in the morning, the last
letter omega represents again morning, the sun rising from the eastern horizon,
from a mountain in the shape of a cow or a bull, so that the whole alphabet
forms kind of a loop, evoking the cosmic snake biting her tail, thus creating a
world in space and time … Now letters allow to describe this world, and to
weave the ambrosian veil, immortal veil, divine veil of Ino Leukotheae,
daughter of Kadmos, a veil allowing Odysseus to go on his time travel to an
early Troy symbolized in pleasant Scherie (Eberhard Zangger). How can we go on
a time travel? by reading, owing to literature composed of letters ...
A Vision of the Paleolithic Sky
J.P.Mallory and D.Q.Adams, in: The
Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World,
Oxford 2006, page 131, make this (it seems to me) rather melancholy comment:
“…whatever the Proto-Indo-European view of the heavens was, it seems largely
beyond recovery.” Not necessarily. Here is my vision of the Paleolithic sky in
the light of Magdalenian, from January and February 2008.
KAL was the Underworld, LAK was the
river of the Underworld, and CA LAK was its heavenly counterpart, which later
became our Milky Way, galaktikos kyklos, galaxy. Three goddesses ruled the
river of the Underworld and its heavenly counterpart:
The goddess of the Underworld was
KAL GID SAI or KAL GID pSAI for Underworld (kal) give and take (gid) life (sai
psai) -- the goddess of giving life and taking life (Marie E.P. König on the
whoolly rhinoceros in the pit of Lascaux). SAI for life had an alternative form
in pSAI, imitating a shaman chewing medicinal herbs and spitting them on the
skin, or a painter shaman chewing colors and spitting them on the cave wall,
thus giving life to the animals (a method reconstructed and very convincingly
demonstrated by Michel Lorblanchet). A polished form of KAL GID pSAI, namely
kal -i- psai, led to Kalypso English Calypso, Homer’s awe inspiring goddess who
lives in a spacious cave, where a big fire burns, she sings with a beautiful
voice and weaves her cloth, which may well be the web of life … Her emanation
in the sky was the fire woman PIR GYN who survived in Old Norse Fjorgyn, mother
of the thunder god Thor, also in Lithuanian Perkunas, a genitive meaning (son)
of the fire woman (in the sky). The fire woman appeared in flashes, her son
followed in rolling thunder … The fire woman was also known as PIR SAI for fire
(pir) life (sai) - survival in the Ice Age depended on fire. PIR SAI was
present in our constellation of Perseus, whose name was an overforming of the
very ancient compound. Yet another name of the goddess was fire giver, PIR GID.
The goddess of the Underworld had a
sister in CER -; I -: for divine hind or divine hind woman (cer) lip lick (-: i
-:). She licked moon bulls into life, thus creating time, periods of 30 29 30
29 30 …days hind1.JPG
/ hind2.JPG Her name survives in English
herd German Herde. Her constellation was ORE EON for beautiful (ore) shore
(eon), or perhaps OER EON for woman (oer) shore (eon), meaning either the constellation
on the beautiful bank of the heavenly river, or woman on the bank of the
heavenly river. This name was later overformed and became our winter
constellation of Orion representing a hunter. Her sides were at the same time
the horns and fronts of the opposing ibices representing Midwinter (Marie E.P.
König). The moon bulls waiting to go on their mission were present in Aldebaran
in our constellation of Taurus the Bull. An alternative name of the goddess was
the fur giver BIR GID. Worthy shamanesses found their heavenly abode in
Betelgeuse, alpha Orionis. Worthy shamans found their heavenly abode in
Procyon, alpha Canis Minoris, across the heavenly river from Betelgeuse in
Orion. And the souls of future shamans waiting to go on their mission on earth
had their place in SAI CER IAS or pSAI CER IAS for life (sai psai) shaman and
shamaness (cer) healing, restoring (ias), rump forms of which, sai --r ias /
s-i --r ias, became Greek Seirios and Latin Sirius, while pSAI CER became Greek
psychae English psyche – shamans and shamanesses were not only healers of the
body but also of the soul. CER IAS was the name for the minor stars below
Sirius, which had been seen as berries, used by shamans and shamanesses for
healing purposes, and for making berry wine; the name survived and survives in
Greek kerasion Latin cerasum French cerise German Kirsche English cherry … The
heavenly river flows from CER -: I -: across the sky toward CER KOS for divine
stag (cer) heavenly vault (kos), namely the divine stag who protects the sun
horse and moon bull, especially when entering and leaving the Underworld. His
giant antlers made the sky unfold in the beginning, and, by visual analogy,
they were seen in the oak tree, wherefrom Latin quercus for oak tree, Gaulish
erkos for oak forest. Deciduous trees were rare in the Ice Age, but some
survived in protected areas of the Franco-Cantabrian space, and the oak may
well have been a sacred tree of the shamans. CER KOS was present in our summer
constellations of Sagittarius and Scorpio.
