Lascaux 23 – origin of Europa / end of
Mediterranean Bronze Age Š 2019 Franz Gnaedinger
origin of Europa
Linear A
tablet Hagia Triada 95 as
deciphered by Walther Hinz in the wake of Cyrus H. Gordon
(who was punished with an icy silence when he proposed that the language of
Linear A is Northwest Semitic at a symposium in London 1973) and Robert
Stieglitz and Jan Best, is highly informative, although being 'just' an
enumeration of cereals: on one side a list of cereals for the priests of Adu (Haddu Baal, later on
identified as Zeus), and the other side of cereals for the priestesses of Dadumatha, she loved by the master (Adu
Haddu Baal). Most interesting for me is the place
name Mi-Nu-The given as head of a bull for Mi, a visual pun of a bull leaper on feet hands feet for
Nu, and an abstract tree of life for The ...
The name Dadumatha was first read as da-du-ma-ta. Cyrus H. Gordon recognized
Ugaritic dd 'loved' in da-du. 'Loved by matha' ?
Made no sense. Ugaritic has d-d-m-sh for the goddess,
and Yigael Yadin found her
name in the form of d-d-y-m-sh on a Hebrew seal from
Tell Djemmeh (1960). Hence the final syllable was
pronounced tha, as in English (ta and tha are given by the same sign, and Hinz
remarks that Linear A and B were botched scripts). We have then ma-tha, she 'loved by matha'. Matha is known from Sinai inscriptions (published by Hinz in a journal). Semitic matha
means 'chief, lord, master'. Dadumatha was 'loved by
the master' a-du Haddu Baal (later on young god,
Minoan Zeus). The language of Linear A tablet Hagia Triada 95 is Northwest Semitic, as 'predicted' by Gordon.
The word
mi-nu-te means 'wheat from mu-nu-ti-um
Ugaritic mnt' better known as Ebla in Syria (some
sixty kilometers south of Aleppo), by then a fertile river oasis.
my development.
I read
mi-nu-te as 'wheat from Ebla' and Mi-Nu-The
as New Ebla in the West, kingdom of Minos, the kings called Minos residing at
Knossos. Minnith in Ezekiel 27:17 - "wheat of Minnith" - mentioned by Hinz
can't have been Ebla but was a further New Ebla, this time in the South, on the
fertile altiplano of Jordania.
Minoans came from Ebla. Mi-Nu-The is given much the
same way in Hieroglyphic Minoan, Linear A and Linear B
Mi head of a bull
visual pun a bull leaper, a young man or a girl on feet hands feet
a stylized tree of life
Mi-Nu-The on another Linear A tablet from Hagia Triada minos.jpg
MUC for bull, became Mi
NOS for mind, became Nu
(Greek nous)
SAI for life, became The
Baal rose
as golden calf = morning sun from the tree of life, while the Stone Age bull
was the moon (Marie E.P. Knig). The bull leaper
standing on his or her feet (before the bull) hands (on the bull) and feet
again (behind the bull) symbolizes astronomy, the art of calculating cycles of celestial
bodies. And the tree of life says that astronomy was vital for the seafaring
Minoans (as it had been for navigating the Syrian desert).
A lunisolar calendar is encoded in the myth of Minotaur in
the labyrinth (Linear B da-pu-ri-to)
of Knossos. A minotaur, half bull half man, was already known in Ebla.
New idea:
Ebla might perhaps go back to AC BLA, expanse of land with water AC black BLA
(inverse of white ALB), naming the fertile river oasis for its 'black earth',
parallel to misr 'black' that names Egypt as land of
the fertile river oasis. Ebla must have been equally fertile as the Nile Valley.
How sad
what happens in Syria now!
Ebla was
inhabited from 4000 BC till 700 AD, and Crete already in Neolithic times. The
Early Bronze Age of Ebla began in 2700 BC, the Early Minoan period somewhat
before 2600 BC. Ebla was engaged in long-distance trading. I guess they had an
outpost in Crete, which grew and grew, and was much enlarged when Sargon of
Akkad (or Naram-Sin) destroyed the palace of Ebla in
the 23rd century BC, followed by marauding Amurrites.
Ebla was
immensely rich. The kingdom might have extended as far as Damascus. Ebla in the
form of mu-nu-ti-um appears on a cuneiform document
from 2200 BC. Ugaritic has mnt. And New Ebla in the
West would have been called Mi-Nu-The, kingdom of
Minos, name and title of every Minoan king, rendered much in the same way in
Hieroglyphic Minoan, Linear A and B - as head of a bull for Mi,
visual pun of a bull leaper on feet hands feet for Nu, and a strongly stylized tree
of life for The. The persistence of this ensemble of signs over a long period of
time speaks for its importance.
the Minoans abandoned cuneiforms and invented a hieroglyphic script
which was later on developed into Linear A. Minoan Crete, laboratory of
early writing.
supreme weather god of the Hurrians was Teshup or Teshpak, the one of the
Semites Baal in the form of Haddu, mentioned as a-du
on the Linear A tablet Hagia Triada
95. Baal as Haddu was implored for rain. Who was Dadumatha, she loved by the master a-du Haddu
She might
have been the supreme Minoan goddess Britomartis,
implored for rain by the inscription on the altar stone of Mallia,
deciphered by Derk Ohlenroth:
May the goddess let it rain.