The two goddesses mentioned above
had a sister high in the summer sky, namely PIS NOS for water in motion (pis)
mind (nos), a personification of the heavenly river, present in our Summer
Triangle Deneb, alpha Cygni, Vega, alpha Lyrae, Atair, alpha Aquilae. Her name
survives in the love goddess Venus, also in Sanskrit vanas for desire. She gave
birth to a worthy ruler, allowing him a second life in the sky. Her alternative
name was PIS GYN, water woman, referring to the heavenly river, to amniotic
water, and to rain falling from the sky. This name survives in the word vagina.
Another alternative name of the goddess was fertility giver, BRI GID.
The three goddesses are shown in the
Paleolithic relief in the abri Bourdois near Angles-sur-l’Anglin, Dep. Vienne,
France anglin.GIF (drawing Marie E.P. König), on the left side PIS NOS
Venus, alternative names PIS GYN and BRI GID, in the middle KAL GID SAI or KAL
GID pSAI in her heavenly emanation of PIR GYN or PIR SAI or PIR GID, and on the
right side CER -: I -: or BIR GID or ORE EON / OER EON with an hourglass
figure, under her a bull, heading for the right side … The common name AD DA
MAY TYR for the triple goddess will be explained later.
When the supreme ruler, born again
by the goddess in the sky, wandered along the heavenly river, he came to a big
hill standing in a narrow passage of the river, and inside this hill he found a
beautiful cave, walls and ceilings covered with splendid paintings that evoke
sweet memories of his former life on earth … The hill was called CA PpAL for
heavenly (ca) rock (ppal), and the word for the paintings was ARG. These names
were later overformed by Capella (once in the Milky Way, if I interpret my
astronomical tables correctly) and Auriga.
Leaving the heavenly river, the
supreme ruler found himself in a wilderness. He encountered a cave lion )EI or
LEI, present in the bright star Regulus, alpha Leonis, while he himself is
present in Denebola, beta Leonis. He survived the attack of the lion. Then he
encountered a giant cave bear ARC, present in our Big Dipper, part of Ursa
Major. He slays the beast and thus becomes ARC TYR for cave bear (arc) he who
overcomes (tyr), then he fills a cranium with bear blood and raises it for a
sacrifice. The bear slayer can be seen in our constellation of Bootes. 30,000
years ago, the bright star Arcturus marked the head of Bootes, confronting the
Big Dipper seen as bear. ARC TYR survives in Arcturus, also in the dragon
slayer Arthur (bones and skulls of cave bears had been confounded with
dragons). The cranium filled with bear blood is present in our constellation of
Corona Borealis, its ancient name was CRA ) which survived in English grail
German Gral.
A pack of wolves witnessed the deeds
of our hero. Fearing his power, they fled toward the Underworld. Their leader
is present in Spica, alpha Virginis, while the other wolves are present in the
other stars of this constellation. Canides were seen as creatures of the
Netherworld. Wolves were helpers of the goddess of KAL GID SAI or KAL GID pSAI
in her role as taker of life, while foxes guided worthy souls through the
labyrinth of the Underworld back to daylight and then to their heavenly abode
(foxes on the central pillars of two temples at Göbekli Tepe). The words for wolf
and fox have two origins: 1) DhAG NOS for able (dhag) mind (nos), the able
minded one, Prhygian daos for wolf, DhAG alone survived in many forms, for
example in Latin dux for leader, in the supreme Celtic God Dagda for good god
in the sense of able god, also in English fox and German Dachs; 2) KAL for the
Underworld, kal kal, kel kel, kwel kwel, …, wolf, German Welpe English whelp,
German bellen for to bark. KYN for dog, lateral association to GYN for woman,
testifies to women adopting wolf puppies a dozen millennia ago.