So the
cereals for Haddu and Dadumatha
listed up on HT95 should mollify him and her. Otherwise they might cause a
drought, and Britomartis turn into Lousia the Angry One, while Demeter-Elaia
from Phigalia turned into Black Demeter-Melaina who caused a famine, commemorated as Demeter Eryns by Pausanias, Demeter as one of the Furies.
Derk Ohlenroth
deciphered not only the Phaistos Disc and altar stone
inscription of Mallia but also the short inscription
on a bronze double axe from the cult cave Arkalochori
in Central Crete: I belong to the goddess Lousia.
Three signs correspond to Phaistos Disc hieroglyphs,
while one side of the disc is devoted to Demeter-Elaia
and her daughter Nyx who gave oracles.
All hangs
together, centered in agriculture, from a time when people could not just go a
few blocks down to a supermarket and get everything they needed.
the etymology of labyrinth given as da-pu-ri-to in Linear B led me to a Sumerian myth of creation in a
Babylonian version. The first people were immortal and procreated. Ever more
and more of them populated the earth and made such a racket that Enlil could no longer sleep. The gods decided to eliminate
the human race. Enlil created a horrible monster called
Labbu, a giant snake. Labbu
devoured most humans, and was such an awful beast that it was
feared by all gods. One of them succeeded in killing it, whereupon its
blood flew for several years. The mother-goddess was outraged because of the
almost complete extinction of humanity. Finally a compromise was reached. The
surviving humans were allowed to live on, but became mortal, so they would no
longer over-populate the world.
Labbu might account for laby-
dapu-. Now for -rinth
-rito. The closest match is Greek rhytaer 'archer; guard, protector'. Dragons lived in caves.
Many big caves are labyrinths of gangways. A labyrinth might originally have
been such a cave guarded by an imaginary dragon - a mini-Labbu,
as it were – whose evil breath might have been a
sulfuric gas emerging from a cleft in the rock. Consider also Hebrew laba for lava.
man-eating monster inhabited the labyrinth of Knossos, Minotaur.
the myth of Minotaur encodes a lunisolar calendar, and the labyrinth symbolizes
the complicated astronomical calculations carried out in offices of the
labyrinthic palace of Knossos.
also the Babylonian myth of Labbu was concerned about
time. As long as people were immortal, time was of no importance. But then Labbu ended their lives. And the final compromise: we are
given a limited lifetime.
Let us
make the best of it.
Daidalos (DAI for protected area) built a
labyrinth for the bull-man Minotaur (TOR for bull in motion). Every ninth year the
monster demanded seven virgins and seven young men. Theseus killed him and
freed the victims. Together they found a way out of the labyrinth following
Ariadne's thread.
This myth
encodes a complex and ingenious lunisolar calendar.
Minotaur of
the double nature embodies two periods of time, 9 and 235 lunations
or synodic months; king Minos 9 years; each of the seven virgins and seven
young men 19 days; and Theseus 19 years; while Ariadne's thread were additive
number sequences.
9 lunations
of Minotaur counted in the 30 29 30 mode yield 266 days
19 days for each of the seven
vigins and seven young men are again 266 days
– metaphorically
speaking they give their lives for the monster
9 years of king Minos are
seven regular years of 365 days plus two leap
of 366 days, in all 3,287 days, or 173 periods of 19 days – the king
the young ones to Minotaur every 9th year
19 years of Theseus are 235 lunations – thus he overcame the 235 lunations
One of
Ariadne's threads was a special number sequence correlating lunations
(l) and years (y)
37/3 99/8 136/11 235/19 371/30
37/3 was
used by the Celts (two years of 12 lunations plus one
leap year of 13 lunations). 99/8 underlies the
Lascaux calendar, and the dingir calendar of Sumer which also includes Venus. 235/19 is present in the
calendar of Knossos, and 371/30 in the calendar of Mallia.
Minoans believed in a giant subterranean bull causing earthquakes. Lord Evans
experienced a Cretan earthquake, heard the 'bull' bellow, and found the
metaphor adequate. Natural catastrophes were ascribed to monsters of many
guises, Labbu of Babylon a sea monster, serpent,
dragon, lion, all in one. What are now curious myths
had once been philosophy. Even science in the case of the
calendar of Minotaur.
The lunisolar calendar of Mallia is
encoded in the round stone kernos in a corner of the
royal court. Along the rim are 33 smaller cup marks plus a bigger one. Count 11
days for each smaller bowl, and 2 or 3 more days for the larger bowl, thus you
get a regular year of 365 and an occasional leap year of 366 days.
A Mallia week had 11 days and a month 33 days.
Count 19 lunations or synodic months in the 30 29 30 mode and you
get 561 days, or 51 Mallia weeks of 11 days, or 17 Mallia months of 33 days.
Ariadne's thread correlating lunations and years
37/7 99/8
136/11 235/19 371/30
was used for the Knossos calendar. Now let us look at 371/30 meaning that 371 lunations correspond to 30 years. Let us check this out.
Count 15
and 17 lunations in the 30 29 30 mode and you'll
obtain 443 and 502 days respectively. Then carry out the following additions
17 15 17 15 17 or 17 32 49 64
81 lunations
502 443 502 443 502 443 502
or 502 945 1477 1890 2392 days
81 64 64
64 49 49 sum 371 lunations
2392 1890 1890
1890 1447 1447 sum 10956
371 lunations are 10,956 days (not even four hours less, mistake
per lunation about half a minute).
Now for days in 30 years. Draw up
another additive number sequence
365/1 (plus 1461/4) 1826/5 3287/9 ... 9131/25
days for 19 years were used for the calendar of Minotaur. Let us add 1,826 and
9,131 days for 5 and 25 days. Together we have 10,957 days (not even seven
hours more, mistake less than thirteen minutes per year). A
close match to the 10,956 days for 371 lunations.
371 lunations correspond to 10,956 days or 996 Mallia weeks or 332 Mallia months.
Add one leap day and you have 10,957 days for 30 years.
The Mallia calendar worked for a nice round number of 30 years.
Maybe the
kernos represents a calendar sanctuary in form of a
ceremonial garden? connected with a mythical story
about vegetation?
A famous
and very beautiful fresco from the palace of Knossos europa1.jpg shows a proud bull before a night blue
background (rests of the original color) and three human figures demonstrating
the stages of bull leaping. A girl takes him by the horns, a young man turns a
somersault over him, and a second girl who landed safely behind him raises her
arms for keeping balance, in the joy that she succeeded, and ready to catch the
young man when he comes down. All three figures and the bull are shown in full
action while hovering in the sky.
Minoan sport of bull leaping symbolized Minoan astronomy, the art of
calculating celestial cycles. Look at the girl before the bull and draw a
horizontal line at her eye level --- the line will appear as horizon, and the
perfect arc of the upper curve of the bull' neck as full moon rising above the horizon europa2.jpg
OC means right eye, inverse CO means attentive mind, ORI means horizon, the
permutation OIR means to watch the moon rise above the horizon, AIR means to
raise the arms in joy. These words and meanings (mined in 2005/06) are a
perfect match for the girls in the fresco
she watches the moon rise over the horizon OIR
with open eyes OC and focused mind CO
she raises her arms in joy AIR
with open eyes OC and focused mind CO
bull leaping was also a symbol of the human condition. AD TOR OC CO, toward AD the
bull in motion TOR with open eyes OC and focused mind CO – facing the
bull, taking him by the horns, coping with fate ... AD TOR OC CO Mycenaean atoroqo Greek anthropos 'human
OC CO oqo opos opsis
– a phonetic shift allowing the asummption
OIR OC OC Europa
Europa means 'Far Looking One' or 'Wide Looking One'. Astronomers watching the
moon and observing the sky look far and wide.
origin of Europa would then have been Minoan astronomy that came from Ebla in
end of Mediterranean Bronze Age
Where did
the Luvians come from? Let me propose a hypothesis
based on place names.
Wilusa (W)Ilios
Ilion (Homeric Troy)
POL means
a fortified settlement (Greek polis Latin villa French ville),
and LAS a hill, or a mountain in what I call 'attention perspective': a hill
heightened by an awe and fear inspiring cyclopic
wall. Homer's Polyphem – a famous cyclops who resembled more a wooded mountain top than a man
who eats bread – symbolizes Troy, his one eye the acropolis overlooking
the wide river plain, his body downtown Troy VIIa
that provided protected shelter for 5,000 – 10,000 people.
Taruwisa Troy
TYR means
to overcome in the double sense of rule and give, and PAS everywhere (in a
plain), here, south and north of me, east and west of me. Troy dominated a
crossing point of important trade ways (S-N and E-W), and was protected from
above by TYR SsEYR Sseus
Zeus who ruled everywhere PAS. According to Homer, Zeus and Athene
had once been on the Trojan side.