Our hero, having survived the lion
and bear, and having made the pack of wolves flee him, is now called DA PAD for
away from (da) acitivity of feet (pad), a name that survives in our male given
name of David. David in the Bible was delivered from the paw of the lion, from
the paw of the bear, and from the hand of Goliath …
Returning to the heavenly river, our
hero, born again in the heavens, can be seen again in our star Castor, alpha
Gemini, originally KOS TYR for heavenly vault (kos) he who overcomes (tyr),
founding a camp on the heavenly river, visible in Pollux, beta Gemini,
originally POL LIC for a fortified settlement (pol) light (lic), a camp lit by
fire on the bank of the heavenly river …
The river of the Underworld LAK and
its heavenly counterpart CA LAK were the zone of the triple goddess whose name
was AD DA MAI TYR for river (ad da, figurative), flowing toward (ad) coming
from (da) female zone (mai) she who overcomes in the double sense of rule and
give (tyr). A polished form of her name, -- da ma- tyr, became Daemaetaer
Demeter anglin.GIF The heavenly river, dissolving,
became rain, and the rain drops turned into a shower of grains, beautifully
depicted on the gold signet ring from Tiryns
ring.gif The banks of the heavenly river were
called E)I SIA for to rest, and thank for having been spared (eli, with a
cklicking L) healing, restoring (sia), a name which became Elysium, Elysian
Fields, Elysian river plain … sky.GIF
The goddess of the Summer Triangle
became Zeus, Aquila his eagle. The goddess of Orion became Poseidon, and while
she licked moon bulls into life, he created the horse Pegasus. The goddess of
the Underworld became Pluto, his animal being the hellhound Kerberos. In India,
Brahman is present in the Summer Triangle: Deneb his head, Atair his feet, Vega
his right hand playing the Lyra, thus creating the world. He is also present in
Orion, rising his right arm (Alhena his right elbow, Castor and Pollux his
right arm). His name BRA MAN means right arm (bra) right hand (man). Vishnu the
Preserver is also present in the Summer Triangle, his name being a derivation
of PIS NOS. The same compound survives in Sanskrit pasas Greek peos Latin penis
(while pis gyn became vagina). Vishnu’s main emanation is the love god Krishna,
Vishnu descended from the sky, he brings the life giving rain, makes the
monsoon arrive, then retires to a cave and sleeps on a huge serpent, which may
well be the river of the Underworld, the more so as one of his lovers is the
goddess Lakshmi, preserving hypothetical LAK for the river of the Underworld.
Shiva the Destroyer would be present in the Underworld, which turned from a
beautiful place into hell with the labor of mining. One of his lovers is Kali,
a relatively young goddess, while kala for black and kala for death are ancient
words. All three principal gods are present in the Summer Triangle: Vishnu in
Deneb, Brahma in Vega, Shiva in Atair. The main sculpture at Elephanta in the
state of Bombay shows Shiva as triple god: a relief of a profile looking toward
the left side shows him as Destroyer; a majestic head facing the viewer shows
him as Creator; a relief of a profile looking toward the right side shows him
as Preserver. Now the latter is a woman, revealing the female origin of the
triple deity. In the Rig Veda, Brahman, Vishnu and Shiva are minor gods, while
the main gods are Indra, Agni, and Soma (Mallory and Adams). Indra with his
club might have been present in Orion, Agni in Perseus (heavenly emanation of
the deity of the Underworld), and Soma in the Summer Triangle. Krishna, an
avatar of Vishnu, created the cow herd girls. In this aspect he comes from the
divine hind CER -: I -: who licked moon bulls into life. His name means black
one. Consider PIE *ker ‘burn’ – flames leaves black ashes. In this aspect
Krishna goes back to the divine stag CER KOS who guarded the fiery entrance to
and exit from the Underworld, passed by the sun horse in the evening and
morning respectively.
The Genesis in the light of
God created the world in six days –
not at once, but step by step, which is the hallmark of evolution. “And the
spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” – the spirit of God was CA NOS
meaning sky (ca) mind (nos), Greek Chaos; God was ShA CA meaning ruler (sha)
sky (ca), Hebrew Jahwe; and the face of the waters was AC EON NOS meaning earth
(ac) shore (eon) mind (nos), Greek Okeanos English ocean. The paradise was AC
CA meaning earth (ac) sky (ca), where earth and sky are meeting, perhaps the
original name of Göbekli Tepe, preserved in the name of the Syrian province of
aqa mentioned by the ancient Egyptians, also remembered in the Indo-European
earth goddess akka (Pokorny). Göbekli Tepe, 11 600 – 9 500 BP, was the center
of a wide area, by then a paradise of lush meadows and groves and game galore,
heading for the cool Anatolian hills in spring, returning to the warm Syrian
plains in fall. AC CA was written as a lying H, the lower horizontal bar
representing earth (ac), the upper horizontal bar representing the sky (ca),
the slim vertical bar representing exchanges between the two, prayers and the
smoke of sacrificial fires imploring rain rising to the sky, and rain falling
down on earth, irrigating the fields and filling the river beds (prayers and
rising smoke and falling rain represented by ascending and descending snakes).
Agriculture started 10,000 years ago at the base of the Karacadag near Göbekli
Tepe. Rain was important for the early farmers, and so AC CA turned into aca
(guttural stop), ada (dental stop) awa (labial stop), giving raise to Latin
aqua meaning water, to Adam, Hebrew ‘adama, English aker acre German Acker, and
to Eve, Hebrew Hawwa, mother of all living beings. Consider also that Eden was
associated with Gosen, Haran, and Rezeph in 2 Kings 19,12 – Haran is just to
the south of Göbekli Tepe.
Noah would have been a ruler of
Göbekli Tepe, his name would have been NOS AAR RAA meaning mind (nos) air (aar)
light (raa), he who follows the mind of the one composed of air and light,
namely AAR RAA NOS who became Greek Ouranos. A long drought would have been
followed by fourty days and nights of rain. Noah and his people would have fled
to Armenia – from AAR RAA MAN meaning air (aar) light (raa) right hand (man),
he who carries out the will of the one composed of air and light with his right
hand …
Abram Abraham would symbolize the
subsequent civilizations of the fertile crescent, Ur in Sumer, Haran in Upper
Mesopotamia, Beersheba in Judah, and Ancient Egypt ruled by Ra as descendant of
AAR RAA NOS. The name Abram would come from ABA BRA meaning father (aba) right
arm (bra), he who carries out the will of the heavenly father with his right
arm … GhI ShA AC Isaac, ShA AC Ja’aqob Jacob whose byname was AS RAA ) or AS
RAA L, and ShA SAP Joseph would symbolize the Chalcolithic culture of Beersheba
that reached as far as the Jezrel valley with Maggiddo in the North, Ghassoul
in the East, and the Sinai in the South.
The most complete name of the
ancient god might perhaps have been ShA PAD TYR AS CA meaning ruler (sha) who
goes ahead and leads the way (pad) and overcomes in the double sense of rule
and give (tyr) up above (as) in the sky (ca). Abbreviated forms of this
hypothetical name yield ShA PAD TYR Jupiter, PAD TYR pater, TYR Sseyr Sseus
Zeus, and ShA (…) CA Jahwe, rider of clouds, came from Mount Seir in the Negev,
about seventy kilometers south of Beersheba. TYR CA might account for Turc
Turkish. The bulls accompanying the supreme Anatolian weather god were Serri
and Hurri, whose names are further possible derivatives of TYR.
Calendars (for the mathematically interested)
Lunisolar calendar of Göbekli Tepe:
a year has 12 months of 30 days, plus 5 and occasionally 6 days, while 63
continuous periods of 30 days yield 1,890 days and correspond to 64
lunations goebekli.GIF The begin of the calendar walk
was marked by a stone phallus. The calendar walk forms two loops, while the
additional days at the end of the year are represented as space between the
pair of central pillars. The calendar walk is at the same time a representation
of the life of a supreme leader: the first pillars mark youth, the central
pillars his appointment as ruler and supreme ruler, the following pillars his
adult life, the final space between the pillars his death, the leaping foxes on
the central pillars the guides of his soul through the Underworld back to
daylight … A charming Celtic coin shows the sun horse on the early morning of
the summer solstice, under it the snout of a fox peeping out of a hole in the
ground – the fox that guided the sun horse through the Underworld and back to
daylight menhir5h.GIF The word for fox was DhAG meaning
the able one, an able guide through the Underworld. This word has many
derivatives, among them Latin dux for leader, and German taugen for being able,
apt, fit.
Cult building II of Nevali Cori
shows 12 pillars along the walls, each representing 30 days, plus a pair of
central pillars for the 5 and occasionally 6 additional days. Cult building III
shows thirteen pillars along the wall, each representing 28 days, while the
space between the central pillars represents one and occasionally two
additional days, and this time 135 continuous periods of 28 days yielding 3’780
days corresponding to 128 lunations …
The calendar of Halaf, using the
same numbers as the lunisolar calendar of Göbekli Tepe, required 6 leap days in
25 years.