KOD DhAG AS Hattusas (Hattushas)
KOD means
tent, hut; several Sanskrit derivatives name strongholds. DhAG means able, here a massive
stronghold able to hold up all enemies (except an inner usurpator
who caused the fall of the mighty Hittite empire). And AS means upward,
up above. Together a really strong fortress on top of a hill
or mountain.
named Athene as Pallas Athene.
LAS POL might have named the Luvian language, luwili
POL LAS Wilusa
LAS POL luwili ?
POL Wil- LAS -lusa
a language spoken by people residing in a
palace on top of a hill or mountain around 1600 BC ? how
about Erzurum at the base of the Palandken daglari
POL LAS DhAG Palandk- ??
Also the Hatti people or Hittites came a long way, from somewhere in
the East and/or North. Their last station before Hattusas
(Hattushas) had been Nesa Kltepe Kanish Kayseri.
Manfred Korfmann, late excavator of Troy, was convinced that the
Trojans had been Luvians.
antagonist of Troy was Ahhiyawa (Akhiyawa
or Achijawa) Achaia, identified as the Peloponnese
with Mycene. Its name could go back to AChI AD DA, swelling river AChI
plus the generic river formula AD DA for water flowing toward AD the sea while
coming from DA hills or mountains. This would go along with AChI
)EI or AChI LEi Achilles, comparing the fiercest Greek warrior to a
river tsunami, swelling water attacking with the vehemence of a lion.
Arzawa has been located in Lydia, western
Anatolia, and was previously called Luwija, land of
the Luvians. The origin of the name Arzawa might have been ARC AD DA, again the polished river
formula AD DA -awa, this time combined with a bear
ARC (originally a cave bear, then Greek arktos for
bear). German has brenstark 'strong like a bear',
and reissen 'rip, tear' for both a predatory animal
killing a prey, eine Beute reissen, and a torrential river, ein
reissender Fluss. If this
etymology holds, also the Luvians had been fierce
Now the
question is: where did the Luvians come from? did they cross the Dardanelles? or
did they come a long way from the East? maybe passing Erzurum
and the Dalandken daglari?
moving and spreading in a wide arc around Hittite
territory? finally reaching and overtaking Troy? or just blending in?
had been attacked by the waves of the river Scamander, a river called Xanthos by the gods. Greek xanthos
named all hues of copper ore, yellow brown reddish, hence the river attacking
Achilles was the Trojan army, soldiers clad in copper and bronze armaments. And
this confirms AChI )EI or AChI LEI Achilles, comparing the fierce warrior to a river tsunami
striking with the vehemence of a lion – Achilles met his equal.
Tiryns, hero of the Phaistos Disc, Lord Laertes in HomerŐs Odyssey,
was the mythological father of Odysseus whose name might go back to AD DA SAI, again the generic
river formula AD DA but now followed by SAI for life, together life along
rivers, or life as river I the sense of the title of a French film: La vie est une longue fleuve tranquille, life is a long
and tranquil river. But not always! A river can swell and flood a plain.
Odysseus – 'if there ever was such a manŐ (Homer) – got angry,
Greek odyssomai Ôbe angryŐ.
What was
the reason of his anger? The Mycenaean tin came from Central Asia and was bound
to pass the Dardanelles where the Trojans laid hands on the precious cargo -
abducting Helen of the white arms, Homeric personification of tin, her husband xanthos Menelaos the symbol of
copper, and their daughter lovely Hermione who resembled golden Aphrodite the
symbol of bronze, alloy of copper and tin, of a golden shine when freshly cast.
Abducting beautiful Helen means confiscating tin destined for Mycenae which led to a series of incidents that culminated
in the Trojan War.
Polyphem is the Homeric symbol of Troy VIIa, his one eye the acropolis overlooking the river
plain, his body downtown Troy, his cave the harbor in the Besik
bay, his goats and sheep foreign ships, and their milk high fees foreign
sailors had to pay for waiting in the harbor until a favorable wind came up.
The Greek
ships were horses, resting in the mouthing area of the Simois
and Scamander, mosquito infested swamps explaining the
malaria episode in the Iliad.
The war
dragged on. Then wily Odysseus had an idea. He let a seemingly abandoned ship
drift along the Aegean shore and pass the Besik bay. The
guards of the harbor hauled it in - whereupon hidden Achaean soldier leapt out
and took the guards by surprise. The castel, some
three kilometers away, was alarmed. The Trojan army sped to the harbor.
Meanwhile Achaean archers hiding near the stronghold shot fire arrows over the cyclopic wall and burned down the acropolis –
blinding Polyphem, as it were.
and Apollo got so angry that they made the Simois and
Scarmander swell and sweep away all vestiges of the
Greek camps, as related in the middle of the Iliad, end of book 12.