Sooner or later the calendar of
Göbekli Tepe was combined with an astronomical observatory in a river plain
with a flat horizon, somewhere in Upper Mesopotamia. Imagine a pole or a tree
of life in the center of a circle, on the circumference a dozen poles in the positions
of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 o’clock, the poles of 3 6 9 12 o’clock marking
the cardinal directions east south west north. Sighting lines provided by the
poles allow indicate where the sun will raise and set on the mornings and
evenings of the equinoxes and solstices halaf.GIF / halaf2.GIF
This calendar observatory became the Asherah sanctuary, from AS AAR RAA
meaning upward (as) toward the one composed of air (aar) and light (raa).
On the lid of a curved ivory box
from Beersheba I recognize a schematic representation of the Asherah sanctuary,
twelve poles around a tree of life in the center, flanked by two geometric
representations of AC CA, while a pendant from Ghassoul, left upper part chipped
off, shows a more realistic Asherah sanctuary, with a schematic tree, branches
pointing upward, and an altar in the form of a cross. A small ivory disk from
Safadi shows a variant of the lunisolar calendar from Göbekli Tepe: nine
perforations around a pair of central ones, each of the nine perforations
representing a period of fourty days. Nine periods are 360 days, add 5 and
occasionally 6 days for a year. The ratios of lunations (l) to periods of
fourty days (p) yield very good additive values l/p: 4/3, 19/14, 23/17, 42/31,
65/48, 107/79 * 65/48, 42/31, 107/79, 149/110, 256/189. All
three objects mentioned in this paragraph are from the fourth millennium BC beersheb.JPG
The rosette in the center of the Tiryns
disk, around 1650 BC, represents another variation of the Göbekli Tepe
lunisolar calendar: each petal stays for 45 days, and the small circle in the
center for 5 and occasionally 6 days, while 21 continuous periods of 45 days
yield 945 days and correspond to 32 lunations
disc.htm The Minoan double axe may be a
graphic rendering of the solstices derived from the Asherah sanctuary, as shown
in this drawing, inspired by the carvings on a block at Knossos menhir5j.GIF
Solomon and Ezekiel // possible
origin of
Solomon, leader of a nomadic tribe
in the Near East in the Early Iron Age, was a clever man. For measuring
purposes he combined a black cubit of 21 parts with a red cubit of 22 parts. If
the diameter of a circle measures 1 black cubit, the circumference measures 3
red cubits. If the radius of a circle measures 1 black cubit, the area measures
1 black cubit times 3 red cubits. If the diameter of a sphere measures 2 black
cubits, the volume measures 2 black cubits times 2 black cubits times 1 red
cubit. If the side of a square measures 20 black cubits, the diagonal measures
27 red cubits. Relying on these numbers, Solomon invented an ideal Jerusalem
and described it in a poem, a distorted memory of which survives in the Bible
(first book of Kings).
Another ideal Jerusalem is found in
the vision of Ezekiel. Consider these numbers: 30 “measures” correspond to one
lunation, while 64 “measures” correspond to 63 days. The wall in the form of a
circle surrounding this ideal Jerusalem has a length of 4 times 4,500 measures
= 18,000 measures, corresponding to 600 lunations, while the length of the
diameter corresponds to 191 lunations or 5,640 days or 5,730 measures. Four
gates in the wall mark the cardinal directions N E S W. Connect them with a
square. How long is the side? It corresponds to 135 lunations or 3,988 days or
4,050 measures. Transform the square into a circle of the same area. How long
is the diameter? It corresponds to 4,500 days (key number of Ezekiels vision).
Inscribe a dodecagon in the large circle of the wall. How long is the
periphery? It corresponds to 30 Venus years (roughly 48 solar years). --- A
vision involving a large circle, the moon and Venus, long periods of time, days
and the four cardinal directions, the number 12 of the zodiac, and the
complicated motion of wheels within wheels, can’t but refer to the sky. Ezekiel
would then have described a heavenly Jerusalem …
If Zion, Greek Seion (Septuaginta),
Hebrew Sijjon, Latin Seon (Vulgata) and Sion, Old English Seon, German Zion,
should have a Magdalenian origin, it would have been SAI IAN for life (sai) to
mark the place of a new camp (ian), together something like: Let us mark the
place of a new camp, where we can live, where life may flourish …
Magdalenian BIR and English bear
Magdalenian BIR means fur, ancient
Greek byrsa, especially the fur on which a newborn was laid. This particular
meaning suggests an ancient custom, and really, one Porphyrios described a
custom of laying a newborn on a bear fur in the third century AD, and the same
custom survived until the twentieth century in eastern Slavic regions, where a
grandmother laid the newborn on a bear fur. A Vinca figurine from the early
fifth millennium BC shows the divine mother wearing a bear mask, holding a baby
wearing a small bear mask in her arms. Another Vinca figurine from the middle
of the fifth millennium BC shows the divine mother or nurse wearing a bear
mask, on her back a pouch for the baby … Marija Gimbutas: “The maternal
devotion of the female bear made such an impression upon Old European peasants
that she was adopted as a symbol of motherhood.”
BIR belongs to the permutation group
of BRI meaning fertile. The word survives in the name of the fertility giver
BRI GID, a triple goddess, whose other emanations are the fur giver BIR GID and
the fire giver PIR GID. Magdalenian BRI also accounts for Sanskrit priya- Norse
Fru German Frau. English woman Old English wifman might have meant: weaving
hand, perhaps covering a still older BIR MAN meaning something like: she
handling fur.
English bear German Bär Dutch beer
are explained as the Brown One. Let me propose a new etymology: the bear was
the Furry One, provider of the best fur, thick, longhaired, soft and warm. The
Ostyak in Siberia call the bear Fur Man. In Lapp the animal is called Wooly
One. Also two German names or nicknames of the bear concern its fur: Zottelbär
‘shaggy bear’, and petz female petze, in fables Meister Petz. Grimm, in his
Wörterbuch, quotes one Hagedorn: “da sträubet sich der petz” meaning: here the
‘petz’ bristles up, stands on end. So petz can only mean pelt German Pelz and
Fell. These words may be lateral associations to PIS for water in motion.
Leonardo da Vinci observed that hair resembles flowing water. The same
observation could well have been made by Ice Age people, while a linguistic
connection to water in motion is preserved in the verb to pelt used for heavy
BIR would have many derivatives,
also of the second and tertiary order. One can bear a baby in a pouch made of
fur (consider also the bearing-cloth mentioned by Shakespeare in The Winter’s
Tale, Act 3 Scene 3, a rich cloth in which a child was carried to be
christened). By analogy one has a word for a pregnant woman: she bears a child.
Between the two ways of bearing a child (inside and outside the womb) happens
the event called birth, a child is born, a newborn, a bairn – the latter word
appears in many forms, including a Scottish bir meaning son. Parents are the happy
people who can lay a newborn on fur. Being laid on a bear fur was the first
event in life (and being carried in a bearing-cloth to be christened the first
event in religious life), wherefrom Albanian pare Sanskrit purva Tocharian B
parwe English first, while Turkish bir means one. Female bears are devoted
mothers, patiently licking and fiercly defending their cubs, and so the choice
of bear fur could also have served a psychological purpose: may a human mother
care as devotedly for her children as a bear mother for her cubs … Bears are
sleeping through winter, they disappear in fall and reappear in spring.
Neanderthals apparently buried some of their dead wrapped in bear fur, a custom
seen as evidence for a belief in regeneration, and this custom, adopted by Homo
sapiens sapiens in Eurasia, would have given raise to English bier German
Bahre, English bury and burial, perhaps also barrows (in Southern England).
Having good fur was important for Ice
Age people, and the best fur was provided by the bear. Judging by its name also
the boar Latin aper German Eber provided a good fur, while the squirrel *werwer
and English beaver German Biber may come from the doubling BIR BIR. Most fur is
brown, and so the name of this color also comes from BIR. Latin varius
originally meant: of many colors, a fur of more than one color, wherefrom
German Farbe. Also form may be a derivative of BIR, so we have German “Form und
Farbe” as a double derivative of BIR.
Bears had to die so that humans
could live. A painting in the cave Les Trois-Frères shows a bear covered in
dots, blood spurting out of snout and body. The dots represent spear wounds,
but as phonetic ideograms also SAI for life, existence – life for the Ice Age
people who depended on fur. In autumn, a bear eats up to 150,000 berries German
Beeren. Dutch brombeer ‘growling bear’ is practically the same as German
Brombeere ‘brambler, black berry’. So we may assume that a) bears like berries,
and berries were named for bears, or b) settlements were protected with quickly
growing brambles against wild animals, or c) bramble alleys were used as bear
traps. Pear Latin pire may refer to the shape of a bear’s head, round with a
long snout. Hair on the chin is called beard German Bart. Bare could once have
meant a skinned animal, deprived of its fur (as Greek nakae ‘goat skin’ became
English naked). The Norse berserks were clad in bear skins impregnated with oil
and herbs that made them go wild. English beorn means warrior. Also war
(stifle) could come from hunting bears, idem fear, fury, furious, ferocious,
fierce, wary, ward. Peacefaul derivatives could be fair in the sense of blond,
also ware and purchase, remembering fur as a precious trading good. The same
may account for Italian per French pour German für English for. We say brrr
when we need a warm coat, which, during the Ice Age, would have been a fur
coat. A feline purrs. A bear ending quasi hibernation lets go a tremendous fart
German Furz. A bear going to quasi hibernation digs a hollow, which may have
given raise to the words fork, furrow, farm, farming, farmer Swiss Puur German
Bauer (while English dig comes from DIG meaning finger, and stick is an
enforced version of DIG, as a digging stick enforces and prolongs the poking
finger …).
Bear comes from PIE *bher-, which
has many meanings, but all of them can be related to fur and especially bear
fur: *bher- ‘brown’ – explained above //
*bher- ‘weave, twine’ – the fur of a sheep is longhaired as the one of a
bear // *bher- ‘seethe, bubble; roast’ – the meat of a skinned animal // *bher-
strike (through), split, cut’ – one has to kill the animal to get its precious
fur and its meat // *bher- ‘carry’ – explained above // *bher- ‘+- cure with
spells and/or herbs’ – curing a patient using spells and a warm bear skin
impregnated with fat and medical herbs // *bhére(o) ‘bear (a child)’ –
explained above // *bherg- ‘growl, bark’ – sounds made by a bear // *bhergh-
‘keep, protect’ – explained above, consider also that bark protects a tree like
the fur an animal // *bhergh- ‘high, hill’ – the shape of a bear, magnified by
fear, would have been seen in a hill or mountain German Berg. Old Indic rksa
may combine the genuine word for bear, namely ARC, with RAG for the line of the
back, first line drawn by a cave painter according to Leroi-Gourhan, strongly
evocative of the whole animal; RAG is present in the name of the bear in
several Indic languages. (PIE forms after Mallory and Adams 2006)
‘Berg’ became the word
for mountain in German. LAD for hill and comparative LAS for mountain pose a
problem. They disappeared from the Indo-European languages. My only evidence
for LAS is AD LAS Atlas Atlantis, hypothetical ancient name of Eurasia, the
land along the very long mountain barrier from the Cantabrian Mountains in
northern Spain to the Himalayas in Asia. Atlas, the Greek god who carried the
sky on his neck and shoulders, obviously personified a high mountain. In
Switzerland we have a magnificient mountain group around the Aletsch, a
mountain and a glacier, the latter a world heritage site under the protection
of the Unesco. Geographical names in the region may be derivatives of LAD and
LAS: Lonza Lötsch- Lütsch- -letsch-, AD LAS Aletsch … The name of the Valais
south of the glacier means valley or dale, from DAL, inverse of LAD. In the
Valais we have the villages of Lax and Laden. ‘Las’ in the Upper Valais was the
word for water flowing down a mountain slope, akin to auslassen, let water flow
out. English let German lassen might be derivatives of LAD and LAS, remembering
the gods and goddesses who resided on hills and mountains and granted water,
letting it flow down the slopes. ‘Glacier’ might go back to the compound GO)
LAS or GOL LAS, meaning much as edible mountain, made of stone that can be
licked, melted and drunk, or used for cooking. From GOL LAS we easily get to
glass, a material resembling ice. While glaciers dominated the world of the Ice
Age hunters, shining surfaces of glass dominate the business world in our
modern metropoles. The beautiful new opera house in Helsinki, built of concrete
and glass, looks like an artificial iceberg …
EIS --- reality behind
all appearances, ideas and notions, idea of all ideas // ultimate reality
behind all apparent realities, possible origin of words meaning one, Swiss Eis,
ancient Greek heis, German Eins ein eine eines
BIR --- fur,
especially the fur on which a newborn was laid // being laid on fur was the
first event in life, origin of Albanian pare Sanskrit purva English first,
while Turkish bir means one
DPA --- floor, ground
// the world in which we live, realm of many appearances and phenomena, as
opposed to eis above; duality doubled and doubled again; possible origin of
English two and twice, close derivative Sanskrit dva for the female form of two
SEC --- safety
provided by a camp // a newborn needs a warm fur (first phase of a young life),
a child needs the safety of a camp (second phase of a young life), possible
origin of English second
AD DA --- toward (ad)
away from (da), to you from me, involving me and another person, possible
origin of English other German –ander, also of Italian andare ‘go’, going
toward a place coming from another place (while vado ‘I go’is a derivative of
pad for the activity of feet), also of Celtic ada ‘water’, a river flowing
toward the sea coming from a spring or well
TYR --- overcome (in
the double sense of rule and give), TYR --- triumph // a newborn needs a warm
fur, a child a save camp, and a boy and a girl in the third phase of their
young life must learn to survive and cope with all sorts of challenges,
possible origin of English three and third
KOD PIR --- hut (kod)
fire (pir) // fires burning around a camp, keeping wild animals at bay,
providing the dwellers of a camp with glowing coals for cooking and other
purposes, allowing orientation by night – we may assume four fires indicating
the cardinal directions, possible origin of English four and fourth, close
derivatives are Sanskrit catvaras ‘four’ and Lithaunian ketvirtas ‘fourth’
Five and fifth, six
(Italian sei) and sixth, seven and seventh, eight and eight, nine (Latin novem)
and nineth, ten and tenth, would come from the names of the months number 5 6 7
8 9 and 10 of the Late Magdalenian calendar: PAS SAI
DOK (example of a shifting word)
A passage from Mallory
and Adams 2006 (in a simplified notation by me): *h2/3éih1os and similar forms
mean ‘pole’ and ‘shaft’ in Slavic (e.g. Russian voje), Anatolian (Hittite
hissa- ‘pole, shaft, till for harnessing a draft animal to a cart’), and
Indo-Iranian (Avestan aesa- ‘pole-plough, pair of shafts’, Sanskrit isa ‘pole,
shaft’) but has shifted to nautical terminology in Germanic, e.g. New English
‘oar’, and Greek oieion ‘tiller, helm, rudderpost’.
Magdalenian offers DOK
--- poles used for making a tent or hut; ancient Greek dokos for rafter. DOK
and *h2/3éih1os may be compatible, the more so as German Deichsel ‘pole, shaft’
fits in between. The direct shifts from DOK to the above words would have followed
about these lines:
vok voje
dos hos hissa / aesa / isa
ok oar / oheion oieion
English pole comes
from POL DOK meaning fortified settlement (pol, Greek polis) made of poles (dok),
hypothetical name of a woodhenge, then used for the people gathering there,
English folk German Volk. POL PLO means a fortified settlement (pol) made in
the wattle-and-daub technique (plo, Greek plokos for wickerwork, texture) and
was then used for the dwellers, Old Latin poplo Latin populus Italian popolo
French peuple English people, whereas the old sense is kept in Spanish pueblo –
Pueblo Indians live in settlements made in the wattle-and-daub technique. Walls
made in this technique also require poles, perhaps made from vertical branches
of the poplar tree, Latin populus (long o).
Sitting at the dock of
the bay … (Otis Reding) … a dock was originally made of poles (dok) driven into
the (sea)ground. What about Latin docere English teach? We may assume that an
early teacher spoke on a lectern or a pulpit or from another elevated position
made of poles. English lectern contains )OG or LOG for the one who has the say.
English say German sagen comes from SIG that is also present in English sign.
SIG is the comparative form of DIG meaning finger (Latin digitus), also present
in German zeigen for to point out with a finger (Zeigefinger, in-dex,
in-dic-are), to show …
Light is both particle
and wave. PIE, as it were, understands words as phonetic ‘particles’, whereas
Magdalenian looks out for semantic ‘waves’ and their patterns left in the
verbal morphospace of the Eurasian languages that keep more information on the
past than previously held possible.
lascaux01.htm / lascaux02.htm / lascaux03.htm
/ lascaux04.htm / lascaux05.htm
Early calendars: calendar.htm
Lunisolar calendar of Lascaux, first
series of Magdalenian words, reconstructed in a more intuitive and playful way,
not always reliable: lascaux01.htm